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henry norton

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Everything posted by henry norton

  1. [quote name='deanbean502' post='1232040' date='May 15 2011, 03:52 PM']Guys your input is needed Im looking for a short scale bass and i am torn between a Fender Mustang and the Gibson SG of which Im yet to play I did play the mustang and although i liked i found the neck got a little sticky after a while. I have looked at the Gibson and found they have two models, one with dot markers and the other with pearl inlays am i right in thinking the only difference between the two is the fret markers? Im just after other peoples view and opinions really, have you ever owned either? let me know what you think[/quote] If you're prepared to stretch to a new SG bass you might stretch a bit further to a custom short scale [url="http://www.landingbass.com/New%20Main%20Page.html"]Landing Bass[/url] or a [url="http://www.birdsongguitars.com/"]Birdsong[/url]. Just a thought.... Bear in mind a Mustang is a budget bass so won't have fantastic hardware, pickup etc. although they've always played pretty well in my experience. The Gibson basses have always been a bit of a law unto themselves so I would definitely try before I buy, but if you like them (I do) there's nothing else that looks, feels or sounds quite the same.
  2. Good thread, shows how difficult it is to listen without prejudice. I still think difference in sound is more to do with players reacting differently to different instruments. For example most players would like playing the latest US standard Jazz more than playing a Squier Affinity Jazz. They believe it's a better instrument so tend to play better or at least think it sounds better. The solid hardware, nicely rolled fret edges and 'Made in the USA' transfer will only bolster these opinions - likewise when everyone is saying maple is brighter players will either dig in more, play higher up the board and nearer the bridge or just kid themselves they can tell the difference for fear of being labelled tone and timbre deaf.
  3. Cool, mystery solved. I don't much like the way it's been done but if it had a slab body, dots, bbot, and a different shaped scratchplate I might just be into it big time. I wonder if they used original CuNiFe magnet pickups or did they have to use Squier VM's?
  4. [url="http://guitarras-fender.com/guitarras/vintage-bass-fender-telecaster-bass/"]Never Seen One Of These Before[/url] Ignoring the information on the website, has anyone seen a two pickup 70's Tele bass before? The Badass, contoured body, blocked & bound board make me think this is a bitsa one off. I've been a bit obsessed with Wide-Range equipped Tele basses lately, probably due to my 2 decade relationship with Precisions mixed up with my more recent discovery of old Gibson EB-0s.
  5. Fender Fender Fender - hasn't anyone heard of Gibson, or Rickenbacker? Oh, their necks don't bolt on do they... Anyway, I'm building a nice 2 piece maple fretless neck, that is, maple neck block with a seperate maple fingerboard attached (cut from the same slab of wood in this case), in order so's you don't get an unsightly skunk stripe down the back. It's to replace, or supplement a fairly valuable Precision maple fretted that has crossed that magic Fender line between plain 'old and not very good' to 'just a bit older and therefore classic and untouchable/unchangeable (there's usually an "amazing" thrown into the description at some point too)'. The board will have the uber-tight 7.25 inch classic Fender radius, just to make it more difficult for me to float the 1mm epoxy coating on the top. Here's a picture of the big slab of maple it started out as plus a pic of the neck with 2 way rod installed and fingerboard machined and matched ready to glue up. I've done a bit more but haven't taken any more pictures so watch out for the next episode.
  6. Either you've got a very big house or a very sympathetic partner I'd love to take a close look at those sometime - I've not had much experience playing or repairing ply, except Chinese stuff and from what I've heard, the difference between Chinese and classic ply is like chalk and cheese.
  7. I bought one of the earlier Korean made Epi EB-0s, which is very nicely made and as the neck is mahogany it balances much better than the later, Chinese made EB-0s, which were maple, adding more or less a pound to the weight of the neck alone, obviously making neck dive much worse. It was pretty much a one sound bass so in the end I bought a second hand US Mudbucker, swapped it with the original, not so powerful, not so muddy Epi pickup, which I duly installed in the bridge position. It sounds really good now, you can play anything from dub to funly slap, depending on what type of strings are fitted. The bog standard, plain EB-0 is a good bass in itself so long as you like the one main sound it gives you, and because the pickup isn't so hot as an original Gibson, I'd say it's probably a bit more versatile than a single pickup Gibson EB.
