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Baloney Balderdash

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Everything posted by Baloney Balderdash

  1. Seems like I remembered wrong, since I've only used it with drive on permanently, to spice up my basic clean tone, as part of it. At least at the setting I use it, that is with a relatively low gain drive and mixed with clean signal at a 50/50 ratio, there isn't really any notable volume jump between drive being engaged and not. Actually if set right you have a variety of tones available, just using the 2 foot switches, without any notable volume jumps: - IR cab sim alone (or just straight dry DI signal) - IR cab sim (or just straight dry DI signal) with drive - amp emulation/EQ + IR cab sim (or eventual without IR cab sim) - amp emulation/EQ + drive + IR cab sim (or eventual without IR cab sim) All, with the right settings and IR cab sim, actually useable tones. You can even set it so your amp is fed with a signal without IR cab sim, but the XLR DI signal that the PA mixer is fed with the IR cab sim signal.
  2. You got some drug intake catching up to do if you are aspire to be like Keith Richard. And you play the wrong instrument... Also as someone else pointed out the way the Elixir strings are coated they prevent gunk from piling up in the gaps between the wounds, which is usually what kills strings, the D'Addario XTs won't.
  3. One of my all time absolute favorite songs, so awesomely dark and heartwrenchingly beautiful (not the official video, but I actually really like that too):
  4. And several time he feels the need to laugh out loud of his own sentences as well, even if what he is stating isn't funny at all. LOL
  5. Well, you do get the fake logo plate for FREE with the buy! LOL And this is an EXTREMELY rare modded version with a bridge J pickup and STEREO output!
  6. Yes there is! And no, they are not! They are all unique designs, and they are as different as any other amps compared to each other. The miniscule size just kind of limits how creative you can be in terms of unique layouts, or for adding additional features beyond the bare necessity.
  7. Yes, why even play at all? Who cares? We are all going to die anyway.
  8. Yeah, narrow bandwidth (high Q) is great if used for cutting problem frequencies, but not very useful for general tone shaping purposes, where higher bandwidth (lower Q) will be much more useful. It seems like the Artec parametric EQ was designed with the former in mind.
  9. Try one of the round corners of a Dunlop Nylon .73mm pick.
  10. From the information on Artec's homepage however it says that the Q value (bandwidth) is only adjustable between 4 to 7, which would be a relatively narrow bandwidth. I know at least that for general tone shaping I would have found a Q value that could be adjusted between 0.5 to 4 much more useful.
  11. Well, that would be pop and not slap. The way I "pluck" the strings is in a slight inwards slapping motion with the outmost tip of my index and middle finger/nail, more so really stoking, rather than striking the strings, so not really an aggressive actual slap, but does slightly emphasis the attack of the notes and gives some of that same metallic flavor and clarity of actual slap.
  12. No! And the state AI is on now in terms of lyrics writing is on level with that of an average 5 grade public school pupil, which of course does about match the level of the lyrics of current chart hits. Also current pop music is already made from a carefully calculated formula for maximal catchiness and commercial success, so there AI generated music should fit right in too. Not art though. Top 40 is, and for most parts have always been, filled up with utter stinky poo from an artistic point of view. A perversion of the most advanced form of communication we humans are capable of that is music.
  13. An Ibanez Mirko Bass 5 string, the GSRM25, does exist. That one got a 45mm nut width and 16.5mm string spacing. It does however have a scale length of just 28.6". https://www.ibanez.com/usa/products/detail/gsrm25_02.html
  14. A gap the size of the thickness of a credit card would indicate way too much relief, business card is more like it, a significant difference.
  15. Have you tried the dirt cheap but genuinely great Joyo British Sound, which is a clone of the Tech 21 British, and which is an all analog a preamp/drive designed specifically to mimic a wide variety of classic Marshall amp tones? Worth a shot I'd say, at least.
  16. But surely he wasn't so bad that he deserved to be killed?
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