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Baloney Balderdash

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Everything posted by Baloney Balderdash

  1. No idea as to how those two pedals performs compared to the real deal, but I do know the One Control stuff generally is awesome. However what I also know is that the cab/speaker is a big part of the tone you get, so for it to work properly you would also need a decent IR loader (plenty of actually pretty great relatively cheap ones on the market (I recommend the big NUX Solid Studio one, amazing quality, and not just for the money)), and a proper IR cab sim file of that cab/speaker (which my guess is shouldn't be too hard to find either, since it's a pretty legendary amp/tone), to run "amp in a box" preamp into.
  2. Can I drive both back and forth from A to B (and back to A) at the same time, using the same traffic lane? The answer is: YES You Can! If you just drive fast enough! But not without causing a car and space time continuum crash...
  3. Not my intend with posting this, if it was I would have posted a video of an actual car crash and chosen the title "Have A Laugh At Unfortunate People 👍*LOL*". I am not laughing at the guy here, or pointing fingers, I am really just appreciating the oddness, might I say absurdness, of the video, and actually the whole implication of it, and thought others might too.
  4. So you are one of those people who prefer being told the point of a joke rather than hearing the actual joke? It's really the whole video that is the point, it isn't just a one liner point, or at least that wouldn't be my point with posting this.
  5. I am sure they don't do this a conscious design choice, and also fairly certain that either your unit is faulty, that is not working as intended, or that you don't use a proper isolated and filtered powersupply and that the unit it self isn't actually the source of the noise you are hearing.
  6. You really need to watch the whole video to fully appreciate the strangeness of it. But yes, he only, and hard pressed, plays very little, and very badly by the end of the video, that however is not the entire point of my post, the video as a whole is, in the full context (plenty of bad bass players, nothing strange, or funny for that matter, about that as such). Really need to watch the video.
  7. In my experience venues where a 200W amp with a decent cab wouldn't be more than plenty will have PA support, in the latter case effectively reducing your amp to nothing more than glorified stage monitor anyway (that is unless you mic it of course, in which case though my point of the wattage being largely irrelevant still stands). I've played open air festivals with a 50W bass amp head hooked up to a 1 X 15" cab and a 2 X 15" cab with PA support and stage monitoring, and have had no issues ever with neither hearing myself or getting heard, same with small bar sized venues with no PA support except for the vocals, and that is in the context of a loud noisy rock band with a pretty hard hitting drummer. It amaze me every time I hear of people with a 500W rig not being able to hear themself or being heard, and makes me think that either playing with such a powerful rig has made them deaf or they are using a feather to strum the strings of their bass.
  8. This! A good set of studio grade (meaning FRFR) headphones with a decent cab sim in front is going to do a much better job at representing the sound of the bass, and at a lower cost, than any decent 1 x 8" cab.
  9. No, the neck of your bass will always have two frets too many headstock side and two too few bridge side, and have an unusually wide fretboard on the useable side of the neck's length.