  8. [quote name='ironside1966' post='1228891' date='May 12 2011, 03:55 PM']I have a Squier deluxe 5 jazz bass, although it is a great bass it sounds dull and insipid. When I checked them out on you tube most of the basses sound completely different to mine. The first thing I thought of was new strings so I have a set of D’addario nickel wound bright but the bass still sounds dull, even when played acoustically the bass is dull compared to my other instruments? Is it worth investing in new pickups or dose the sound need to be there in the first place, EQ will not give me the sound that I want.[/quote] Well for a start nickel strings won't be as bright and lively as stainless. I've never had a problem with D'addarios before but I've certainly been disappointed with how dull and lifeless Rotosounds can sound straight out the packet. Maybe you could buy one or two individual strings just to check out the difference rather than have to shell out for an entire set, that way you might just find the sound you're looking for. I always thought Bass Centre strings were good and bright and lasted well, but I'm sure there's plenty of people on here with a better idea of what's bright and what's not. I use flats more than I use rounds these days so I would probably like the sound of your Jazz as it is New (or at least better quality) pickups will undoubtedly improve your amplified sound but won't do much to change the sound unplugged, unless the current pickups are so close to the strings the magnets are choking them. They'd have to be pretty close though. An over shimmed neck can bugger the sound up too, although again, that's not very likely in your case.
  9. [quote name='Dave Vader' post='1227280' date='May 11 2011, 12:06 PM']Had looked at the DM model 1, the others also look promising, might have to stop giving a toss about how it looks (like usual) and might bite the bullet and get them Nordstrand Big Singles I've had my eye on.[/quote] Considering your issues with 'bog standard' pickup shapes, bear in mind the Nordstrand Big Singles are basically soapbars but with exposed pole pieces stuck at a jaunty angle. They are very cool though. I've had big issues with off the shelf pickups. Building classic looking basses, finding chrome covers is very difficult unless you go for the boutique stuff, all of which pushes into megabucks. And why don't DiMarzio make a chrome covered Model1????? It's enough to make you want to build your own........
  10. How about DiMarzio Model 1 for a mudbucker shaped replacement, Schaller HB for narrower, gibson spaced 4 strings in a standard guitar humbucker casing, Rio Grande Pit Bull, much the same but in chrome without adjustable pole pieces. They're all about the 50-60 quid mark (the Rio might be a bit more) but much less than boutique pickups like Darkstars.
  11. [quote name='charic' post='1225225' date='May 9 2011, 04:52 PM']You should use 3 p pickups 1 for each of the 2 strings [/quote] Ha! Yeah I wondered about that - it would look well space-age but wouldn't be hum cancelling anymore
  12. [quote name='steve-bbb' post='1224769' date='May 9 2011, 09:32 AM']well the guys at specialised cutting have told me they cut wood and mdf all the time and it isnt a problem - i will check some samples with them first - we have a good local plastics company where i can get a plexiglass template lasercut for hand routing but also trying to search out a cAD/CNC router solution (hopefully that might be cheaper than the watercut too?!)[/quote] I'd just be a bit wary, that's all. I've had novelty wood samples sent to me from abrasive water jet cutters before but for a nice guitar body I would rather go for a dry option like CNC milling or, like you said, getting a template made (laser cut MDF is pretty good, unfortunately it scorches and doesn't go deep enough for doing an entire body). That said, if you're prepared to route around a template would you be prepared to go a step further and make the template itself using a jigsaw, sandpaper and a bit of 12mm MDF from Wickes???
  13. [quote name='Rasta' post='1224242' date='May 8 2011, 05:34 PM']Hi, I am getting more adventurous with my latest build project and am thinking of purchasing an unfinished All parts P neck and applying my own decal. I am trying to replicate a 77 P bass with that vintage look on the neck - any suggestions on how i can do this, admittedly i am clueless at DIY. Can i get vintage tint spray to do the job, if so where from & how much? Is it a big job? Any suggestions on aging the neck or relic look???? Thanks for any replies [/quote] Manchester Guitar Tech do a nice range of vintage tinted cellulose lacquer in aerosols you can spray in your garden shed without killing yourself. They also have a good 'how to' page.
