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Everything posted by PaulThePlug

  1. According to the manual you can copy a patch...
  2. Another one if those bands where the good stuff isn't always the single release or greatest hits...
  3. ^ Any extra routing would be under the plate... so it would only take a new plate for the extra pickup and control... VVT or VBT. Nice idea! Or get a PJ and go the whole hog of a JPJ with a Strat 5 way switch!
  4. ...my long throw horns playin' Steely Dan...
  5. Is it me, or does the body's neck pocket look curved to the necks square heel?
  6. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/304727002161?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=8JuY2O8eSVO&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=daj_hJ6fSo-&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  7. @gafbass02 Having another look... the extra shaping of the fretboard end at the neck heel... are you sure it's a SR500 and not an SR600?
  8. I'd drop a line to Ibby @ Headstock distribution... It would be tempting to move each saddle block 5mm forward! Not a fan of the Mono rail look, underdstand for a 5 for Fan Fret... But on a std 4 nothing to be gained, if not bang on with gaps can look odd... Would a std 4 bridge, in the right place cover all the holes, although the SR bridges are usually sunk in to the body.
  9. Thats different! Looks like the E and G should go tother side of the peg... And thats a mighty pointy headstock, could have some ones eye out! Is the headstock different colouring down to lighting or a reflection?
  10. Like the natural... and no tort! But 31% fee! Burlimey...
  11. "Tell me baby what do you see?"... I say "Cor baby that's really free".…
  12. And another shout for the Sennies HD206... I'd start there. Vox amplugs and the like arn't all that and break, so don't bother and save that cash... Uf thats the sort of thing you are after the EHX Hradphone amp is basic but metal and bomb proof. Or Look out for a Zoom B1on or Zoom B1Four...
  13. I'm thinking of writing a little ditty called 'Black Friday'...
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