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Baloney Balderdash

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Everything posted by Baloney Balderdash

  1. Judge for yourself, this is a great demo of the DiMarzio Model P compared to a regular stock vintage voiced Fender P pickup:
  2. No, but I do have eyes and ears, can count and read, know my personal preferences, and have first hand experience with other Harley Benton and Fender basses and guitars. I don't know how you come to that conclusion from what I wrote in that reply you quote me for, I even wrote: "...I couldn't live with effectively only having 17 frets available, because of the poor upper fret access of the Fender, plus I would prefer the flatter 12" radius fretboard of the Harley Benton...", implying that I own neither.
  3. If Fender favoritism met with objectivity to you equals Fender negativity then I guess you would be right...
  4. My inner gramma nazi twitches... Also I don't entirely agree, though that might be down to technique. I use a very light touch, more so stroking the strings than really striking or pulling them. And I find that while finger plucking does give a somewhat softer and more natural attack for sure in my experience if anything it makes the bass not cut quite as easily through in a mix as that specific snappy emphasis of the attack that you get from using a pick, it might make the bass sit more naturally in a mix though, depending, at very least in the context of less aggressive music. Also there is just something very rewarding in the feeling of having direct contact with the strings, something about the immediate response of it.
  5. Yeah, I couldn't live with effectively only having 17 frets available, because of the poor upper fret access of the Fender, plus I would prefer the flatter 12" radius fretboard of the Harley Benton too. Also tuners, pickups and bridge looks good, just because it doesn't look like an original Fender Mustang doesn't mean it looks bad or wrong aesthetically, cause it really doesn't, and it doesn't have to look identical either, just some people who can't handle that it doesn't look like they are used to (and I bet some people would complain if it looked too much like an original Mustang too). As far as I am concerned the Harley Benton is an improvement of the classic Fender Mustang design in almost every possible aspect.
  6. I know this goes completely against what I earlier stated in this thread, but as I think I did mention is that I now mainly use my fingers, and because of that, despite mentioning earlier in this thread that I failed to see the point with such, I just ordered 3 pieces of respectively a 3.1mm and 5mm respectively soft and hard Wedgie rubber pick, to experiment with getting a finger plucking sound out of a pick. Like these: This was the only European shop I could find that caries them: https://schneidermusik.de/shop/en/search?sSearch=wedgie+pick
  7. And much, much better upper fret access, and in my personal opinion looks better too. Proper contoured body as well. The Harley Benton, hands down! And that even if they had been similar priced. Likely similar, in fact even more likely better quality than the double priced Fender too (have you seen their many times more expensive quality control joke of a gold fool bass?). I am not going to pay for a "name" on the headstock (which is very likely all you actually pay more for in this case), and definitely not "Fender".
  8. Only one of those is actually an input, that'll be the "Echo Return" socket. The remaining 3 are all output sockets. And only one way to know for sure: Try it out! You are not going to blow up the amp.
  9. Elixir string tension chart nickel-plated bass strings: Elixir string tension chart stainless steel bass strings: String tension calculator, based on D'Addario strings: https://wahiduddin.net/calc/calc_guitar_tension_from_size.htm
  10. You forgot to mention the secret "all buttons pressed=both pickups in series" mode. But congratulations. These seem, look and sound like cool, super fun and nice basses.
  11. Also, the Effects Return on most amps, and certainly is in your case, is essentially exactly the same as a poweramp input, and hooking a preamp up to a poweramp is basically exactly how regular amps, including yours, work, so you are doing exactly the right thing, as it seems like you prefer your tube preamp pedal, rather than your tube preamp pedal into your amp's tube preamp section. Also like this whether you turn up your preamp pedals master volume or the amp's master volume will do the exact same thing, letting more signal into the poweramp section, hence raising the volume, it doesn't matter which you use, as long as you don't let more power into your poweramp than it can handle, which though won't damage your amp either, just likely not sound good, which though is simply fixed by turning down a bit till it sounds good again.
  12. You don't like the tone of your bass but you don't like to change it, one of those got to change, can't have both. One is reality the other is an idea. You have to make a decision which you want to stick to. Fantasy, and live with a less than ideal tone for you, or reality, and accept you'll have to change the tone of your bass for it to... well, change? Is the result more important to you than your odd ideals, or is sticking your odd ideals more important to you than the actual result.
  13. Certainly more solemn and prodigious than the names of my basses: My main Ibanez Mikro Bass: "Dud Bottomfeeder" And my Harley Benton GuitarBass (take on the Fender Bass VI concept): "The Noodle"
  14. Can't say I am any big fan of Mötley Crüe, or hair metal in general for that matter, but that bass looks pretty freaking awesome!
  15. My own take on the blues (not strictly traditional though), a guitar solo played on top of a backing track, which was a challenge on a guitar forum some time ago (that means backing track is not by me, guitar, vocal and production is):
  16. Right, I wasn't thinking that properly through. Thanks for correcting me.
  17. Rather than only using half of the dual voice coil couldn't it be a case of either using the dual coil in respectively parallel and series mode of the two coils, seems to make the most sense to me?
  18. I just use the build in HPF fixed at 40Hz -12dB/Oct in my ART Tube MP Project Series tube preamp/DI, and even though I have my bass tuned to F# standard tuning, 2 half steps above E standard tuning, which means the lowest fundamental would be just about 46Hz, I can hear a significant tightening up of the low end, clearer, more well defined and articulate, and actually also punchier, cleaning out all the fluff from my signal, when that HPF is engaged.
  19. Come on in tube lovers! Alright, we got white tubes, black tubes, Spanish tubes, yellow tubes. We got hot tubes, cold tubes. We got wet tubes. We got smelly tubes. We got hairy tubes, bloody tubes. We got snapping tubes. We got silk tubes, velvet tubes, naugahyde tubes. We even got horse tubes, dog tubes, chicken tubes. C'mon, you want tubes, come on in Tube Lovers! If we don’t got it, you don't want it!
  20. I don't use bateries for any of my pedals any way, and I got a crowded pedal board, so personally I appreciate the small size. But yeah, not that much bigger than a 9V battery the pedal it self. Also a really nice touch that they incorporated a flipable lid over the knobs, so that your settings are safe from getting knocked out of place.
  21. I really like the Electro Harmonix 12AX7EH tube. Use it in all my tube units. The cheap Chinese ones that most cheaper tube units comes with from stock tends to sound thin, shrill and fizzy.
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