  14. [quote name='steve-bbb' post='1223375' date='May 7 2011, 05:23 PM']ok so first steps under way - visitto the local timber merchants (morgans of strood) where we confirmed that it is elm - planed down from 50mm to finished body thickness of 42mm - the grain looks ... well see for yourself! the vinyl template is missing the lower cutaway but at this stage its purely for positioning the cutting template guide so that i can lose that little dark knot in the bridge pickup cavity! next stage this week is off to specialized-cutting in strood with my slab of elm and a dxf file on memory stick to get the outline water-jet cut[/quote] Lookin' good. Are you sure an abrasive water jet is the way to go with your lovingly seasoned chunk of elm though? The wood would have to stay under the jet for a fair while for it to make it all the way through, which means more contact with the water. It won't 'unseason' it as such but water in any quantity is a no-no when it comes to well seasoned wood, so I would have thought a high pressure jet of it would only be worse. Couldn't you take your chunk and DXF to a place with a CNC router, or even have an MDF template laser cut then using it with a hand held router?
  15. I've got a fretless P-6 pencilled in once I've finished the billion other things I've got to do, although mine will have an epoxied maple board. I'm looking forward to seeing this progress although I'm not sure I'd have your patience. But tell me this, who is winding your custom pickup for you? I know EMG and Bill Lawrence do 6 string P pickups but they're both set in standard width covers (you just offset them more), but I'm after a proper 3-a-side split coil - is this what you're going for?
  16. Aww Man, I wish I had a customer like you - seven basses from the same custom builder??? I wish....
  17. [quote name='wesfinn' post='1221160' date='May 5 2011, 04:19 PM']yes Gil Yaron! he is a master! He's also a very nice guy as he has given me some info and advice over email when i started doing the repro thing. The 1" neck depth is because I am a Precision player and no matter how much I try I can't get on with a thin neck profile on a Jazz! I did say I wouldn't be building from scratch and this is still true...I just started this over a year ago and have been to busy to finish it haha.[/quote] So do the extra few millimeters make enough of a difference to you? I must admit I was fascinated by Gil's super thick Jazz neck but haven't got around to trying it yet.
  18. [url="http://gilyaronguitars.com/page10.php?view=thumbnailList&category=11"]Here it is.....[/url]
  19. I remember a build thread on another forum (Talkbass maybe?) by an Israeli luthier making a Jazz with a 1" neck depth. He did the clay dots and stuff like you do along with some slightly questionable techniques like matching wood blanks using a tuning fork! Do you know the chap I mean? The bass looked fantastic when it was finished and it got me thinking a 1" neck depth could persuade a few more Precision players to pick up a Jazz width neck. I never liked the skinny feel of Jazz necks but maybe the extra meat on these specials might persuade even me to put down my beloved Precision. BTW, I saw on another thread you're not building basses from scratch any more. Why the change of direction - if I'm not being too nosy???
  20. Could you do a compromise between designs b&c so you've got protection for the tuners without the body looking like it's been cut in half. Lookin' good though - as I've said before, it's nice to see something original like this, ie a bass that isn't a Fender clone or an exotic wood, extended range 'superbass'.
  21. [quote name='untune' post='1180599' date='Mar 29 2011, 12:23 PM']Funnily enough I'd checked both of those options out, but to be honest the price is just rediculous... I mean, $185 for an empty chrome cover? I could probably smelt one from gold for cheaper than that I've pondered the option of having something made, it's a bit awkward though as if you look at the picture, the gap between the actual route on the left side and the scratchplate screw is tiny, so chrome rings are out of the question unless they're more Thunderbird style with the thin lip at the sides... I had a thought when looking at the darkstar thouh... perhaps it would be possible to have a thin flat chrome cover that is almost vaccuum formed to the shape of a soapbar with a tiny lip round the edges, with a hole in the top you can see the black plastic through. Then it could sit over the top of a soapbar and would look a bit darkstar-esque, only without pole pieces. Did you get hold of any chrome covers? The only alternative I found was that Artec make a chrome coated plastic soapbar. These are fitted as standard in BaCH Thunderbird copies, so I emailed them to see if they'd sell them individually as I've heard that it's supposed to be a pretty solid pickup. They replied with a very enthusiastic yes but they said they were waiting for more stock, so I'm not going to hold my breath...[/quote] Not as yet as I've had about a million other things to do including chrome covers for DiMarzio Model Ones (like the big Gibson Mudbucker but with 8 adjustable pole pieces instead of 4 which unfortunately only comes in matt black). In the end I thought I would have a go at getting them made myself, both the T.Birds and the Model Ones. You're right in that it's a huge amount of money for just a chrome cover and I know there's a cheaper and more local way. At the moment I'm looking at a jeweller friend running off a few in very thin brass then getting them chromed. It's a slow burner but I can keep you posted if you want.
