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Everything posted by PaulThePlug

  1. 1st Pic... Mmmm Mint Choc Chip... But in one of those fancy waffle cones...
  2. Affinity P w/ Kent Armstrong PBV and Artec QTP - Plain 'n simple. Now with a BWB and Hi Mass
  3. BINKY!... Did you draw that Cõck'nBalls?...
  4. ...and don't forget to add a set of the Harley B Flats...
  5. Apologies... a quip - bassed(!) on the P Bass Baseball Bat Neck, 42mm v's sleeker 38mm Jazz neck, with a nod to the pounds lost, and acknowledgment of their mental health struggles... dark humour and no malice meant.
  6. One Rag White Vinegar Solution or hot soapy water, i'd go hand soap not washing up liquid... one rag of plain water to rinse... Anything else might go sticky on some plastic or rubber type covering.
  7. Volume... Blend... Artec QTP (Quad Tone Passive) Tone Switch... Spare Hole... Some shorter bridge adjust screws from Spaldings (ebay) to save ya wrist!
  8. Naptha... hard to find so i'd go with Lighter Fuel... It's refined and evaporates without a residue... or Isopropyl Alcohol
  9. Even if not from scratch, @Andyjr1515 can help realise your dreams...
  10. One step on... the drum thingy on the Zoom B1On, on a basic pattern just gives a little accent...
  11. Perhaps the frets just need a little re-seating? A press with the correct cure blocks... presume ya man tried that?
  12. I'm a fan of Adagio and Olympia strings... I have Budget Rounds and Flats on Bass and Guitar, Acoustic and Electric... As all my Bass and Guitars are cheapies..
  13. Any info Blah Blah on the back? Packaging looks very Olympia. Stainless Steel? http://olympiakorea.cafe24.com/wp/?cat=80
  14. Take the pick guard off instead... go on, and post a pic... for more of that lovely natural wood... if ya fussy on the screw holes, fit a clear guard.
  15. Squier... and an excuse to post this again... It's lovely...
  16. Go Double Sided Tape for a while... Pick it up, play it, put it down, pick it up... where do your hands and fingers naturally fall?.. Yes or No? Most seem to get taken off... wonder why?
  17. Something like this... https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/185067390161?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=AaiDcUAhRkW&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=daj_hJ6fSo-&var=692837757519&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
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