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Baloney Balderdash

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Everything posted by Baloney Balderdash

  1. As people before me has already said a tuner usually won't draw much current, so should last a very long time with just a battery. Just be aware that it will draw power from the battery as soon as a jack plug is plugged into the input jack socket of the tuner, regardless if it is engaged or not, so if choosing to power it with a battery remember to unplug it when not in use.
  2. Wouh, that's bad, man, you would need a new bass, a new amp, a new wife, and quite possibly a new hip bone as well, to fix that!
  3. I played bass in a hardcore and noise rock influenced math rock band where the not only the bass parts but also often the guitar parts would be rather complex rhythmically and go completely against the vocals parts. I'll never figure out how the vocalist who also happened to be the guitarist managed, but I got great respect for him being able to. To me it's kind of like as if having to solve a mathematical equation with one hand while simultaneously writing a poem with the other, no matter how well I know the bass and vocal parts individually. Seems absolutely impossible to me. To me it's a skill up there with people who are able to do tightrope walking while juggling lit torches.
  4. It is indeed a really great strap, feels extremely comfortable, even with heavy basses, and it has a relatively good grip as well, making it great at dealing with neck diving basses. And while you can get cheaper straps, and that it is one of the more expensive ones Harley Benton offers, it's not really expensive, in fact rather cheap for what it is. Harley Benton is a budget brand after all. It is 29£/34 Euro. Only issue I really have with it is that the memory foam doesn't seem to be covered/draped with another layer of leather or even just cloth, which I got a suspicion potentially could cause the foam to deteriorate over time being exposed to sweat and eventually crumble away. I assume though, and it does seem like it, that the memory foam at least has been treated with a thin protective film/layer of some kind.
  5. Pretty much where I got my strap adjusted to as well. To hang at about the same height as if I was playing sitting down without a strap. And this is the strap in question: The Harley Benton 85mm wide black suede strap with 6mm memory foam padding, and the length adjustable from 105 to 150 cm
  6. If only it had allowed for parallel effect processing. That said it seems like a pretty amazing multi effect in an astonishing small, very pedal board friendly package, basically from what I can see about the size of 2 standard Boss pedals or so, relatively high quality, and a quite affordable price. Seems like this might very well be the most advanced mini multi effect on the market, and as said even for a quite reasonable price. I could totally see myself getting one of these to replace all my modulation effects, some additional reverb and delay, plus more. The link in the OP by the way doesn't work for me, this does though: https://www.hotoneaudio.com/products/multi-effects/Ampero Mini And here's a spec comparison with the other Ampero multi effects:
  7. Well, I think that really depends on the music being played. At a Top 40 hits cover band gig, sure, at an avantgarde free jazz gig, probably not so much. Personally I don't make music for the average person. Your average person doesn't really care for music, certainly not music as an art form, they care about being entertained, and the medium really is secondary to them.
  8. If you are playing for the sake of the people who couldn't care less if you do or not why then even bother playing?
  9. Try re-stringing your bass with a gauge .100 - .080 - .060 - .045 set of strings (and of course re-set the neck relief, string action and intonation accordingly).
  10. Could be the strings got too high tension and are too stiff to vibrate properly in standard tuning. Tuning them down would lower the tension and make the strings less stiff allowing for them to vibrate more freely, resulting in a more lively tone with more harmonic content, higher output and longer sustain. Try a set of strings of lower gauge and see if that helps.
  11. Well, sometimes you need to be willing to make compromised, think of it, he could have chosen to make his job even easier and just told all of you not to play at all. Kind of like how painters usually needs to be payed extra to bother putting up masking tape and not just paint over wall power outlets e.t.c.
