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Baloney Balderdash

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Everything posted by Baloney Balderdash

  1. Except that is not how resonance works. It goes both ways. The specific way the string's vibrations makes the wood resonates reflects back and affects how the strings vibrate accordingly as well.
  2. Idiot! !!!Me Playing THE DEVIL's Advocate!!! !!!Me Playing THE DEVIL's Advocate But With THE OPPOSITE Opinion!!!
  3. First single from Alan Sparhawk's (Low) upcomming album "White Roses, My God" that is out on the 27th of Septermber. Just released today!
  4. Money, Money, Money - ABBA
  5. Don't know if this counts, but I have my two 28.6" scale Ibanez Mirko Basses, respectively a 5 string and a 4 string, tuned in a tenor bass tuning and strung accordingly. The 5 string Mikro Bass is strung with Elixir Nanoweb guitar strings of the gauges: .080 - .062 - .046 - .036 - .026, and tuned in G standard tuning, that is 3 half steps above the upper 5 strings of a 6 string bass in regular B standard tuning. Using only the stock bridge J pickup, wired directly to the output jack socket. "Mr. Growly - The Noodlemancer" : And the 4 string Mikro Bass also strung with Elixir Nanoweb guitar strings, of the gauges: .068 - .052 - .038 - .028, and tuned to A# standard tuning, that is one half step above the upper 4 strings of a 6 string bass tuned in regular B standard tuning. With an EMG Geezer Butler P pickup wired directly to the output jack socket. "Dud Bottomfeeder" : These are my main instruments of choice, and I play them through an always on 1 octave up effect, blended with parallel clean signal, for an effect somewhat similar to that of an 8 string bass (with pairs of respectively bass and octave strings), using a custom made Toneprint on my TC Electronic Sub'N'Up Mini for this: Very cool. With that tuning are you planning to use it as a slide bass/guitar? Also what is the scale length?
  6. Reverse orientation P pickups is definitely the way to go. The traditional orientation of a P pickup actually emphasizes the tonal difference between the lower thicker strings and the thinner higher strings, whereas in reverse orientation this difference is somewhat cancelled out and you get a much more balanced and even tone across the strings/fretboard. But yes, I do love the sound of P pickups too. It's just that Leo got the orientation wrong. Just like he notoriously confused vibrato with tremolo.
  7. No, that is not how this works! Or you might as well have used a regular Midi pickup. And no one claimed the latency was 0. But you do save the latency of the tracking otherwise needed with a regular Midi pickup. And this system does actually work perfectly, what doesn't work however is the people who invented it pulling their shit together and getting the ordered builds done...
  8. Fight for Your Right - Beastie Boys
  9. Ashdown ORIGINAL HD-1 H x W x D - 89 x 220 x 209 mm, which translates to approximately 8.7" wide.
  10. Though you could with some right claim that the latency is several years to forever.
  11. The First Five Minutes After Death - Coil
  12. That Jazzmaster looks awesome! Mind though for obvious questionable safety reasons I wouldn't want to play a guitar with spikes like that.
  13. It worked for Sid Vicious...
  14. Poop Ship Destroyer - Ween
  15. Grim Reaper Blues - Entrance
  16. This is f***ing awesome (playlist of the full album "Our Raw Heart" by YOB )
  17. P Basses are extremely popular at the moment, and has been so for a while. They are in fact experiencing a regular renaissance.
  18. Yes, and poetry is just nonsense, that doesn't really mean anything...
  19. Not in my experience. Quite on the contrary. And not if you use a string tension calculator and put together you own set based on it, as I do.
  20. Most does if you buy single strings, rather than sets. Personally I tend to use D'Addario. Can recommend Newtone too though, who do just about any custom gauge you wish: https://newtonestrings.com/shop/custom-bass-string-configurator/
  21. For regular tuning I prefer a balanced tension gauge .095 - .075 - .055 - .040 set of roundwound strings. And I use this both for regular scale basses and short scale basses. You get a richer and clearer tone, with improved definition and more harmonic content, thanks to the lower gauge. Improved sustain as well, as the strings will be able to vibrate more freely, due to the lower tension, which will also feel nicer for the fretting hand. . I suppose if you are a very heavy plucker such a set of strings might be too floppy for you, but personally I pluck the strings relatively lightly, using just the outmost tip of my fingers/nails (the latter cut so that they are pretty much flush with the finger tips), and more so stroke the strings in a slight inward light slapping motion, rather than really strike, pluck or pull the strings.
  22. I have received the pedal, and not only does it work flawlessly, it also sounds no short of amazing, both as cleanish preamp and as overdrive! I had high expectations, but got to say they have been exceeded, I am blown away with how awesome this pedal sounds. Edit!!!: I probably ought to add, that while this pedal is an astonishing sounding overdrive it is unfortunately quite noisy when engaged. However I just swapped the 2 stock EHX 12AY7EH tubes with 2 EHX 12AX7EH tubes, and beside the pedal obviously not being capable of quite as low gain overdrive settings but on the other hand also being capable of higher gain overdrive/distortion than before, it is actually also a whole lot quieter (as in much less noisy) dialed in to deliver about the same amount of gain (9 o'clock Vs. before maxed gain knob) as before the tube swap (relative high gain overdrive (but not distortion), and not any more noisy than your average drive pedal), but also the drive it delivers is considerably tighter sounding, which I prefer. So unless you need just breaking up/light tube breakup sounds I can warmly recommend swapping the 2 stock EHX 12AY7EH tubes with higher gain EHX 12AX7EH tubes (or whichever brand 12AX7 tubes you prefer). In any case I can confirm that tube swap seems to make a substantial difference to this pedal. EHX ought to re-release all these big 2 x tube pedals, not only do they all sound amazing, they are also amazing value for the money (or well, judging from the 4 I've owned myself (Black Finger (still own), The Wiggler (even owned 2 of these at some point, but was stupid enough to sell both), LPB 2ube (which I very much regret being stupid enough to sell, awesome stereo/2 channel tube preamp, being able to bridge the channels and use it as a tube overdrive too), and now the English Muff'n), and from the demos I've heard to the others).
  23. Hey Fat Boy (Asshole) - Ween
  24. You should! I would love to hear how that sounds, but haven't been able to find any examples of it online. Strange, cause to me it seems like the obvious solution. Though to me P Basses doesn't growl, J Basses do, P Basses are punchy and snappy, roars, rather than growl, so not entirely sure what you mean by that.
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