  10. My beloved just 28.6" short scale Ibanez Mikro Bass, made up from the unusually light Mahogany body of a Weathered Black finish 2017 Made in Indonesia production GSRM20B Mikro Bass that I instead of sending back decided to fret level with little idea of how to do so, ending up ruining the neck completely, and the Maple neck with Rosewood fretboard outstanding neck from a 2011 Made in China production GSRM20 Mikro Bass that I in similar haphazard impulsive way pretty much ruined the unusually heavy, also Mahogany, body of : I also pulled out the J pickup and filled out the cavity with a piece of folded black carboard, and swapped the stock P pickup for an EMG Geezer Butler P, wired directly to the regular front mounted output jack socket, installed in one of the redundant pot holes, as opposed to the stock side mounted barrel type jack socket. Other than that I applied some red and green electrical tape (also known as insulating tape) to the pickup and and remaining two transparent and black knobs, which I replaced the stock ones with, and which are there for exclusively visual reasons, and additionally applied a Jack Skellington (character from Tim Burton's "The Nightmare Before Christmas" animated movie) skull sticker to the body, above the bridge, and a handful of smaller stickers that came with the Sherman Filterbank 2 synth/filter that I owned at some point. Respectively most recent shot, and a bit older but much better shot, of my beloved Ibanez Mikro Bass, which I have chosen to name "Dud Bottomfeeder" : By the way strung with coated Elixir Nanoweb nickel-plated roundwound hex steel core guitar strings, of the gauges .080 - .062 - .046 - .036, strung through the cut off ball ends of old bass strings, to not fall through the string mounting holes of the bridge, and tuned to G standard tuning, as in 3 half steps above regular 4 string bass E standard tuning, basically making it tenor bass guitar (I am aware this is an oxymoron, but non the less that is the correct official term for a 4 string bass guitar tuned A to C (among others Stanley Clarke and Victor Wooten makes frequent use of basses tuned this way), I assume rather named after it's similarities with a tenor guitar (which also features just 4 strings, but usually tuned higher and usually also featuring a shorter scale than a regular guitar), rather than the frequency range it covers, in that aspect though really making it closer to a baritone guitar) tuned down a whole step. This is my main instrument of choice at the moment.
  11. You look like a cartoon character in that picture, but guess that actually might had been your exact intention.
  12. Don't forget the excellent emulation on the Zoom of the legendary Boss CE-1 ("Vintage CE " I believe that model is called), which is actually a pretty amazing and accurate emulation. Also the absolute fattest chorus I ever heard is a Toneprint I created on my TC Electronic Shaker vibrato, using a triangle wave Vibrato with a LPF applied as modulation and then disengaging the stock "Kill Dry" and then blending it with clean signal. That one was almost too thick though. And blending a Behringer UV300 Ultra Vibrato (Boss VB-2 clone) with clean signal, via for instance a Boss LS-2, makes for a really lush beautifully sounding chorus effect as well.
  13. More about one specific finger plucking/picking technique, but I do briefly list and mention the different finger plucking/picking techniques too, here: And the position of your fingers, as in how close to respectively neck or bridge you pluck, have a huge impact on your tone as well, as well as how much of the plucking finger tip, and/or eventual nail of it, that hit the strings, whether you forcefully strike or gently stroke the strings e.t.c.
  14. That's not growl, it's farting.
  15. No, that's not the case here (I know for sure since I have actually used this pickup). You can hear that the EQ, harmonics and dynamics is entirely different between the two pickups demoed, little directly to do with it being louder (though indirectly it does have something to do with the output being hotter, which though is something different than necessarily being loud, which is just kind of side effect so to speak of it being hotter), and the actual sound level from the two pickups in that video is actually fairly even. Though whether they sound better is still entirely down to personal preferences. But yes, the DiMarzio Model P does sound fuller, more aggressive and more compressed. Regardless of loudness. Hotness is a qualitative, loudness is quantitative. Kind of like the difference between gain and level. I don't deny that what you describe is an actual real phenomena, but as said not the case here (and it is actually possible to tell the difference too if you are familiar with the difference (that is how difference in just cheer volume sounds, as opposed to actual qualitative difference)). A simple way to test this would be just turning the volume of your computer up and down accordingly, and you would realize that doesn't make the two pickups sound the same or likely to change your preference for one or the other.
  16. The Marshall JCM800 and especially the Hiwatt Custom 100, guitar tube amps, used to be, and to some extend still are, pretty sought after by bass players. A Marshall JCM800 is part of Lou Barlow from Dinosaur J.'s 3 amp live setup, together with an old solid state Peavey bass amp and a vintage Ampeg SVT bass tube amp. According to a rig rundown video Lou Barlow himself describes the functionality of this setup as the JCM800 being responsible for overdriven top end, the Peavey for clean mids, and the SVT for overdriven low end (not as in he runs a crossover or anything like that, just how he describes the basic character of those 3 amps respectively, and how he is overdriving the JCM800 and SVT, while keeping the SS Peavey clean).
