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Baloney Balderdash

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Everything posted by Baloney Balderdash

  1. Music without lyrics can move you to tears too though. However, just with vocalists, it does require that the musicians actually know what they are doing.
  2. It's like an actor not knowing their character. I never got people for whom the lyrics are not important, it would be like not thinking the dialog of a movie is important. If a song got lyrics it's because it's an essential part of, or at least ought to be. If it's really not important why even bother? You don't add ingredients to food that is not important, if not for taste, then at least the overall experience, do you?
  3. I would recommend a gauge .120 string for the Db/C# string as well, it will tension wise be almost exactly the same as a gauge .100 low E string. Keep in mind though that thicker strings will feel and act stiffer compared to thinner strings at same tension (same goes for shorter scale length vs. longer scale length, which is why I am not an advocator of equipping short scale basses with insanely thick strings, but rather adjust your playing style to the fact that you are actually playing a different instrument, unless you really want to go to thud city).
  4. I love the Orange Juice, so much I own 3 of them, and the Oxford (own the Joyo Oxford Sound too) that it is loosely based on, great overdrive for bass, and can get really grindy if you like.
  5. Till My Head Falls Off - They Might Be Giants
  6. "Oom Bop"? That wasn't The Beach Boys in the 60's, that was the Hanson Brothers in the 90's!
  7. A pickup is not an amp! It doesn't amplify anything it just transforms the mechanical energy from the vibrations of the strings to electrical energy. In fact some of that mechanical energy from the vibrating strings is lost in the transformation.
  8. Mind Meld - Sebadoh From the album "Smash Your Head on the Punk Rock"
  9. That looks pretty damn amazing! But I won't be getting it at that price.
  10. Yes, can't possibly be healthy in the long run, but no doubt it must have had a cathartic effect initially.
  11. This seems almost too good to be true at that price: https://www.ikmultimedia.com/products/tonexone/ 173£/199 Euro at Thomann.
  12. As The World Dies, The Eyes Of God Grow Bigger - Sebadoh
  13. Old Blood Noise Endeavors Expression Ramper connected to whatever pedal that lets you control the overall master/output/input volume with an expression pedal: https://www.thomann.de/gb/old_blood_noise_endeavors_expression_ramper.htm
  14. Just discovered this! Wouh! Incredible! Damn! Only just learned this too. R.I.P
  15. I isn't as simple as that. A great mix is as much about making it coherent, making the instrument blend together, complementing and enhancing each other, as making them heard as separate elements, and the latter isn't done by assigning every single instrument to a specific strictly limited frequency area. Taking all the low end out of the vocals or all the top end out of the bass guitar would result in the vocals sounding really thin and tinny and the bass guitar would loose definition and sound muddy. And doing like this (assigning every single instrument to a specific strictly limited frequency area) to all instruments the mix would all become an indistinguishable mush, with all the individual character sucked out of the individual instruments. Harmonic content is what makes different instruments sound different from each other and what defines the different character to individual instruments, if nothing but the fundamental note it heard what you have left is a sinus wave, and it will all sound the same, have the exact same character and timber. That is not to say that vocals doesn't benefit from having applied a HPF, or bass guitar in most cases doesn't benefit from having applied both a HPF and a LPF, or that you shouldn't otherwise EQ the different instruments to fit better into the mix, but it isn't done by simply applying a different steep narrow BPF to each of them.
  16. Round core string generally have less tension, relatively to the size of the core, than hex core strings. Also as the tension and gauge of a string increases it naturally becomes stiffer, which at a certain point (determined by a relative relationship between gauge, tension and scale length) inhibits it from vibrating properly, loosing output and sustain as a result, and given it a tendency to sound thuddy and dead.
  17. I am right handed, though more ambidextrous than most, which foot I use to control/turn on/off my pedals depends, but mostly my right foot, so that is what I voted.
  18. With My Own Bare Hands - Ween
  19. Learn not to apply that much pressure, can't possibly be healthy for your tendons, and there is absolutely no practical reason to do so (if anything it inhibits you of playing properly, or at least optimally).
  20. That's what I asked her yesterday: "Does size really matter?" Then she mockingly laughed and walked away, slamming the door to my apartment behind her, and leaving me naked begging on my knees on the floor.
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