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Baloney Balderdash

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Everything posted by Baloney Balderdash

  1. Yamaha needs to put a short scale bass into production. And I think it's a bit odd that they haven't got any current production short scale offerings with how popular short scales have become in recent years, nearly every other big guitar manufacture having at least one option for this in their current lineup.
  2. I guess to each their own. I personally couldn't play in such a band.
  3. Why don't you ask whoever is responsible for booking gigs? Don't you communicate internally in the band?
  4. Does the buzz get much worse when touching any of the pole pieces of the split coil pickup (check both sides)?
  5. Old label mates, Monoton, covering a song by other label mates and friends of mine's band The Violet Hour, the latter being a folk rock band:
  6. Source for all these claims? And yes, I have survived from a shock from a wall outlet, 220V here in Denmark, several times, didn't even have to visit the doctor, and it didn't give me burns either, and yes, people have actually survived being struck by lightning. And how would I and they unless the electricity traveled though their body? Also we are still discussing whether putting a 9V battery on your tongue would fry your brain and kill you, which all this were arguments against. No one but you is talking about putting electrodes directly to your heart and shocking it directly with hundreds of Volts. How many Volts again is it those heart starters, defibrillator, put out, by the way (try look it up in Google)?
  7. And jumping from a sufficiently high building would kill you too. Not what we were discussing though, was it?
  8. Source for that claim please? And as if the electricity only goes across your skull, and your skin and muscles aren't conductive at all... You do realize people have survived being hit by lightning which is thousands of volts. And I personal have experience with several times being stupid enough to have been shocked by the 220V from the wall outlet, through my hands, with nothing happening but me getting a serious shock and slam over my fingers. Also the argument was whether a 9V battery applied to your tongue would kill you.
  9. Sure those people never heard of electro shock therapy, where typically 70 to 120 volts (some sources even state 180 to 460 volts) is send through your brain: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electroconvulsive_therapy Or have tried getting electrocuted because they were stupid with the wall power, with nothing happening other than a shock. Take much more to kill your brain, also it isn't so much the amount of volt, but rather the amount of ampere that kills you.
  10. Back in April 2011 I bought an Ibanez GSRM20 Mikro Bass, and I fell in love with how it played right from the start, perfectly leveled frets and all, right from the factory. I wasn't however sold on how the cheap stock pickups sounded, so I upgraded them for a set EMG Geezer Butler P/J set of pickups, and what an improvement, it now sounded amazing. Later I bought another Mikro Bass, the GSRM20B model with black hardware and in Weathered Black finish. However I wasn't as lucky with this one as it featured absolutely horrible fret work, with buzz all over. Eventually I transplanted the neck of my first Mikro Bass to the unusually light Mahogany body of the second Mikro Bass, as well as I ditched the J pickup, and wired the Geezer P pickup directly to the jack output socket, the stock side mounted barrel type one replaced for a regular jack socket and moved up front, installed in one of the now redundant pot holes. Love this little bass to bits, and it has been my main instrument of choice for quite a while, but while it does sound great strung with regular bass strings and tuned in regular E standard tuning with it's just 28.6" scale length it really shines in tenor bass tuning, that is A standard tuning, as in the 4 upper strings of a 6 string bass tuned in regular B standard tuning, which among others Stanley Clarke makes wide use of. Now strung with coated Elixir Nanoweb guitar strings of the gauges .068 - .052 - .038 - .028, threaded through the cut off ball end of old bass strings, for the guitar strings not to fall through the bridge string mounting holes. I will also most likely eventually swap out the bridge for individual ABM bass mono rail bridge pieces, milled from solid brass, that I then plan to install with a 17mm string spacing (current stock bridge is standard 19mm string spacing). Here it is (the knob closest to neck now red though), "Dud Bottomfeeder", as I named it: I also ponder on transplanting the black tuning mechanisms for the two lower strings from the GSRM20B scrapped dud neck, as well as I ponder on installing the EMG Geezer J pickup again, but wiring it to another jack output socket, so the two pickups can be mixed actively off board, even if I am actually extremely satisfied with the tone I get from just the Geezer P pickup.
  11. My guess would be more like decently in a couple of month with 2 x 5 to 10 minutes dedicated practice every day.
  12. Get a power cable to attach to your power supply with a 9 Volt battery clip, or just solder a 9 Volt battery clip to the cable from the one spot power supply, problem solved.
  13. Mosky XP Boost , which is a dirt cheap but non the less pretty amazing an Xotic EP Boost V1 clone, will fatten up the low end and bring some nice harmonically rich saturation to the table. It saturates the signal, but while never introducing any actual distortion. To me it sounds best with the internal +3dB Treble dip switch engaged and powered by 18V.
  14. In all fairness, yes. However that doesn't change the fact that it is still crap. Also have a laugh at this AI (I very much hope at least) generated nonsense: https://www.fuelrocks.com/category/instruments/bass-guitar/
  15. No, I usually buy all black basses, though I do have one in sunburst finish, one of my least favorite finishes, but the only finish that particular model comes in, and my first ever bass, which I still own, is white, cause back then I couldn't care less about color or visual design. I would love a dark green, a blood red, and a deep metallic purple, bass though. I guess this with the visual mods I've done to it comes closest to rainbow colored (at least green and red, and some purple in the background as well): Edit!!!: Oh, wait forgot that I actually long ago decorated that white bass I mentioned with star stickers in red, blue and green metallic colors, a green tape stripe, and a red tone knob (and that it actually still looks like this): And then there is this one I made (with some help from an AI program that allows for mixing characteristics from one image with a second image, and then PhotoShop):
  16. Looks pretty spectacular. What's the neck and fretboard wood? Wenge and Macassar Ebony?
  17. And the EBS Valve Drive DI is powered with just 9V DC! Absolutely nothing to do with what kind of plate voltage the tubes in these units operate at, a lot of pedals, including this, ramps the voltage up or down internally depending on what the different components need to operate properly, as long as there is enough ampere to do so. Also preamp tubes works fine with so called starved plate voltage, they just work a little differently, not worse, when fed with less plate voltage than what they were originally designed to run optimally at (optimally here means distorting and coloring as little as possible, since that was pretty much unwanted artifacts in the original tube powered units these tubes were used in).
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