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Al Heeley

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Everything posted by Al Heeley

  1. thats more in my ballpark, but the £30 digitech footswitches on eBay don't seem to be midi, just mono/stereo jack switching
  2. Erm, I think you missed the part when I asked for cheap - second hand midi mouse selling at £75, disaster area pedals at $125 upwards...looking to play with a second hand £50 amp, not really wanting to spend this sort of money just to change channels up and down. Is there really nothing out there for £30 -£40? Basic midi channel up/down/select pedal?
  3. Does a cheap and simple midi foot switch controller exist? Something to step up/down through presets on a digital amp?
  4. I guess I got lucky with mine, £50 from an old friend, no whine, no buzz, just a really nice clear clean deep fruity warm sound and very easy to eq, i'm playing a Geddy Lee jazz thru it into my now modded hartke 410xl which is sounding lovely. Not yet tried at gig volume. Will see if the bass cab rewiring from 4 x 10, 8 ohm to 2 channel stereo 2 x 10, 4 ohm helps to project the volume needed.
  5. I imagine its same as any product cycle, people pay more for new models, then they reduce prices on older items to shift the stock. My hartke cabs are very sturdy, all good quality fixings and wiring. Probably about 7 yrs old now and never had any issues. BTW the rewiring job on the 4 x 10 worked fine, it is now a 2-channel 4 ohm 2 x 2 x 10 cab. With a simple y-cable wired Series plugged into both rear inputs it reverts back again to an 8 ohm 4 x 10.
  6. I think I found a solution [URL=http://smg.photobucket.com/user/al_heeley/media/Screen%20Shot%202016-08-31%20at%2000.07.19_zps6vrj24ol.png.html][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v609/al_heeley/Screen%20Shot%202016-08-31%20at%2000.07.19_zps6vrj24ol.png[/IMG][/URL] With a bit of rewiring and a couple of stereo jacks, This allows me to run either the Superfly into 2 channels 2 x 10, 4 ohm each or continue to use my Peavey 450 head at 8 ohms as a 4 x 10 mono cab
  7. Thanks guys, they are back in place now, will see the difference at the next gig. I thought it sounded a bit boomy when I played last weekend....
  8. [URL=http://smg.photobucket.com/user/al_heeley/media/4sp_stereo_mono_zpsp36qyauj.jpg.html][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v609/al_heeley/4sp_stereo_mono_zpsp36qyauj.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Heres what I'm after, switchable but not yet worked out the wiring for the switch. Help!
  9. pity they didn't fix them in very well. Hope my glue repair job lasts till next gig....
  10. Whilst checking the wiring of my hartke 410 XL cab I saw that both port tubes had fallen off inside the cab. The tubes are cardboard, about 10" long and around 3" dia. Can't tell how long its been like that, they may have fallen off ages ago?! What function do they serve and what will the sound difference be when I glue them back in place, or should I not bother?
  11. Note: in stereo mode (switch pos B,) i think the above circuit is wrong, giving me a series pair = 16 ohms, not a parallel pair of 4 ohms. But the principal should still work...
  12. I reckon i can rewire my 4 x 10 8 ohm cab to effectively give me 2 separate 4 ohm parallel loads - like a stereo cab, taking inputs from both channels of the Superfly to get the full 500W out of it. With a dpdt switch i can still use it with my Peavey 450W head at 8 ohms driving all 4 speakers, and switch to B for stereo pair of 4 ohms to take both inputs from the Superfly. Any opinions or pitfalls I haven't noticed? [url="http://www.colomar.com/Shavano/4sp_stereo_mono.gif"]4sp_stereo_mono.gif[/url]
  13. Current setup is Jazz bass (Geddy sig) into TC spectra comp + homemade chorus -> Peavey tour 450 -> Hartke XL 4 x10 cab
  14. I've been offered a second hand Ashdown Superfly by an old friend who is no longer gigging. I don't know if its the 500 or the 1000 - theres nothing on the case or the box to state the power. Is there any way of telling? I'm reading that the 500 is 2 x 250 into 2 x 4ohms which I fear is not going to be loud enough to gig with , but it may be ok as a smaller footprint amp for rehearsals? If I want to get the max out of it, then I really need 2 x 4ohm cabs, I have 3 Hartke cabs and they are all 8ohm. I don't really want to go shopping for new 4ohm cabs on the back of buying a cheap second hand Superfly head, thats the tail wagging the dog tbh. Any feel for what the superbly is worth? If it was the 1000 model then its probably worth keeping as a backup. Anyone still using the superbly heads out there? I also read there were issues with overheating, burnt circuitboards but generally disappointing power output. I'm sure there must be dozens of happy punters for every negative review though.... Finally, I take it there no way of rewiring a 4 x 10, 8 ohm cab (4 x 8ohm speakers) to give me 4ohm impedance.?
  15. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1466497150' post='3076199'] Not sure yet, I would guess that you could edit it on the computer software (rather than phone?) [/quote]yep its connected to my mac, editing templates works ok but if you load an artists tone print then hit edit it reverts straight back to the default template and all the settings are lost
  16. I just got a spectra comp, new to TonePrint, I have the Nathan east preset at the moment but want to tweak the response - is there a way to edit the artists tone prints or do you just have to start from one of the TC templates? Is thee any way to view all the settings on an artist's TonePrint?
  17. shoulda built it bigga......
  18. i think the cheap powered monitor is the way to go, we can feed some vocals through it too. Dont want to be responsible for blowing up his Mesa head.
  19. Our guitarist has started putting one of his 2 x 12 extension cabs behind the drummer so he can hear a bit more of the guitar in a gig, only we'd like to be able to just turn it down a touch to balance with the sound from my bass cab. I'm looking for a simple passive circuit the extension cab could go through to knock a bit of volume off without stressing the guitar amp, a rather meaty Mesa dual recto head. This way the guitarist can keep his main cab blasting out forwards and the drummer can set the guitar volume in his extension cab like a personal monitor. That's the plan. Anyone know of a little circuit that could do the job?
  20. Pining for a fender maybe, no close up of headstock .
  21. Many thanks to you Josh for such a smooth transaction and coming all the way over to meet up. Hope you enjoy the lovely bass
  22. Now sold - thx for the interest.
  23. if you dont need to tweak the truss rod then i wouldn't touch it. I don't think I could get away with downtuning on my basses without slackening the truss rod a touch, as i like a really low percussive action.
  24. Thx IC, my Geddy Lee Jazz has become the main gigging bass for me now so I have to let the lovely MM go to free up some badly needed cash.
  25. its sparkly black (or very dark grey). The paint has tiny flecks of mica in it that reflect light. I would consider shipping to US, I'll have to find out where to get a freight quote. However, knowing how pricing works here compared to the US, we typically pay nearly same in GPB as US guys in $$'s, I would think that by the time shipping to US is added on, plus any duties and clearance, it would work out a lot cheaper to source one in the US.
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