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Baloney Balderdash

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Everything posted by Baloney Balderdash

  1. No way! Why would I have Leo's last name printed on the headstock of my bass?
  2. What the hell is that bass supposed to be, looks like nothing I ever saw, and is smaller than a guitar. Definitely not a Fender. Horrible painter.
  3. Shameless self promotion: It Must Be To Do With Orange - Electro Jar
  4. Unless you are doing very traditional generic songs with very generic instrumentation I can only imagine that AI mixing would be useless. I know for certain it would for the music I make. Take the time and learn how to do so yourself. Unless your songs are indeed very traditional and generic it will almost with certainty give a better result, even if you are mostly clueless about mixing, as long as you have ears and use them and are not afraid of experimenting.
  5. If you plan to keep that neck attached to the body I would get a neckplate or some countersunk ferules for the screws, otherwise the neck won't be stable, as the screws otherwise will keep digging deeper into the body wood. But beside that, as well as definitely getting a new bridge, and then perhaps tidying it up cosmetically, I would personally be tempted to assemble the bass using the parts as they are.
  6. The Joyo JF-37 Analog Chorus (not Vintage Chorus, that one is an Ibanez clone) is a Boss CE-2 clone as well.
  7. Amazing full live concert with Dinosaur Jr., featuring Kim Deal on 3 songs:
  8. Sure, there is a difference from finger to finger of where on the individual finger the nail starts to grow over. However I do prefer am ever so slightly overhang of nail, just ever so slightly protruding above the edge of the finger, almost flush with it. The way I pluck the strings I more so stroke the strings with the outmost tip of my finger, then gliding over the outmost tip of my nail, rather than really plucking, pulling and striking the strings, this gives the most full range sound, with a bit of attack added from the nail as well. Also I combine this traditional regular 2, and sometimes 3 or just 1, finger plucking technique with classical acoustic style guitar finger picking technique and index and/or middle finger flamenco guitar style finger flicking technique, which do interchangeably pretty much all the time. This does require a quite specific nail length though, and as said varies slightly from finger to finger how much I need to cut to get the nail to just be ever so slightly above flush with the outmost tip of my fingers, to sound just right, neither too little, loosing attack, or too much, having the strings get caught on the nails. But I got it pretty good down and know exactly how to cut my right hand finger nails by now to get it right. Also the nails on my left hand fretting hand I always cut super short, as short as physically possible, that is basically all the way down.
  9. I just linked to that video in the "double sided acoustic guitar/bass" thread, not knowing about this thread. I for one actually appreciate the curiosity and urge to experiment, and fully understand why the guy in the video would go through with this. But yes, it is questionable if it has much practical use, even if adjusting ones playing technique to fit the instrument, as the guy in the video actually does also attempt to. I enjoyed the video.
  10. Short answer is "yes". And might I add, in some cases even substantially. But whether or not that'll equates to the relief of the neck changing to an extend where re-tweaking the truss rod will be necessary will depend on how stable the neck is, as in how sensitive is it to environmental as well as tension changes. For instance I just recently tunes up all the strings on my main, which has the most stable neck I ever had on any guitar or bass, 1 half step, which equals a change in tension of just about 2.5 lbs on an average per strings, or just about 10 lbs (~4.5kg) in total, but the relief practically didn't change.
  11. Also, this wasn't really made clear, and this might be obvious, but if you plan on using the body as well, that is just flipping the whole bass, then upper frets access might be an issue, and certainly basses featuring a single cut body would be a no go.
