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Baloney Balderdash

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Everything posted by Baloney Balderdash

  1. The track "Stains of Winter's Grass" by my project "Fjernsind" is opening the "Droning Earth Vol81" compilation, that can be listened to and downloaded for free here: https://droningearthrecords.bandcamp.com/album/droning-earth-vol81 This is my contribution to the compilation:
  2. Nice feature, though that would kind of defeat my idea about having effects and effect parameters adjustable as easily as you would onboard bass controls.
  3. I would be tempted to get one and attaching it directly to the body of my bass. My main bass has the pickup wired directly to the output jack socket, so I could just remove the pots/knobs and install this instead on top of it, for real time hand control of effects.
  4. On bass it was an original song, don't remember which, with the originals noise rock band Prune, that I, after having picked up a bass randomly for fun at a rehearsal with a band I played guitar in at that point, and falling in love with the sound and feel of it, right there, went to "audition" for playing bass in, and got in on the job, with praise of my playing from the drummer, who was actually a relatively trained multi instrumentalist, who also played keys/piano and guitar on the sideline and knew how to read and write music, not even owning my own bass at that time, and previously only really having experience with playing guitar for a couple of years. That's when I found out bass was really my instrument, and that playing bass came much more naturally to me. And we are not talking merely root notes. Somehow all the practice that I struggled with really integrating meaningfully into my guitar playing came in place, and suddenly made much much more sense to me.
  5. I admit to not really having followed up further on tapping much. But I just decided to start it up again. This time also practicing on using both my index, middle and ring finger for tapping, instead of just my index finger. We'll see fi I forget to follow up on this, this time as well, but for now it is my intend to practice this. Luckily my main basses does respond very well to tapping, so not too hard. Again the most challenging part really I find is to practice it to a point where it becomes an integrated part of my playing and composing, and not just disjointed focused technique practice. I did get the part of integrating my third, ring, finger, that I mentioned in the OP, into my playing down though, even if I do not actually use it very often, but at least now I am able to if needed. For galloping, though I do not exactly do much of that, unless feeling like channeling my inner Stave Harris, I do find using both index, middle and ring finger crucial, no idea how other people, and Steve, manage to do that with just two fingers.
  6. You need to attack the fretted note with less velocity, that is don't attack sudden and fast with the fretting finger, do so in fluent motion, with less sudden speed up and power.
  7. The big twin tubes EHX English Muff'n, that despite the name is not Big Muff based, but rather a Marshall inspired genuine tube overdrive, is pretty damn amazing for bass. And the tubes in it run at proper high 300V plate voltage too. Is not in production anymore, but fairly common to find on the used market, and for quite reasonable prices too, considering what it is.
  8. This will be my first mod to it: Though if I really like the guitar, but find the pickups a bit lacking, I'd most likely upgrade them for a Seymour Duncan SH-2 Jazz neck pickup, and a DiMarzio DP100 Super Distortion bridge pickup, at some point.
  9. So I've been eying this beauty for a while, and finally just pulled the trigger and ordered it. A dirt cheap Harley Benton TE-20HH SBK Standard Series, double humbucker Tele. Which though have only received amazing reviews. Basswood body and a Maple neck with an Amaranth (Purpleheart) fretboard, and string through. Plan to string it up accordingly and tune it to C standard tuning. Really looking forward to get to try this.
  10. Unless something other more interesting happens in the meantime I am pretty sure my next multieffect will be a Boss GX-10.
  11. Well, it is a great pedal no doubt, probably one of the very best relatively affordable octaver pedals on the market. Amazing tracking and about as low latency as it is physically possible, and also about as authentic sounding you can get from a simple pith shifting effect, without further more complex synthesising processes involved. But it won't quite emulate a rhythm guitar, as it will be an octave up from you bass, but then additionally, if desired, a 5th up from your bass, not a 5th up from the octave up. But I reckon it will still do a great job filling out sonic space.
  12. Adding a 1 octave up signal parallel with your regular bass signal is a great idea for this, for a faux 8 string bass -esque effect. Here is a guide I made on how to get an approximate realistic/authentic 1 octave up tone out of aTC Electronic Sub'N'Up or Sub'N'Up Mini : I've also only heard great things about the T-Rex Quint Machine for this, which would also allow you to additionally add a 5th up, for more of a power chord emulating effect.
  13. To sum up the thread: You are wrong! You are all wrong! No one can tell the difference in the mix, and most people doesn't even know the difference between a bass and a guitar. You should be more like them, you know normal! Realize that no one cares about your bass, or you for that matter! Just quit!
