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Baloney Balderdash

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Everything posted by Baloney Balderdash

  1. Yeah, agree, too trivial, I would rather have had him doing something like this:
  2. He is clearly talking about the control knob labeled "Attack", hence the capital letters. That is crank it.
  3. Well, nothing new about the nuances of language being lost to some people, or the lack of ability to think abstract. And I am not even a native English speaker.
  4. Luckily I don't know any people who plays any of those, or ever played with any (well, except for when I was playing guitar in the local music school band years ago), and programing trumpets and horns on the computer doesn't have this issue. Also I do have a bit of an aversion against saxophones (unless played by Peter Brötzmann), clarinet can sound quite nice though, and I do love and make quite a bit of use of French and English horn, and especially trumpet, in my compositions.
  5. I never slap, but as my setup is an "amp-less" setup I make use a FRFR PA speaker when not going through a full PA system, which naturally got a tweeter (1.7" high mids/treble tweeter, 15" bass woofer/mids driver) to be able to reproduce the full frequency spectrum (and I do believe the crossover of the FRFR PA speaker that I use is at about 2kHz or so, referring to Bill Fitzmaurice post above this one). However I also make use of an IR cab sim, but while that cab sim is actually also of a bass cab that does feature a tweeter, namely the Ampeg SVT 212AV, looking at the frequency response the high end roll off of that IR does start at about 5kHz, with an abrupt steep decline at about 7kHz, as well as the LPF of the IR loader I use is activated with a cut off point set to at just about 14kHz, so the really high treble content of my signal is reduced significantly anyway. Having this expanded frequency range, compared to say a cab with a single 15" driver and no high frequency tweeter, results is a more natural/balanced, less bloated, tone, with more clarity and better definition, and a nice amount of snap and bite, but without it getting thin or shrill in any way.
  6. I am not talking about IR loaders, but the actual IR files, so what is your favorite IR cab sim file, and why? Also please include how you use it, and which IR loader(s) you use. Mine is the stock Ampeg SV212AV IR cab sim that comes with the NUX Melvin Lee Davis Bass Preamp + DI. And even though I additionally use quite a bit of EQ'ing to get the tone that I want I simply can't seem get there with any other IR I've tried. My setting on the NUX MLD Bass Preamp is as follows: Aguilar Tone Hammer amp emulation Low Shelf @ 40Hz ~+6dB Mids with a rather broad bandwidth @ 398Hz ~+10dB High Shelf @ 4kHz ~+1dB Ampeg SV212AV IR cab sim HPF @ 40Hz LPF @ 13947Hz Further more I have an always on subtle low gain overdrive, from the build in drive section of the preamp, dialed in, blended with parallel clean signal at a 50/50 ratio. And the signal chain that makes up my basic "clean" tone looks like this: Buffer -> EHX Black Finger (tube driven optical compressor, though with just a very subtle compression dialed in, primarily used as a tube preamp stage, with the tubes driven to just on the verge of breakup) -> Zoom B1Xon (digital multi effect, among other stuff handling the subtle reverb that is part of my basic "clean" tone, which consists of a very subtle plate reverb stacked into a subtle spring reverb) -> NUX Melvin Lee Davis Bass Preamp + DI (with settings as listed above) -> ART Tube MP Project Series (tube preamp and DI, with the tube driven to just on the verge of breakup, and with the build in fixed @ 40Hz HPF engaged) I would describe the tone as very well balanced, open and articulate, natural, clear and well defined, with a nice amount of punch, snap and zing, but still with a certain warmth and harmonically richness to it, the latter two qualities though probably especially thanks to the tube preamp stages in my setup. And I simply can't seem to get the same amount of clarity and definition and as natural and balanced a tone with any other IR I've tried. A lot of the other IRs I've tried tend to sound somewhat either bloated or thin in comparison.
  7. I think it looks passive aggressive...
  8. Even if prices on some of these has increased slightly as well recently, stressing slightly that is, good thing we still got Harley Benton. When that is said I kind of like the non matching bare wood headstock on the insanely overpriced "budget" Sterling by Musick Man.
  9. I used to hate flatwounds, just like OP, but while they are definitely not my preferred cup of tea I've finally have come to terms with that they do have their place, especially on fretless basses. Though it's still more a case of me having learned to appreciate the kind of tone other people get out of them in the right context, rather than actually enjoying using them myself. If I really need that kind of tone for a composition/production I just palm or foam mute my roundwound strings and apply some extensive EQ post production. With the right treatment you can make roundwounds sound exactly like flatwounds, but it is impossible to make flatwounds sound exactly like rounds.
  10. I would imagine them tone wise being similar to single coil '51 P Bass pickups, by the look of them.
  11. Thanks a lot! Works perfectly now. And it isn't even picky about the IR files not being of the correct resolution otherwise used by the pedal. However as it turned out I found I actually prefer the stock Ampeg SV212AV IR that I have been using up until now to any of my other 3rd party IR cab sim files. But at least it is nice to know that the pedal works as it is supposed to, and that I do have the option, should I want something different than the stock IRs.
  12. The strings vibrations are less at the bridge, so all other things being equal, output of pickup, height e.t.c, there will be less output from a pickup at that position. And yes, a magnet got 2 poles and it does matter which is which, so possible you messed up when gluing them back on the pickups. Try testing the individual poles magnetic pull one by one and see if there are any inconsistences, and if 2 single coil pickups the polarity of the magnetic pole should be opposite between them, that is hovering a magnet over the pole pieces facing the same side one pickup should attract the magnet the other repel it.
  13. That's because violins and double basses are fretless instruments though, when you are stuck with frets being able to adjust intonation at the bridge is kind of crucial. I also like to point out that I am in no way promoting musical perfection, far from it, and actually listening to some of the music I created/helped create should make that perfectly clear to everyone, it's just kind of obvious that Paul's Höfner bass had intonation problems when isolated like that, and when listening to it isolated like this it does kind of make my face go as that emote I used (not sarcastic at all, as otherwise suggested by mister internet mindreader Greavesbass). I guess how this rather objective statement was taken does show how zealous most Beatles fans are (and mind, while not exactly being a die heart Beatles fan, I actually really do like them and much of the music they created).
  14. Well now you have (and not "The Beatles intonation" (what is that even supposed to mean?), the intonation of Paul's bass in the video linked to in the OP), and it's true too... Also, sarcastic emote (preference, what?)... Good one! Thumbs up for reading my mind through the internet!
  15. What the hell are you on about, you talk like you know me and my preferences, making all kind of crazy assumptions about my musical taste and preferences, all I said was the intonation is off, which it is. And you are dead wrong about me too!
  16. I posted an on topic comment, commenting the video, I wasn't the one starting to spur patronizing assumptions and comments about about other posters.
  17. What the... You accuse me for not being a real musician in a patronizing tone, and make all kinds of untrue assumptions about me, and then block me when I let you taste your own medicine.
  18. As apposed to me? How did you come to this conclusion, from me simply noting that intonation is off? Which it is. You should try adjusting intonation on your bass, you might like it... It's usually done by those wee screws at the back of the bridge attached to the saddles, by moving them back and forth, depending. You can find detailed instructions online.
  19. As opposed to unreal musicians playing unreal music in an unreal studio...
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