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Baloney Balderdash

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Everything posted by Baloney Balderdash

  1. Thee Silver Mt. Zion Memorial Orchestra - "Babylon Was Built on Fire/Starsnostars" :
  2. Thee Silver Mt. Zion Memorial Orchestra - "1.000.000 Died to Make This Sound" :
  3. 1.000.000 Died to Make This Sound - Thee Silver Mt. Zion Memorial Orchestra
  4. Anyone tried these multi coil J pickups: https://lawingmusicalproducts.com/bass ?
  5. Using the existing nut and nut slots ought to not cause any issues whatsoever. However if it is an issue all you would need to do is to cut a slim strip of shielding copper tape and fit it down in the nut slot with a string (place a strip of copper tape the width of the nut above the nut slot and then slide it down in the slot with a string, a bit of the strip sitting on each side of the slot on top of the nut), to make the slot a slightly tighter fit for the slightly thinner string. But I have my 5 string tuned to G standard tuning, with a gauge .080 G string in the nut slot otherwise cut to fit a gauge .130 low B string, and I've encountered no issues whatsoever. Nut slots are cut in an U, almost V, shape, so lower gauge strings will still sit perfectly fine and tight at the bottom of the slots otherwise cut to fit higher gauge strings.
  6. I was just about to post that link. They do look really cool, gets great reviews, but are quite affordable.
  7. I do, but I would think that will be at a high risk of it ending up sounding quite muddy, I honestly think 2 x series in parallel with each other would be likely to result in the best tone possibly with that pickup. Powerful, yet defined and articulate. That's at least what I would personally do. But I suppose you can always rewire it if it ends up too woofy and muddy your way. In any case one way or the other the wiring of it won't end up more complicated than the other, it's just a matter of how you chose to connect the wires from the pickup with each other.
  8. Looks awesome! How are you going to wire the pickup? I'd suggest 2 x series in parallel with 2 x series. So you get two series humbucking halves in parallel with each other.
  9. That's my father's brother's name: Dick. In my grandparent's defense though I doubt they knew the other meaning of it in English. And at least they didn't name him Willy Dick Johnson.
  10. Or we both just know real music when we hear it.
  11. This is nothing like Taylor Swift or Ed Sheeran, this is real music! And soft, yes, but not dull. The musicianship is razor edge sharp, but not in a cold calculated way. Authentic and genuine, felt, real music!
  12. I was very positively surprised and actually really liked it (the Tiny Desk Concert video linked to in the OP that is). A lot even. I was expecting cold Fusion w**ker bass and contrived vocals that would sound like someone being tortured into an orgasm, overplayed and fake, but this is actually pretty damn awesome, and genuinely emotional. And I for one love the vocals as well, they sound authentic and genuine, and fits the instrumental part of the songs perfectly, not the bloated fake Soul groaning I was expecting. This is real music! Thanks!
  13. Do you mean Class D amp? Cause those are fully analog. The D does not stand for Digital, just like Class A doesn't stand for Analog, or Class B doesn't stand for Bass. And there is no such thing as a digital poweramp.
  14. Looks awesome! Great work! Though remember bridge ground wire as well.
  15. Time of No Reply - Nick Drake
  16. Shabaka's new album "Perceive Its Beauty, Acknowledge Its Grace" (link to full playlist of album) :
  17. I replaced the stock P/J pickups in my Ibanez GSRM20 Mikro Bass with a P/J set of EMG Geezer Butler pickups, and the tone went from decent to amazing. I can only recommend it. Definitely no boomyness. Quite on the contrary, these pickups are really articulate and adds a ton of definition.
  18. I love my 4 and 5 string Ibanez Mikro Basses as well. The 5 string being my current main instrument of choice, though strung with guitar strings (gauge: .080 - .062 - .046 - .036 - .026) and tuned to G standard tuning, as in 3 half steps above the upper 5 strings of a 6 string bass in regular B standard tuning. Really using it more so as a 5 string Bass VI type instrument with wider string spacing, rather than a traditional bass. And the stock bridge J pickup sounds pretty damn amazing, rather growley, really dynamically sensitive, covering a quite broad frequency spectrum, and is surprisingly quiet for a single coil as well, with no hum to speak of. Also perfectly leveled frets from stock. I got just ever so slightly below 2mm string action on the low G string at last fret, with no fret buzz whatsoever anywhere on the fretboard, and seems like I could go even lower if I really wanted to. Also sustain for days. Simply astonishing value for the money.
  19. Glad you found it useful. And yes, I too am quite pleased with the outcome. As said it took a lot of tweaking, trial and error to get to a result I was actually satisfied with. Still I would wish that EHX would make the bass version of their Bass9 pedal, which is made for guitar to sound like different types of basses, a Guitar9 for bass to sound like a guitar or 8 string bass. The Bass9 actually sounds surprisingly and impressively authentic. But unfortunately the potential market for such a Guitar9 pedal is probably too small for it to ever happen.
  20. Children of Stone - Espers
  21. As I happened to actually for once have the money to spare to buy this, judging from all I read and watched/listened to featuring it, incredible bass, I am strongly considering taking the plunge while I can (as this bass is likely to only be offered for some kind of limited time period), and I really love how the green one looks as well. So could someone who owns the bass be kind and measure the string spacing at the bridge for me, pretty please? I assume it would be 17mm, since it has a Mustang styled bridge, and that is the string spacing of the Mustang basses, but can't seem to find that piece of information anywhere on the internet, despite really trying. For me I would love the slightly more narrow string spacing of 17mm, versus the standard 19mm (yes it is only 2 mm, but multiply that by 3 and it actually makes a bit of a difference in feel. Think of how much difference a 38mm nut feels to a 42mm nut for instance), but that said it is in no possible way a deal breaker, and won't affect whether I eventually chose to buy it or not, just would be really nice to know.
  22. Very strange that they left out Stanley Clarke, but might had been because he is one of those huge people playing a short scale bass who is a looser and looks like an idiot? All together a strange premises for the video since short scale basses has never been more popular, and that there has never been as many different, and high quality, short scale models on the market/in production as currently. But they got me to click and watch so suppose they have achieved all they wanted with this video really. If you have nothing of substance to say about a topic you can always just provoke people's attention by being offensive I guess. This certainly was a new low (yes, pun fully intended) point in the steady decline of quality of the Scott's Bass Lessons channel, in their desire to "grow". One have to ask though: "Grow" into what? And remind one self that popularity never can be a measurement of quality, one way or the other, but always will be nothing but a quantitative parameter/term. Ultimately though I suppose the answer to this, as, sadly, in so many other aspects of this World, comes down to a question of generating money.
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