  17. I'll retract my initial opinion! Turns out I had too much other crap in my signal chain to actually hear this preamp as it really sounds. I tried my bass directly into the preamp and then out through my fairly high end studio grade (basically just meaning FRFR) headphones, and this preamp does actually sound great. Just need to weed out the rest of my signal chain, getting rid of some other always on units and somehow sorting out some tone suck happening somewhere as well (did plan to completely rearrange my setup anyway). This is the settings on the NUX I've settled for for now: The Aguilar Tonehammer amp emulation and the Ampeg SV212 IR cab simulation, with the HPF set at 40Hz and the LPF set at just below 14kHz, then Bass at about 2 o'clock (70), Middle at about 3 o'clock (84), with the middle Freq at about 2 o'clock (398Hz), Treble at about 1 o'clock (54), and the Drive engaged with the Drive control set at 9 o'clock (13) and Blend control at noon position (50). Seems to work really well for both finger style and pick playing, and I am sure it will get even better once I got my signal chain rearrange and sorted out and with a bit of compression added. However the editor still refuses to load 3rd party IR files, claiming they are not Wav files, despite having tried out several different ones in several different resolutions and bit depths, including the supposed proper 48kHz 24 bit for this unit (they were all from Doctor Bonkers though, so maybe getting hold of some 3rd party IR cab files from another source is worth a shot as well, if bellow actions have no effect either). So I'll try giving downloading the editor, as well as downloading and updating the firmware, once more a shot, and if that doesn't sort the problem I might have to send my unit back for a replacement that then hopefully will work. Kind of sucks, especially cause the shop I bought it at of course is out of stock at the moment (apparently I must have bought their last one), so all in all could take a while before I get one back that works, that is of course unless downloading and updating the software once more sort out this issue. The strange thing is that both the pedal it self and the software otherwise seems to work exactly as it is supposed to and without any other issues, even the firmware update went through completely trouble free without any of the otherwise seemingly common issues with this unit.
  18. Meh... Sounds alright, but not exactly blown away by it. Update of firmware and editor worked without issues though. Well except for the fact that the editor won't let me transfer third party IR files, even after I run them through the official NUX converter on 48Khz 24 Bit resolution/quality it claims that they aren't Wave files and stuck saying loading, then if I click the IR graph field where it says "loading" a blue field forms around the "loading" letters, and then if I click that again it turns into a white text box saying "loading", where I can actually delete the letters and write something else (all the while the rest of the editor continues to work as it is supposed to, and I can still load the stock IR files. Any of you got any idea of how to make the editor recognize the IR Wav files?
  19. Tigeroak, Neo Soul duo from Denmark. Usually not my style of music at all, but this track is pretty damn amazing:
  20. Somehow the delivery failed because of a slightly miswritten address, otherwise I would have had it early this afternoon, but instead it got dropped off at a pickup point, and I just got the message that it was ready for pickup, so within an hour or so I am going to pick it up. Very exited! Just hope it will be free of all the issues I've read some people has experienced with getting the, quite crucial for this pedal's functionality, software to work properly. Still at that price for, judging from what I've read and heard, such an absolutely amazing pedal I guess somewhat lacking quality control is fully acceptable, after all I still got 30 days full refund with no questions asked. Will report back as soon as I've had chance to test it properly. Though really I am just looking for one set and forget tone, so just going to browse through the combinations while twisting knobs, until I find the one that works best for me and the rest of my setup. Really looking forward to this!
  21. I finally placed an order on one of these preamp pedals, should arrive by the end of the week. From what you wrote it sounds like I will be using the Nordstrand StarLifter amp model and 4 X 10" Trace Elliot cab model. Took NUX quite a while to include more amp and stock cab models, hopefully more will be added, as promised, though if the StarLifter + Trace cab model does a decent job at emulating a Trace Elliot like rig I should be more than happy with what this pedal comes with currently from stock. And I for one am totally fine with it's "set and forget via PC" nature of this pedal too. One great amp+cab sim that meet my preference is all I need really.
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