  14. As the thread title says how low can you tune a 25.5" scale guitar and still get great clean tone? I really would like to tune it down to C standard tuning, but afraid that would effect the tone negatively. Also what kind of gauge strings should I look at for this kind of tuning?
  15. Most recent shots of my 4 and 5 string Ibanez Mikro Basses: "Dud Bottomfeeder" "Mr. Growly - The Noodlemancer"
  16. Danelectro Cool Cat Metal (V.1), without competition. Allegedly based on some Fender amp's preamp section. Doesn't sound metal at all, and overall just absolutely horrible and utterly useless. Never tried any pedal that sounds as abominably and unequivocally bad. Kind of like playing your bass through a small crappy heavily overdriven guitar combo, and the speaker not being able to handle the pressure (not a broken speaker, just a speaker that can't handle the sound pressure). I am pondering if it might be broken, it sounds broken, and not in any possible good way. The Cool Cat Metal II, which I also bought, is a completely different circuit, as far as I gathered a heavily modded Metal Zone circuit, much tighter than a Boss Metal Zone, and completely fizz free, and sounds genuinely great.
  17. 3 candidates: EHX Black Finger (backup for my beloved Black Finger, tube driven optical compressor, though I use it more so as a tube preamp stage, with compression practically off) EHX English Muff'n (genuine tube overdrive, one of the best damn overdrives for bass I ever heard) Boss RC-500 Loop Station My favorite pedal of all times in the Black Finger, essential for my tone, but as it was just a backup to one I already owned and bought years ago, I am not sure if this makes for a legit candidate.
  18. Ban the internet! It was a mistake! Now everyone can clearly see how awful people are, and how f***ed up the world is. Not good for democracy (read politicians). It was all much better back when no one knew what was really going on!
  19. I use the poweramp section (going into the Effects Return input) of my Peavey Special 112 160W guitar combo for my "amp-less" setup, with the build in 12" speaker disconnected, and instead hooked up to a FRFR passive PA speaker. Sounds phenomenal. I love these old Peavey amps. But yeah, weights about a ton.
  20. Apologize for spam, but I decided to try it out on my 4 string Mikro Bass as well, so here is Take 4 & 5. A very raw take 4 & 5 sketch to a screwed little tune, played on my 4 string Ibanez GSRM20B Mikro Bass, tuned in B standard tuning (as in an octave above the 4 lower strings of a 6 string bass in regular B standard tuning). Exactly as recorded, no post production or editing.
  21. I decided that "Space Agent Spliff" deserved a better take, so here it is take 2 & 3, considerably better, but still a very raw sketch:
  22. Pretty cool! Sounds great! Only heard a couple of of your other tracks, but damn, the track "You’re My Germ" from the album "Recipes from the Bible" is freaking amazing! Definitely need to listen through all of your stuff at some point! You're killing it!
  23. Edit!!!: I have removed some of the tracks here from my SoundCloud profile, so that's the reason for the blank spaces, further down there are a couple of tracks left though: And so I made a musical project called "Dud Bottomfeeder", named after my 4 string Ibanez GSRM20B Mirko Bass, though most of this was actually played on my 5 String Ibanez GSRM25 Mikro Bass, that I named "Mr. Growly - The Noodlemancer", and it is all up for free download and listening at Bandcamp here: https://dudbottomfeeder.bandcamp.com/ 1 full length album so far, featuring a damn fine noodle blend of 8 freely improvised, as well a precomposed, pieces. But the plan is to make more... Here is one of the tracks from the album, though it has changed tittle to "A Damn Fine Bowl of Noodle Soup (the noodlemancer)" : Old OP: Here are two very raw first take sketches of two full songs, or that is at least the main bass parts, one progressive/math rock one, that has the working title "Space Agent Spliff", which I consider using for my stoner/doom rock project "all I nil", even if it falls a bit out of the general style, and the other is a just for fun funky little tune. Both are far from perfectly executed, plenty of mistakes, and I stumble a lot, but thought you might enjoy them: Played on my 5 string Ibanez GSRM25 Mikro Bass, tuned in G# standard tuning (as in one half step bellow the 4 upper strings of a 6 string bass in regular B standard tuning). Exactly as recorded, no post production or editing (which though also mean that you would need to turn the volume up a bit). Edit!: I decided that "Space Agent Spliff" deserved a better take, so here it is take 2 & 3, considerably better, but still a very raw sketch:
  24. Not what I personally use. But I would still recommend the Two Notes Opus, as a one unit amp + cab emulator/simulator.
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