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Baloney Balderdash

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Everything posted by Baloney Balderdash

  1. I think I have come to the conclusion that no one pick or picking technique is going to make it as a one size fits all solution, but a combination of these will, for me at least: - Dunlop Max Grip Nylon .60mm: tip or round corner, depending - Dunlop Tortex .60mm: tip - Wedgie Soft 3.1mm rubber pick: tip - Various finger picking techniques: traditional 2 and 3 finger plucking technique, classical guitar finger picking technique, flamenco style index and/or middle finger flicking technique, double thumbing technique, depending
  2. So I was about as wrong as I could possibly be, except I guess for the fact that I actually guessed that bass number one was not a P Bass but some kind of humbucker. But yeah, just proved to me that it's incredible hard to determine which bass is actually used in the context of a full mix, and difference in tone is barely detectable, as long as the pickup in question is at approximately in the same ballpark, not even necessarily dead on, position. That said I actually liked the tone of #2 bass the least out of all of them, so maybe time for me to reconsider my preference of P pickups, even if I guess it likely really just being a matter of that specific pickup in that specific bass. And in any case, as I said, the differences is actually really really subtle and just barely detectable.
  3. And I am afraid you are projecting, judging from the general vibe I pick up from you previous two comments in this thread. My day has been splendid and I've slept great, thank you. Luckily there is still hours left for yours to hopefully get better, so lighten up a bit my friend.
  4. The shack side? I wouldn't know, I tend to use the entire bed for that. Also you do know that you don't have to read all the tags of topics, right? They are exclusively there to make searching on specific topics more effective, and not really intended for reading.
  5. A large quantity of Thorn Apples, from the Night Shade family! Scopolamine is one hell of a drug! 🧙‍♀️👽🤢👹💀
  6. And you my friend is guilty of defamation! And that's an actual fact, unlike your accusations. Where on Earth did you come to such a conclusion from what he wrote? Just, wouh! Also why should he put his real name on the headstock?
  7. "No inflation, no gin No inflation, no gin" As Bob Gnarly famously once sang.
  8. Why on Earth do I read so many car analogies when reading posts on bass forums? They are nothing alike and personally I couldn't give a flying shack about cars, and don't know what the shack half of these analogies are even on about.
  9. Have you actually tried it and done a proper effort to use it for serious jamming/improvising? Cause sounds very much like the effect of alcohol and not hashish your are describing there to me.
  10. I'd say it's worth enlightening people if they genuinely doesn't know, hard to tell if they do or not, but personally I'd prefer being corrected in my misconceptions, being taught something new, and becoming more knowledgeable. Knowledge is definitely worth it as far as I am concerned, and one ought to appreciate and not get offended by being taught something new, at least if it is done in a respectful and non patronizing manner. Also I think it actually is valid to care about using the right terminology, as using the wrong terminology even if being aware of the correct one might mislead other people who are not aware into thinking it is factual information. And as it happens to be I actually was once of the misconception that Class D meant digital, and I am glad someone bothered to tell me that that wasn't the case, and Class D amps indeed very much is analog technology, which got me to look it up and read up on it.
  11. No such thing as a digital poweramp, simply not possible. I am sure you mean Class D, which is very much analog.
  12. Hashish is amazing for free improvisation, boosts your creativity and helps you to much easier get into a state of flow/"the zone". Considerably less so if you need to stick strictly to some predetermined form, in fact in that case it would often make your playing worse.
  13. I don't understand this, is that to be interpreted as the role of the bass player in a band context is 100% to play Pacman? And on that note and on topic, can you play Pacman on the Dwarf?
  14. Billy Corgan from Smashing Pumpkins is convinced guitars with white finish sounds the best.
  15. I'd personally prefer the Ibanez SRMD200 Mezzo neck. The Ibanez Mezzo though is a bit more expensive than the Squier Jag, and the Squier neck might fit the neck pocket on most available bass bodies better (not sure about the latter though).
  16. This is true! Also would you believe it, whether you are wearing socks or not makes a huge tonal difference too! Proof: I first played my just 28.6" scale Ibanez Mikro Bass, tuned to F# standard tuning, as in 2 half staps above regular E standard tuning, through my "amp-less" setup with headphones and socks on, then my regular 34" scale Aria Pro II Laser Electric Classic, tuned in regular E standard tuning, through my 1 x 15" Trace Elliot combo, but without socks on, and believe it or not but the tonal difference was like night and day! There you have it: tone socks!
  17. The Jazz look cooler, but I am pretty certain doesn't sound nearly as great.
  18. It will also with certainty kill roundwound strings much much faster!
  19. I honestly don't get this attitude. Why even play if the people you play for couldn't care less and just wants to be entertained? You might as well perform a clown sketch then. Why I make music for people who actually care about music. To me music is sacred and the most advanced form of communication we humans are capable of, and the stuff that makes up Top 40 is a perversion, a sacrilege abomination.
  20. I honestly have no idea. They did all sound ever so slightly different from each other, but can't tell which is which, I am pretty certain though that #1 is not a P pickup but a regular humbucker of some sort, and I don't think #2 is a P pickup either, but which of #3, #4 and #5 is a P pickup I have no idea, as far as I am concerned they could all be, though obviously different P pickup models. A wild guess would be that #4 is the P pickup.
  21. The Thomann house brand budget passive PA speaker that I use as a FRFR cab for my "amp-less" setup, the The Box PA 502, featuring a 15" bass/mids woofer/driver speaker unit and a 1.7" high frequency tweeter horn. Very well balanced, really articulate and clear sounding, with an impressive, but tight and punchy, low end response (better low end response than a lot of dedicated bass cabs, and most, including most high end, PA speakers, on the market). No short of amazing sounding, regardless of price, perfect for use as a FRFR cab for bass. And for the, taking the actual quality into consideration, absolutely ridiculous price of just 211 £/245 Euro. Only downside really is that it weight about a ton, 25.5 kg (~56 lbs). https://www.thomann.de/gb/the_box_pa502_fullrangesystem.htm
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