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Baloney Balderdash

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Everything posted by Baloney Balderdash

  1. First of all try tying a hair band or similar tight around the neck and strings behind the nut, I am willing to bet that it the issue, despite what you say.
  2. What I do: The cheapest capo Thomann got in their inventory, placed on the neck a bit behind the nut. https://www.thomann.de/gb/harley_benton_hbc06_capo_acoustic_electric.htm You might even experience that the individual strings all together rings a bit clearer after you've done this.
  3. Roger Waters's remake of "Money", unfortunately, I'll spare you the link. "Digested shit" (quote from the new version of the song with extended lyrics), right on point Roger, couldn't have said it better myself. He never could sing, but he can't even play bass anymore... I think he is growing senile :
  4. Well, aren't we writing 2024?
  5. You need a tittle like "I reviewed this Spector bass, and you won't believe what happened next...!!!", then a thumbnail with your face showing an idiotic caricatured grimace and an image of the bass in question next to it with several big red arrows pointing at the bass! That's how a YouTube video is done professionally!
  6. Just saw off that whale hump! You can thank me later!
  7. Lucky Ball & Chain - They Might Be Giants
  8. Return to Center - Jacob Læby (now Fjernsind.... Which is me)
  9. I quite like it, kind of reminds me somewhat of a folk version, and obviously not trio, version of Adrian Belew Power Trio, and well, obviously with female vocals. ...Maybe not, guess what I am just trying to say is that it got a great sort of angular jazzy progressive folk vibe going on. But yeah, as somewhat pointed out, great bass play, but horrible tone, almost nothing but fundamentals, a bit more harmonic content, so you didn't have to struggle to hear the bass when not playing the D or G string would have been nice, far from enough to ruin the song though, which still sounds great. A regular violin/beatles bass would have given the same overall vibe, but a better tone, I think. And I for one think she has a great voice, and put it to great use as well. For those who think it sounds like Sound Garden, Alice in Chains or Alanis Morissette.... Just what the !?!... And I think your frame of reference might be the issue here, to get the music. I also don't think it has much in common with Joni Mitchell, beside being jazzy folk (it's kind of like saying Metalica sounds like Slayer).
  10. Christmas Card from a Hooker in Minneapolis - Tom Waits
  11. Lick My Decals Off, Baby - Captain Beefheart & The Magic Band
  12. As already has been suggested numerous times, Harley Benton is the answer. It's going to be hard to learn how to play electric guitar on those.
  13. There's a passive transformer in there, the chickenhead switch changes output impedance, so yes Ohm, and with that tone of the passive low impedance pickup, pretty unique approach to passive bass circuitry.
  14. So this is the thread to show off your sub short scale basses, preferably tell a bit about them too, that is basses with a scale length that is less than 29". Here's my current main instrument of choice, a 4 string Ibanez GSRM20 neck + GSRM20B body Mikro Bass, which features a 28.6" scale length, an unusually light Mahogany body, a Maple neck with a Rosewood fretboard, and with the stock pickups swapped out for just a single EMG Geezer Butler P pickup, wired directly to the output jack socket. Currently stringed with Elixir Nanoweb guitar strings of the gauges: .068 - .052 - .038 - .028, and tuned one half step above regular tenor bass tuning, that is A# standard tuning, as 1 half step above the 4 upper strings of a 6 string bass in regular B standard tuning. I named it "Dud Bottomfeeder" : I ponder on, and likely will next time I swap strings, installing the EMG Geezer J pickup I have lying around unused as well, in the bridge J cavity, which is currently just filled with a folded piece of black cardboard, wiring it to a separate second jack socket, mounted in the hole that is currently taken up by an unused pot, next to the P pickup output jack socket. I also own a 5 string Ibanez GSRM25 Mikro Bass as well, also 28.6" scale length, which I have strung with Elixir Nanoweb guitar strings as well, of the gauges .080 - .062 - .046 - .036 - .026, and tuned to G standard tuning, that is the 3 half steps above the upper 5 strings of a 6 string bass in regular B standard tuning. Never really played it much, cause I didn't like the tone that the 2 stock J pickups gave me, trying to wire them both in series, directly to the output jack socket to remedy it, which did help some, but still it didn't quite sound right. That is until I discovered that the neck pickup was faulty, having a really weak magnetic field at the lower strings part, which messed with the tone. So I disconnected the neck pickup, and instead wired the bridge pickup directly to the output jack socket, and now the bass actually sounds pretty awesome, really resonant and clear, with exceptional sustain. And it's a quite growly beast, whereas my 4 strung Mikro is more of a snappy beast. Though I do plan to swap that stock bridge J pickup for a Gemini Pickups Mountain Lightning J bridge pickup at some point : https://www.geminipickups.co.uk/bass/jazz-bass/mountain-lightning It also had perfectly leveled frets right from factory. Here it is, Poplar body, Maple neck, with a Jatoba fretboard, named "Mr. Growley- The Noodlemancer" : And then I very much regret being stupid enough to sell this 4 string 28 5/8" bass, that I had made out of Warmoth baritone parts, designing the headstock myself, which I might had gone a bit too far with , that sounded amazing, with a Seymour Duncan Hot Rails Strat guitar humbucker pickup in the bridge position, and a Seymour Duncan Rickenbacker Neck bass humbucker pickup in the neck position. Mahogany body, Maple neck, and I fail to remember what the fretboard wood was, but I think it might had been Ebony. During the time I owned I had it tuned, and accordingly strung, both in regular 4 string bass E standard tuning, and tenor bass A standard tuning:
  15. I have no experience with either, but given that the Tech 21 VT Bass got a build in speaker sim filter and that the Digibeth doesn't I'd say probably quite a lot, and I would think the VT Bass to sound more processed and the Digibeth to sound more neutral in comparison in relation to the input signal.
  16. Well, I am actually pretty good at playing regular 6 string guitar. I think the secret of making a tenor bass (or piccolo bass for that matter) work well is to realize that it is neither a bass or a guitar (playing it like either is naturally always going to end up as an awkward compromise to the real deal), but rather an unique instrument in it's own regard that requires it's own unique approach to playing, and therefor also opens up for some entirely new perspectives and possibilities for creating music with/for it.
  17. Definitely, gold, or just all black hardware, will look great.
  18. I stand corrected. But yeah, would have made much more sense if Ibanez had made it a coil toggle switch.
  19. I think at least it will be worth trying out.
  20. I am pretty sure that toggle switch was not a strictly speaking a tone toggle but rather a three position coil toggle allowing for switching between having either only a single coil of the humbucker pickup working, or the two coils either in parallel or in series, so how do you have the pickup wired now? If I had been you I probably would have let that coil toggle switch be and instead having replaced the volume pot for a tone pot.
  21. I Don't Want To Be The One - Coil
  22. Strings is a very personal thing, depends entirely on personal preferences, as well as what kind of music you play. Personally I would string it with a set of D'Addario EXL220BT balanced tension: gauge .095 - .070 - .055 - .040. Or even better a custom wound roundwound nickel-plated hex steel core Diamond series set of Newtone bass strings, gauge: .095 - .072 - .055 - .040 : https://newtonestrings.com/shop/custom-bass-string-configurator/ But you'll get a different answer from each different person you ask.
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