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Baloney Balderdash

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Everything posted by Baloney Balderdash

  1. Well, with the sample buffer size, which is not the same as bit rate, it ought to be much less 8ms, more like just below 3ms or so at 44.1Khz sample rate, and even lower if the audio sample rate of the Dwarf is higher than that (close to just 1ms if the sample buffer size is 128 and sample rate is 96kHZ, double of that if the sample buffer size is 256): https://www.sweetwater.com/insync/buffers-latency/ Anyone know the audio sample rate of the Dwarf? I think, though it differs some from person to person, that latencies above 10ms starts to get noticeable, so if one is using other digital pedals in their signal chain, which typically will have latency of just about 1ms, together with Dwarf, and if the latency of the Dwarf really is about 8ms, it could course issues.
  2. As said I kind of count on buying the MOD Dwarf at some point in the future. Not likely to be soon though, but when time comes to update my Zoom B1Xon and G1on it will most likely be the Dwarf that gets picked. So I wanted to ask if any of you know the latency in milliseconds of the Dwarf?
  3. Yes, without question from now on I at least will always be interpreting the lyrics for "I'm Too Sexy For My Shirt" as being code for anti vax! Who would have thought. I'll never go shirtless again, especially not after having my chest vaxed.
  4. Ah sorry, yeah, I just didn't realize we had changed the topic of this thread from vintage electrical basses, as of OP, to what they did prior to 1920 in general. My bad, totally. Sure if the topic is now what they did a century ago, rather than vintage electrical basses, then sure a century ago would be the correct answer. Silly me, assuming we were trying to actually help OP. But I totally get why that idea is laughable now. Right, guys? Right...
  5. Uhm? The the title of this topic specifically says "Favorite (Not best)". Favorite is not the same as best. Not to me, my favorite bass players play speaks to my soul, little to do with level of technical skillset. Music isn't sports. My list would have been entirely different, with practically no names but Victor Wooten's remaining, if it was to consist of the top 10 bass players I'd consider the technically most proficient (though I would have a really hard time coming up with such a list, and I would have a hard time defending my choices as well as the whole concept of it, as it really does depend, best at what exactly, according to which criterias, in which context/aspect, which qualities would weight more than others, and why, and how to even measure that qualitatively to start with, e.t.c).
  6. More than a mint can handle, for sure. You really should see a doctor, TB is a serious disease.
  7. I love the whole concept and how this pedal came to be, and sounds awesome too. Though I must admit that next octave fuzz I am likely to buy will be the Orange Fur Coat. However I still hope to buy this at some point. Until then I'll have to do with my Behringer SF300 Super Fuzz, which though is a pretty amazing octave fuzz as well.
  8. In no particular order: :-: Victor Wooten (Does he really need an introduction? But I guess Béla Fleck and the Flecktones :-: Bass Extremes, together with Steve Bailey as the other half) :-: Chris Wood (Medeski Martin & Wood :-: The Wood Brothers) :-: Bill Laswel (Massacre, the experimental rock band, not the metal band :-: Last Exit, the avantgarde/free jazz band, not the jazz fusion band :-: as well as countless of other projects, some featuring highly acclaimed and really famous musicians, though primarily in the more experimental and jazzy end of the spectrum) :-: Trevor Dunn (Mr. Bungle :-: Trevor Dunn's Trio-Convulsant) :-: Julie Slick (Adrian Belew Power Trio :-: Crimson Project :-: EchoTest) :-: Justin Chancellor (Tool) :-: Cliff Burton (Metalica) :-: Lou Barlow (Dinosaur Jr. :-: Folk Implosion :-: Sebadoh :-: Sentridoh) :-: Paz Lenchantin (A Perfect Circle :-: Entrance :-: Pixies) :-: Peter Hook (Joy Division :-: New Order :-: Peter Hook and The Light) :-: Jack Casady (Jefferson Airplane :-: Jefferson Starship :-: Hot Tuna)
  9. Active PA speaker! If weight is no issue I can warmly recommend the The Box PA 502 A that Thomann sells. It's budget solution but it sounds genuinely no short of phenomenal!
