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Baloney Balderdash

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Everything posted by Baloney Balderdash

  1. I for one appreciate that. I don't know what it is with Fender and 19 frets necks with the last 3 frets sitting on the body, being inaccessible.
  2. Isn't that only because you see a "not Fender Jazz" Bass, rather than an unique instrument/model in it's own regard?
  3. I think it looks great! Certainly better than a traditional Fender Jazz Bass.
  4. Cool! I 100% approve on trying to bring the Sunn amp brand back. But when that is said, as many already pointed out, at those prices for those kind of specs definitely something I'll even consider, and I doubt they are going to stay in business for long. If I should ever want the Sunn amp sound at some point I'll buy one of the many Sunn preamps on the market from smaller builders, maybe even one with tubes, I know a couple like that that are quite reasonably prices, an allegedly pretty amazing.
  5. Yes, just like the new Squier Paranormal Rascal Bass (and the old original Fender Rascal Bass for that matter). Which I think might have been the exact point with suggesting the Rapier as being an alternative to the Rascal Bass (beside them both having a similar bridge + neck humbucker pickup configuration, and being in just about the same kind of price class as well). Though the Rapier is 31" scale length, while the Rascal is standard 30" short scale.
  6. This is what it says about the other smaller G2220 Electromatic Junior Jet like bridge pickup on the page that the link in the OP leads to: So it's a custom humbucker by Fender themself.
  7. At the moment I am in the process of a complete rearrangement of my pedal setup, which is part of my "amp-less" setup, but this is how it most likely is going to end up (I have used an online pedal board organizing app to do this, it was lacking some of my pedals, so I have used the ones that had the closest resemblance to the actual pedals of mine missing, and numbered those, so I could list what they represent): 1 : Danelectro FAB Metal 2: EHX Black Finger 3: HoTone Trem 4: Mosky Black Rat 5: Mosky XP Booster (secured under the pedal board) 6: XVive Undulator (secured under the pedal board) 7: Monarch MFL-22 Stereo Flanger 8: Joyo Oxford Sound 9: ART Tube MP Project Series (the picture doesn't resemble this ART tube preamp at all, other than by approximate size) 10: Behringer VP1 Vintage Phaser (this is a picture of the correct pedal, just partially covered by a pedal that is to be secured under the board) 11: Zoom B1Xon And this is what my temporary setup looks like currently, until I have the full setup proper pedal board sorted again:
  8. Yes, that's exactly what I said in my initial reply to you: As in the ones they use new for the new Paranormal Rascal Bass is not the same pickup, since it doesn't sound muddy at all, but actually pretty nicely well defined and articulate.
  9. Ebony can be brown with white/grey figures, Macassar Ebony often is, just like it, at least looks like, on the pictures you posted of your bass before you treated the fretboard. I don't think it is Ebony though, but it looks even less like Pau Ferro, in fact nothing like Pau Ferro, at least not on those pictures (I realize though that it might have looked differently in person than on the photos). I personally think it looked very unique and beautiful (again at least on the pictures), but hey, it's your bass.
  10. This changes everything! Call whatever the British equivalent to FBI is immediately! This is an X-Files! And who knows, this Phil Lynott rash might be infectious and spread!
  11. On a completely different note, it's quite an odd spot to drop a blob of solder. Not in any possible way suggesting that he did it on purpose, that would make even less sense, just genuinely can't wrap my head around how it could possibly end there.
  12. It does look like the figures in the wood are gone, which I otherwise thought looked very unique and beautiful. Also, judging from the 2 pictures OP originally posted, it definitely looked a lot more like figured Ebony than Pau Ferro, as otherwise suggested by OP, but honestly I don't think it really looked like neither.
  13. The Paranormal Pascal got a neck and bridge pickup, I would think the neck pickup would have been more boomy, which doesn't seem to be the case, than this middle position one, if it indeed is the same pickup. So no, not really, not in this context. Though pickup placement does have a rather big impact on tone in general.
  14. I would think it would naturally be so on relatively lower gain and/or relatively higher clean mix settings, and be more prominent and obvious the more gain and the more drive is added to the mix. Also I would think the difference between respectively the mainly even and mainly odd harmonics drive settings to be most obvious (forgot which drive setting number is what).
  15. Embrace the change and apply more solder blobs to make it a thing! As the Chinese proverb goes: “When the winds of change blow, some people build walls and others build windmills.”
  16. Well, that's the point of the joke, isn't it? He had been going through your trash and found a used Rotosound string bag, and now hold you responsible for it. How else would he know?
  17. I am pretty sure that was a joke, referring to the fact that your initial reply, if hypothetically assuming it was written with an inquisitive intention, could make it look like as if you had been spying on/keeping a record of OP's posts here on the forum, humorously illustrated by you systematically digging through his trash on a regular basis, to dig up, well trash, about him, and meticulously noting down your findings.
  18. That looks beautiful! What is the fretboard wood, interesting, and actually in my opinion great looking, figuring/grain? I trust you know what you are doing and I am not familiar with Monty's Fretboard Conditioner, but just in case you don't, you do realize regular mineral oil based fretboard conditioner (often sold as lemon oil, which it is not (and shouldn't be either as that will go rancid)) can make the wood soft if you apply too much and/or too often, which you definitely wouldn't want, especially not on a fretless bass, right? Regular mineral oil based fretboard conditioner should be applied very sparingly, something like just a couple of a drops, literally, for the entire fretboard, distributed and rubbed in and then excess immediately after wiped away, and you should never let it soak, as otherwise it potentially can make above happen. It makes it look pretty, and nothing else, you wouldn't want moist wood, there's a reason that you dry wood for a long time before you use it for a guitar build, and that roasted Maple is more stable than regular untreated Maple.
  19. Likely the ones they use for the new Paranormal Rascal, which doesn't sound muddy at all, but actually pretty nicely well defined and articulate.
  20. It's all analog. And the Behringer BDI21 bass preamp, which is less than half the price of the Eden preamp, is all analog too, and might I say a great one that that too. The answer is it doesn't. Doesn't sound like valve distortion at all, and is actually a pretty horrible distortion pedal, better distortion pedal though still than overdrive, as it is otherwise supposed to be. Not that it is expensive to build a great one, and not that a lot of these cheap, all analog, Behringer pedals aren't actually genuinely great as well. It seems you somehow have gotten hold of the wrong end of the stick with this topic. My guess it that bloated top brand prices might be the cause of this? Even if do remember that development costs money too, actually building stuff not so much, and certainly not today where most of the manufacturing process can be handled by machines and easily mass produced.
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