  12. This seems to be a better idea:
  13. I was introduced to Manowar by a friend in my early teens, which became my favorite band (at the time) right there, deeply fasinated by their fantasy universe, mostly having listened to classical music prior to that and singing in the local church choir, so I decided I would learn how to play guitar to be able to make music like Manowar. As it happened to be however a couple of friends were starting a punk band, and I was hired to play guitar in that band. A couple of years later, gradually starting to lean more towards noise and indie rock than metal, I accidentally picked up the bass players bass at band rehearsal and jammed a bit on it, and I fell in love with the deep tone and feel of it right there from that moment. Shortly after I answered an add by a drummer and a guitarist/vocalist that needed a bass player for their noise rock band, and I went to an audition. Borrowing a bass for it, as I didn't own my own one at that point. However, even if basically having no experience at all with this instrument, playing bass somehow just felt really naturally to me, all chords and scales I had practiced on guitar for some reason just made much more sense to me on bass, I figure I had really been thinking more like a bassist than a guitarist all along, and I made some great melodic bass lines, that supported the relatively simple, mostly chord based, guitar parts perfectly, right there on the spot, and I got complements from the drummer for my playing, who already then was a fairly experienced musician, knowing how to read music, and also, beside drums, playing piano and guitar, and I was in. Quickly bass took over as my main instrument of choice, and ironically with time playing bass also made me a much better guitarist.
  14. Also known as the crazy knob fiddler, making sure no one gets absolutely no wiser at what the controls of a pedal does or how it actually sounds.
  15. The Danish band Swan Lee made this entry to the title song for the James Bond movie "Tomorrow Never Dies", but as we all know a different song was chosen for the movie:
  16. No particular order: :-: Niels-Henning Ørsted Pedersen (NHØP) :-: Victor Wooten :-: Chris Wood :-: Bill Laswell :-: Trevor Dunn :-: Julie Slick :-: Justin Chancellor :-: Cliff Burton :-: Lou Barlow :-: Paz Lenchantin :-: Peter Hook :-: Jack Casady :-: Out of those from what I can see only Jack Casady and Cliff Burton is on the voting list currently.
  17. Tremolo - HoTone Trem Flanger - Monarch MFL-22 Stereo Flanger (rebranded Arion SFL-1 Stereo Flanger) Chorus - Valeton Aquaflow Vintage Chorus (based on the circuit of the legendary Boss CE-1 chorus, but with more controls, and in a mini pedal format) Phaser - Behringer VP-1 Vintage Phaser (clone of the original big box EHX Small Stone phaser, better than EHX's own Nano reissue) Octaver - Sub'N'Up Mini (used exclusively for the 1 octave up effect, and the Toneprint editor makes it perfect, as it makes it possible to dial in as close to an authentic/realistic 8 string bass/guitar effect/tone as possible with just a simple octaver, tracks perfectly and with very low latency, wouldn't recommend it for the 1 or 2 octave down effect though) Overdrive - Joyo Orange Juice / Joyo Oxford Sound (Orange amp type drive/preamp, based on the circuit of the discontinued Tech 21 Oxford preamp/drive) Distortion - Mosky Black Rat (RAT clone with both a "Vintage", original, silicon diode clipping, RAT mode, and a "Turbo", Turbo RAT, LED diode clipping, mode, slightly darker voiced and retains low end slightly better than both the originals and most other RAT clones on the market) Fuzz - Behringer SF300 Super Fuzz (clone of the Boss FZ-2 Hyper Fuzz, which again is a take on the legendary Univox Superfuzz octave fuzz circuit) Delay - NUX Tape Core Deluxe (amazing sounding digital emulation of the legendary Roland RE-201 Space Echo tape delay) Compressor/Tube Preamp - EHX Black Finger (tube driven optical compressor featuring 2 preamp tubes operating at proper high 300V plate voltage. I use it primarily as a tube preamp stage though, with only a very subtle compression dialed in) Graphic Equalizer - Artec Graphic Eq SE-EQ8 (8 band graphic equalizer) Preamp - NUX Melvin Lee Davis Bass Preamp + DI (high quality digital preamp and IR loader, featuring 3 different digital amp emulations, and 8 stock IR cab sims + 8 user IR slots for loading 3rd party IR cab sim files) Digital Multi Effect - a firmware hacked Zoom B1Xon Utility - Boss LS-2 (parallel effect loops mixer/switch)
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