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Everything posted by PaulThePlug

  1. Just picked up an(other) Ibanez SR... SR400B-CW... 2015 Reg, and my googling and perusing of the Ibanez US and EU Brochures, have drawn me to the conclusion that this was a US model... So not Rare as such, more Less Familiar... Claro Walnut (CW) top on Mahogany body, SR4 Neck Maple and Rosewood, Rosewood Board. Needs a good clean and hopefully i can restore some luster to the top and headstock.
  2. Ikea near you?.. wood dowls in the fittings boxes...
  3. Ah... the BTB IronLabel isn' a Fan-Fret... https://www.ibanez.com/eu/products/detail/btb625ex_1p_03.html
  4. Fighting... I'm still waiting on the pics. @koby 74 - welcome to the forum SR or BTB? I loves an SR... For me they are the ultimate body shape, necka and tidiest headstock... available at a multitude of price points and some of the wood finishes... wow. Get some pics up... Here, on the 'Black Bass' thread and The 'Ibanez Porn' Thread
  5. Disco-Kaine - Spliff Quite a Tubes vibe... German Session Lot.
  6. Enough... but not saying it's my last, as it isn't an SR30TH4
  7. Ibby SR... #5... I know, again... But i does like em...
  8. ...clearly... you are a robot...
  9. Down With The Sickness - Disturbed... Sickness has returned... Ooh Wah Ah Ah Ah.. Gonna get told off, so soon after the EDB700... but... but... but... Birthday?
  10. They gonna swap or refund? Souldn't be £37 short for 3mm long! At least that explains things...
  11. I'd check the measurements, string, box, website... Possible an over-long rogue set? Is there a difference in length to the old set, or just how they are (or not) tuning up? - Gauge Change?
  12. I'd go wood... softer than the body and neck... more of a compression deform 'Gasket' rather than a harder wood or plastic that would be more 'Spacer'... Also don't like or see the need for the plastic shield on a neck plate.
  13. The neck on mine (Aria Pro II) was defo more Jazz... 38mm at the nut. And with 60mm at the bridge, quite a taper...
  14. Nut can usually accommodate a little change, as brands may also differ in thickness... So if you have gone from a std 45-65-85-105 Rounds to say a 45-65-80-100 Flats... Check for a twisted string, do you wind a wind round the peg by hand, this can introduce a twist... slacken off a string, pull down to the bridge and see if you can un-turn half a turn at the ball end... Witness points, tune- up and a light press - lighter with flats - at the bridge and nut contact points. Saddles, got any silk over the saddle? If the above don't fix it, trip back with a razor blade, although this may expose a rough join...
  15. Sweet Short Scale Project for the winter nights... cheeky £50 offer? https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/151463874705573
  16. I think the BBOT bridge on my Aria Jazz Modder is 20... certainly feels wider than the norm.. i'll check and get some dim's as dunno if the back 5 screws are F spaced, although it has 2 up front... Little grooves for the saddles... I can do a bridge swap or cheap £ to just replace... postage?
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