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Baloney Balderdash

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Everything posted by Baloney Balderdash

  1. Absolutely! Forgot about that. That's it! Without doubt! Absolutely perfect! A 1976 Rickenbacker 3000 : Thank you! If I had the kind of money these goes for though, which I don't, as cool as it looks and it would be to own one, I would rather buy something else.
  2. Not sure... Which interesting and decent short scale basses with good upper frets access were out in 1976? A Hagström, maybe?
  3. Thank you for the suggestion, but I did try that once and shot an additional 15mg of methamphetamine, but that had a negative effect on my ability to focus, and the drummer didn't appreciate me starting to bang his China cymbal wildly mid song with the headstock of my bass, so I decided to go back to normal dosage before a show.
  4. I've never found adrenalin and playing properly mutually exclusive:
  5. You didn't, and I don't think that I was in any way suggesting so either. I wasn't really arguing with you, I was elaborating in a similar line of thought. I nowhere in that reply said I disagreed with you, quite on the contrary I think. The stuff I said build upon your conclusion. I don't agree with the notion that you should mistrust everyone's opinion in general on forums though, just access whether the specific person and in the specific post in question sounds like they know what they are talking about or not. You know just be sensibly critical in general. Some specific posts, and I guess certain specific posters in general, should be taken with a pinch of salt, sure, but not every single opinion, poster and post.
  6. Just as certain people are quickly to judge you as one of those people, or of the opinion that such words has no meaning. People misusing terms or having no idea what they talk about, randomly spewing around random buzzwords, is nothing new, and is not specific to people who play bass either, doesn't however mean that words are meaningless, or can't be used to describe sound/tone in a meaningful way.
  7. On a more serious note, personally I make use of an "amp-less" setup, with the main preamp device being a NUX Melvin Lee Davis Bass preamp + DI, which I am extremely satisfied with. It's digital, but of really high quality, and got 3 different amp emulations to chose from, I use the Aguilar Tone Hammer one, and 8 stock IR based cab sims, with 8 additional slots for 3rd party IR cab sim files, I use the stock Ampeg SVT-212AV one, and with the build in overdrive set to an always on rather low gain setting and mixed with parallel clean signal at a 50/50 ratio. Though I do additionally have a tube preamp stage at the very start of my signal chain running into it, then a subtle spring reverb emulation just before it, and an additional tube preamp/DI stage running after it, as the very last thing before the poweramp/PA. But really the NUX sounds great all on its own as well, and is truly amazing value for the money.
  8. Well, you don't have to do what the majority is doing, and doing a bit of thinking before posting is absolutely still appreciated.
  9. 200W @ 4Ohm, same as the Trace Elliot ELF, which people seems happy about. Also in my experience 100W is plenty to keep up with a drummer and a guitarist in a rock band, even to easily play up small bar sized venues without PA support, and bigger venues usually will have PA support, reducing your bass amp to nothing but a glorified stage monitor anyway. I've played small bar sized venues up with a 60W bass amp in a loud rock band, no trouble with hearing myself or being heard, and done the same at big open air festivals with PA support and stage monitors provided. Unless you have a serious deaf wish there is really little reason to go any higher than 200W or so.
  10. Short scale fretless Harley Benton Beatbass is a thing, I already posted it a few times here, and sounds amazing too, this video starts out with it straight DI'ed and nothing else done to the signal: https://www.thomann.de/gb/harley_benton_beatbass_fl_vs_vintage_series.htm Unlined, but with side dots markings where the frets would be. 175£/199 Euro Amaranth (Purple Heart) fretboard, which is very close to as hard and stiff as Ebony.
  11. Everything But the Dad Dad and The Family Stone Captain Dad and The Dad Band Dad Jr.
  12. Dad in June The Dads of Invention Mega Dad Beach Dads New Dads on the Block Public Dad
  13. I suppose one person's wild speculations might be another person's insight.
  14. Or they might be selling you an empty box! Read the reviews maybe, featured just bellow the product? And look at the average ratings and how many people it was based on. I am pretty sure it is boost/cut, and that the power was measured with the EQ flat. Good thing Thomann got 30 days full, no questions asked, return policy, with shipping covered and all.
  15. On most dedicated poweramps there isn't even any EQ controls at all, so would consider that an extra bonus anyway.
  16. What is unnecessary to one person however might be extremely useful to another person though, and I am pretty sure it means exactly what it says. As in "does more than you will ever need".
  17. That is the frequencies of the EQ controls, not the frequency response of the unit, which will be perfectly fine.
  18. I have been wanting to the get the TC Electronic Spark Booster for a long time, cause I've heard so many great things about it, but haven't gotten around acquiring one yet. Though it will hardly help you I get the low gain, just above breakup point, overdrive grit on my bass from a combination of first an EHX Black Finger, with the input gain dialed up to drive the tubes in it to just on the verge of breakup, then a Joyo Oxford Sound dialed in to deliver a low gain overdrive, blended with clean signal at an about 50/50 ratio, via a Boss LS-2, then a NUX Melvin Lee Davis Bass Preamp with the Drive at a low gain setting, 9 o'clock, or 13/100, to be exact, and the clean blend at a 50/50 ratio, and then finally that into an ART Tube MP Project Series tube preamp/DI, with the tube in it also driven to just on the verge of breakup, and I am extremely satisfied with this combination. Which is actually also basically what makes up my always on "clean" tone of my "amp-less" setup.
  19. I use the Rockboard ones and am really satisfied with mine so far. As far as I can tell low noise and low capacitance, and no other signal degeneration/high end suck, really flexible cables, and I have a hard time imagining how a patch cable plug could possibly get any flatter than this. Also non of mine has failed yet or developed any other issues, and I got a rather big pedal board, using a lots of them.
  20. Found this text file on my harddrive, listing bad fictional dad band names: Daddy's Garage Danny Cool and The Cool Dads The Do Dad Riffters Whose That Dad? The Bad Dads IT'S DADDY! The Dada Daddys Daddy Peacehill and The Suede Overground Going Blind The Grateful Dads Feel welcome to suggest more...
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