  22. [quote name='untune' post='1172431' date='Mar 22 2011, 08:46 PM']Hi all... People may have gotten used to me prattling on about bits for my project lately - specifically in the case of soapbars and humbuckers and the like. Well anyways, just so people are aware that it's not all in my head I thought I'd share a quick picture that the luthier sent across this weekend. I've always been a sucker for stuff that looks individual or unique and thought a bass would be a nice project to keep me busy. I spent a few weeks designing a custom jazz bass after seeing the Mark Hoppus signature, and fancied one with a single humbucker in the mid/neck position and nothing at the bridge, with a once piece jazz pickguard. Not being a fan of Hoppus in the slightest, however, I gradually changed it bit by bit to put a some distance between them and make something a bit more unique. I think I went through every possible combination of jazzmaster, jazz and precision scratchplates on a jazz body before I finally settled on something while I was trying to track down a neck. I eventually managed to sort one through a contact on BC and at the last minute decided that if I wanted a jazz, I could get a Squier CV or something. If I was going to lay down some real cash on something custom (suppose I can call it a bit of a treat for myself as uni is finishing soon and I've not spent a considerable sum on a 'luxury' item for myself since I was working full time, about 4 years ago) then I'd go for something more outlandish. Anyways, I knocked up a design in a night and pretty much settled on it when a mate threatened to terminate our friendship if I didn't get it made. Alas, this is the design... it's probably going to be a bit of a marmite one this. I always liked the telemaster guitar but being rubbish on guitar, I'll never own or have need for one. My original plan was to do all the painting myself, but working out what I'd need to spend on a mask etc, paints, supplies, plus not having anywhere decent to do any painting... I decided to have it finished properly. It's going to be slightly off white, sortof an aged olympic white. That wasn't really factored in so I'm going to be selling a guitar to pay for the finishing, but I don't play it anyway. So yeah, here you go. All I'm missing parts wise are a set of tuners, straplocks and a pickup. I also have no electronics yet, aside from a tasty PIO cap from nick It's routed for a standard 4 string humbucker the same size as an EMG35 or a Seymour Duncan SSB-4. I'm just not a fan of the EMG tone. I'd LOVE a chrome pickup like a 60's Thunderbird but you can't have it all.... I'll eventually get something made but for now something cheap and cheerful might do the trick. I wanted a Wizard but according to Andy the 4 string GEM is too wide...[/quote] If it's routed for an EMG35 then you could go for this [url="http://www.fretsonthenet.com/other_parts.htm"]EMG/Duncan chrome covers[/url] I discovered them whilst looking for the same thing as you, chrome covers for soapbar pickups (it's a long page so scroll down to near the bottom). They aren't cheap but the bass will look the bo##ocks. Or the Mike Lull T.Bird Repros [url="http://www.mikelull.com/t%20bass%20parts.htm"]Lull pickups[/url] although they're even more money than the Darkstar you were hankering after
  23. [quote name='Lozz196' post='1179143' date='Mar 28 2011, 10:21 AM']As the above, re Maple Necks. Am sure this has been covered before, but I have three US Fender Precisions, and my maple-necked bass is far "toppier" than the other two, and seems to have less bottom end as a result. All three are standard spec, no different pickups/bridges/strings etc. Has anyone else found this? Quick edit - I mean maple neck with maple fretboard, as oppose to maple neck with rosewood fretboard.[/quote] Why don't you try swapping the maple neck onto one of your darker sounding Ps and seeing whether it makes such a difference when you're comparing just the neck rather than a maple board [i]with[/i] a different body and possibly different magnets/windings/capacitors? All you need is 5 minutes with a cross head screwdriver and you might just be able to answer the big question for allot of people on here. It would be even better if you could get someone else to change the necks over and play them to you unseen so you're listening without prejudice
  24. Have a look at the Nash Guitars website too - they specialise in making 'aged' Fenders and they look pretty good if you like that kind of thing. [url="http://www.nashguitars.com/the_guitars.html"]Here it is![/url] I must admit I used to think playing reliced instruments was a bit like wearing a fake Rolex but I've come round to appreciating having something that I'm not aversed to chucking in the back of my car or leaning up against my amp from time to time. Horses for courses I s'pose
  25. so can you tell us a bit more about it; hardware etc? Some pictures would be nice too
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