  10. Still haven't got around to setting up the new updated and completely rearranged board, so this is how my temporary totally scrapped down pedal setup looks at the moment (signal chain is listed in the above quoted post):
  11. It would be, yes. I think ivory from Mammuts might be an option though, even if they have nothing to do with dinosaurs. Great minds think alike, was writing mine as you posted your reply.
  12. Anyone knows what the strings spacing is likely to be at bridge, the standard 19mm spacing, as 4 string P and J Basses, or more likely 17mm like for instance the Mustang and Bronco short scale basses? Also fretboard radius?
  13. Yes! Another short scale! And for once with great upper fret access. Could totally see myself getting one of these, and maybe even in that metallic green of the one pictures in the OP. I assume, judging from how the pole pieces are arranged, that the 2 humbucker essentially are 2 P pickups under the cover, which would be right up my alley as well. Though it would have been even better though if the pole pieces had been arranged as a reverse P, so that the natural tone difference between the 2 thicker lower string and 2 upper thinner strings would have been equaled out some instead of being emphasized. And if the black one had had the same cream pickguard as the green one, instead of pearl.
  14. No worries, no offence taken. And yes, of course, thank you for asking. Every once a month I like to smear my pedals in puke to keep them funky. I assume you are asking because you practice this trick too? If not I can warmly recommend it.
  15. Why is it he insists on sets with a gauge .070 D string, a standard gauge .065 D string already has way more tension then the other strings in the set, so at .070 I can only imagine how much stiffer it is going to feel and sound compared to the other strings. Is it so he doesn't have to adjust the pickups of his basses for the high D and G string side? Balanced tension strings for me, thank you.
  16. From the ""Amp-less" setup" thread: Still haven't got around to setting up the new updated and completely rearranged board, so this is how my temporary totally scrapped down pedal setup looks at the moment (signal chain is listed in the above quoted post):
  17. Still mostly using my fingers at the moment, but my prefered pick is now using one of the round corners of the Dunlop Max Grip Nylon .60mm, which would actually be a bit thicker (and obviously) than the tip of the standard Dunlop USA Nylon .73mm, and compared to the round corner of the latter there is a bit more space with a smooth surface before the raised grit grip bit of the Max Grip .60mm pick. Really like both how this feels and sound. A bit warmer and bit less snappy than using the tip the standard Dunlop USA Nylon .73mm pick.
  18. Rather tired now, so can't be assed to write a lot, but I'll throw you a PM tomorrow. Cool though, and you should absolutely get back to WoW, and give RP'ing a shot. And the new expansion is one of the better Blizzard done as well.
  19. Well, to be honest I never intended this interpretation, but I guess that is how the subconscious plays tricks with you when you're taking a casual swim in it, it doesn't get any better that it was written in character as my WoW Gnome roleplay character Bertel Wobblespring... But, yes, I have actually noticed.
  20. How about this piece I wrote: Purple Poem - A poetic purple suit to the color purple I got purple pants and purple gloves on my hands I got a purple mind, of a different kind I would have a purple hat, if it was not black I got a purple soul, or so I was told. Purple, purple, purple... Pour the purple, purple stream, waterfall of purple dreams, Gleams of purple haze when smoking, Don't you think I'd just been joking! Purple is the color purple, sometimes hue in red or blue, most of times it's simply purple, purple, purple time, purple rhyme, this is it: A purple sign! Nothing purple left behind, purple as a violet, violet, nothing purple is a hurdle, shining red and blue as true, mix it up or differentiate it, purple is what purple made it, understand! don't misconceive, simply make it make believe, purple is the greatest color, everything else is just a tad more duller I think I here have made my point: Not pink, not grey, nor green or yellow Purple is the color of this fella'!
  21. I don't disagree, and I admit to having a bad habit with posting before I have actually made 100% sure that I actually said what I really wanted to say and how I really wanted to say it. Me suffering from ADHD, while not really being a valid excuse, does at least to some degree explain this. The alternative is people keeping to reply and commenting on something I never actually meant/intended filled with grammatical errors. In this case you kind of got what you ask for though, if you look at the replies following close after, where my original unedited replies have been quoted.
  22. What I really wanted to say: And I think that really should have been obvious for someone less eager to insist on me being wrong. That might be a narrow generalization, whatever that oxymoron is supposed to mean, but also it happens to be the truth.
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