  12. I wasn't. Frankly it sucked. I mean comically bad. It failed to write anything but primitive poems with very strictly rhyming structures that stayed verry strictly within simple rhythmic patterns, it also has consistently bad habit of telling rather than showing, that it literally tell what it wanted to say 1:1, rather than showing, which also meant that it's level of abstraction was very limited and each poem only had 1 possible interpretation, or that is, since it was telling what the poem was about 1:1 as part of it's respective "poems" there was no room and any less any reason to interpret it. In other words it used totally old fashioned and horribly outdated templates to create poetry and the quality level beside that was just about that of your average high school kid. I was badly disappointed after hearing from several people how advanced this chat bot was supposed to be. What I did find that this AI chat bot was extremely great at though was finding possible hypothetical meanings of complete nonsense words, that is if you asked something in the lines of "If the word [nonsense] really did exist what would it then likely mean?", it came up with a very impressive linguistic analyze and several possible and seemingly very plausible suggestions to what it could possibly mean. It even guessed pretty accurately what the claimed nonsense word "krusedulle" would mean if it existed, a word that does actually exist in Danish. I guess not as surprising when you think of it as it is basically exactly those AI chat machine is, an extremely powerful language analyzing machine that learns how to make sense of what essentially to it is just an utter nonsense string of seemingly random letters. And yes pretty much all Top 40 music is made from the exact same formular, with primitive melodies and harmonic content, and so compressed, quantized, and autotuned, again processed that, beside making it sound less human, also makes it much less complex, so perfect job for a machine to do. I am pretty confident that when it comes to real art AI has a very long way yet to be up to standards with that made by real human artists.
  13. "Sort Tulipan" by the Norwegian band Seigmen and their masterpiece of an album "Total" from 1994: This is the original Norwegian lyrics translated to English as best as I could (not because it's extraordinary poetry exactly, but more for the sake of people being able to understand what is being sung) : Black Tulip The Sun dissolves in an ocean of sorrow the Sun absolves the sky of yesterday from ashes I have come to dust I shall become some want to return some will remain All time has passed all time (forever) is over The Sun becomes sky and the sky turns to rain rain turns into waves and waves become an ocean All time has passed all time (forever) is over
  14. My absolute favorite, though there are many great tracks, from those two albums (Musick to Play in the Dark Vol. 1 and Vol. 2) is this though: Even my absolute favorite Coil track, heck one of my all time favorite pieces of music overall.
  15. There shouldn't be. Theoretically the difference in output volume between 200W and 280W would be something like 1dB.
  16. There was in fact a Fender Precision Bass Junior in production at some point, if memory serves me right produced in Mexico, though that one featured a just 28.6" scale length, and it served as the main inspiration for the current production Squier Mini P Bass. The Fender P Junior (not in production anymore) I believe being the second mess produced bass ever to feature the 28.6" scale length, the original Höfner Shortie being the first (the current production Höfner Shortie features a standard 30" short scale bass scale length), and then after that the Fender P Junior, followed by the Ibanez Mikro Bass and LTD B4 Junior Bass (the LTD B4 Junior not in production anymore, also technically that one actually had a 28.5", rather than 28.6", scale length, for some reason), eventually then the Jackson Minion Bass, and finally the resurrection of the Fender P Junior through the Squier Mini P. Personally I am a big fan of the Ibanez Mikro Bass.
  17. Bloody Kisses (A Death in the Family) - Type O Negative
  18. Another example (which also features quite the bass noodle), from my psychedelic electronic music project: Which can be downloaded for free here: https://electrojarjar.bandcamp.com/track/spacefuzz-2016 And again, links to my cross project SoundCloud and YouTube profiles in my signature, where you'll find links to the individual project's Bandcamp pages, from where everything is available for free download and listening.
  19. My first guess was a bad battery connection somehow, and as I read on it seems like I was right (well that is almost right, my actual guess was that the jack socket battery ring connection didn't connect properly to the jack plug).
  20. Impossible to answer for you. A very personal thing to ask, and no one got any chance of knowing your personal preferences, even less if you don't even yourself. Also doubtful that your next bass within your budget will be properly shielded from stock, leaving you with ending up still having to do it yourself anyway or having to pay someone to do so. That said traveling around to different music gear stores and trying out as many basses firsthand yourself, actually playing them, might prove fruitful to you.
  21. From my dark drone/ambient project Fjernsind (which originally shared my name, hence why it says Jacob Læby and not Fjernsind😞 Up for free download here: https://fjernsind.bandcamp.com/track/den-hvide-d-d-the-white-death-3 Otherwise check out my cross project SoundCloud and YouTube channel, linked in my signature bellow here, both featuring links to the individual project's Bandcamp pages, where all the music I have produced is up for free download. That said I was once a part of an indie pop duo where one of our songs, where I contributed to both the composition and lyrics, and played lead guitar, bass and did backing vocals on on the recording, got added to the Danish national radio's playlist, still hardly any great commercial success, and hardly qualifies as a hit either:
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