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Baloney Balderdash

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Everything posted by Baloney Balderdash

  1. Now I am curious... Can we see the whole bass, please? Also how does it play and sound (other than having a really low output level)?
  2. No it doesn't, and I honestly can't be assed to explain why it would be faulty logic to conclude so, and how and why everything on a bass or guitar influences on how the strings vibrate and therefor what the pickups pick up, that is the tone of the instrument, it's basic physics really. Done it too many times, and it seems people insist on getting non the wiser regardless.
  3. Well, he is a bit of an odd reviewer, he tends to repeat himself a lot, with a lot of insertion of repeated expressions that really doesn't add any meaning or serves any real purpose except for making him able to keep speaking without pauses, and then he tends to somehow make all the basses he reviews sound more or less identical (a tone that I by the way personally find rather bland).
  4. How are they compared to Elixir Nanoweb coated strings? Both in terms of feel, tone, and in terms of how long they keep sounding fresh. They seem to utilize a somewhat similar coating technique as the Elixir, in that the coating, unlike just about any other coated strings on the market, covers the whole string, but where Elixir utilizes a Cortex coating, which as far as I gathered is some sort of synthetic plastic/fabric, these Blacksmith strings seems to utilize some kind of Carbon based coating.
  5. I once owned the first original all tubes version of the 50W Dynacord's Bass-King amp. It sounded great, was quite light taking it being a full tube amp into consideration, and just exactly loud enough to keep up with a rock band and play up small bar sized venues without additional PA support. This one: Really regret being stupid enough to sell it.
  6. Can we agree on a compromise and settle for a peninsula then?
  7. And those component's influence on the tone of the final product!
  8. And I can prove that you are a rock!: A rock can't fly You can't fly Therefore you are a rock!
  9. A Picture of Our Torn Up Praise - Phosphorescent
  10. The original response above mine was "Rock My Boat", or something like that, which was later edited to actually fit the title above it.
  11. Resonance does affect the vibrations of the strings, and thereby what the pickups pick up.
  12. I've watched a couple of comparison videos, comparing a wide range of high mass bridges with the simple stock old fashioned bend steel plate one, and my conclusion was that the stock one sounded better, the high mass bridges sounded too polite to my ears, like rounder, and with less attack, almost dull, whereas the stock old fashioned bend steel plate bridge had more attack and a more complex and lively tone. Mind the tone difference was fairly subtle, but non the less it was definitely noticeable when the bass was played in isolation/solo.
  13. Are You Shivering? - Coil Damn, wrong page... Weed Against Speed - Sebadoh
  14. This is one of my all time absolute favorite doom rock/metal tracks: And this one, with J. Mascis from Dinosaur Jr. on drums, is great too: Not sure if this could be characterize as doom, but it is an amazing track regardless:
  15. Say what? What on earth is this exactly supposed to mean? You jumped on the bass, and /it fell?/ or /you threw it?/ down some stairs, because the top string had fallen off (snapped?) mid show, which split the body of the bass in half? (is that it?) I am not trying to be snarky here, just genuinely can't make any sense of that sentence whatsoever.
  16. Do I get part of your advertising money for this?
  17. Make that: XVive Undulator (tremolo, but never actually engaged, used exclusively for its great buffer, or any decent buffer really) -> EHX Black Finger (tube driven optical compressor, with 2 preamp tubes operating at proper high 300V plate voltage, mainly used as a tube preamp stage though, driven to just at the edge of the tubes's breakup point, but with some very subtle compression dialed in as well) -> Zoom B1Xon (mainly used as reverb unit, including the {very subtle plate reverb -> subtle spring reverb} patch that is part of my basic "clean" tone, so even though it technically is a multi effect, I would be satisfied with just that patch, which i guess could make it count as just a single dedicated reverb pedal) -> NUX Melvin Lee Davis Bass Preamp + DI (loaded with a digitally emulated Aguilar Tone Hammer amp, and an Ampeg SVT-212AV IR cab simulation, with a subtle low gain overdrive blended in at a 50/50 clean/drive ratio) Which is what makes up my basic "clean" tone and is the core of my current "amp-less" setup (bar ending with the NUX MLD Bass Preamp going into an ART Tube MP Project Series (tube amp and DI, which I suppose technically isn't a pedal, so suppose I could have that too without breaking the premises of OP?), which I am extremely satisfied with. This is for my main instrument of choice, a just 28.6" scale Ibanez Mikro Bass, with its stock pickups pulled out, and just the reverse P pickup replaced for an EMG Geezer Butler P, which I use in tenor bass tuning, that is A standard tuning, as in the 4 upper strings of a 6 string bass tuned in regular B standard tuning, and strung accordingly, with Elixir Nanoweb coated guitar stings, threaded through the cut off ball ends of old bass strings for the strings not to fall through the bass bridge string mounting holes, of the gauges .068 - .052 - .038 - .028.
  18. If you don't mind it weighting about a ton and it is reasonably priced (these old solid state Trace Elliot amps shouldn't cost much) I'd say get it for all the world! I never had a better bass tone than when I still had my old solid state Trace Elliot amp, and mind I owned one of those sought after legendary all tube Ampeg B-15S amps (the S model being the highest wattage of the B-15 amps, which delivered 60W, just exactly enough power for band rehearsals with a rock band and for playing up small bar sized venues without additional PA support needed) as well at some point. I very much regret being stupid enough to sell both, but at least it would be easy to find a new old Trace Elliot SS cheap used, a B-15S not so much, both rare and expensive to find used.
  19. Indeed interesting. Just measured the reverse split P pickup on my Ibanez Mikro Bass. But since the Mikro Bass is just 28.6" scale length, and since 10" would be 1/3 of a 30" scale length bass, the equivalent measurement for the Mikro Bass, 1/3 X 28.6", would be ~9.5". And the middle of bass side of the reverse split P pickup pole pieces turns out to be at just about 9.6" measured form the 12th fret, while the treble side is at just about 8.3". So really close as well.
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