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Al Heeley

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Everything posted by Al Heeley

  1. Can I come back when you've finished the sanding?
  2. Is this the one? [url="http://www.peavey-eu.com/index.php#product/5/1410"]http://www.peavey-eu.com/index.php#product/5/1410[/url] I would start by phoning Peavey UK - they are a helpful bunch and may be able to either wire one up for you or give you a schematic
  3. +1 for mighty mite necks - great quality +1 for not attepmting paint finish - tru-oil is great stuff, I use for necks too, just 3 or 4 very lilght coats with a rag to penetrate and seal, leaves a silky surface and non-sticky. I would urge anyone with an interest to have a go at putting together their own instrument, its a pleaseure playing somehting you've designed and built yourself, and you have something pretty unique that will have far better components that a cheap vintage or squier, etc.
  4. [quote]...bear in mind it was designed almost half a century ago...[/quote] [Cough]Fender - designed while Mr Hall was still in nappies, generally unchanged over the last 60 years but still designed well from the start. Simple, functional, effective. There are plenty of 'fans' that would like to see design improvements implemented in the Rickenbacker range of basses and guitars, but they get ostracised by the purists and fanatics so soon lose their standing in the Ric community They later get picked up by the EBBM community who are equally fanatical about their instruments.
  5. We had a chat before the gig last night, and spent more time taking some bass off the guitars, boosting my mids a touch, and lowering overall level from the start. I waqs able to play at about 75% volume for a change, the drummer was a lot clearer but the guitarists were seriously pissed off. Trouble playing in a small pub is 1) The cymbals deafen you 2) Everyone's playing on top of their cabs and so much of the sound goes out underneath you. The guitarist with mesa was not able to hear himself where he stood (next to the cymbals) so immediately had his vol way up too loud, drowning everything else out. Bringing it back down to a balanced level up front meant he could barely hear himself all night. Overall we sounded a lot better and I was able to play with an authorative sound without having to play half as hard as I normally have to; this made it less tiring and made the fast passages a lot easier. Also less punters got ear damage, and we get asked back again for another gig. Geez, I hate playing tiny pubs.
  6. two truly gorgeous basses, difficult to choose between them - nice for you you don't have to I'm motivated to build me a fretless jazz for my next project....
  7. it is beautiful, but i am broke so have a bump
  8. what about a 3-letter acronym using your initals or something with sonic or audio or sound, etc. in the title? Pun on another name like Dross or Fxtronix? Hboss BassFace S'thing to do with your basses? groovemonkey funkmonkey metalhead, i'm out of ideas now
  9. Well ranted Alex, makes a lot of sense. I'm gearing up for a pre-gig lecture, see how long before they all start turning up again.
  10. Thanks for the comments, I think we're going to have to play around with our EQ's a lot more to get the sound better balanced without playing the volume knob arms race. It's got to the stage where the drummer is being lost in the mix.
  11. lawd knows I've tried but theres 2 guitards competing and one has a mesa boogie dual reco and a new extension cab All he does is brag it's only just gone past 2 on the master vol. Tbh, I'd thought I'd get a bit more power out of the tour 450
  12. Look great - I've gound best/easiset graphics have been desktop printing onto self-adhesive clear film, then spraying a few thin coats of acrylic clear lacquer over the top to protect the print.
  13. I play in a loud rock and punk band - Peavey Tour 450 head into 1 x 15 Hartke XL cab + 4 x 10 Hartke XL cab. The head is only just managing to keep up with the guitars in a medium pub setting. I don't want to D/I via PA as PA is stretched with 3 vocals going into it. I'm looking for options on a new bass head to give me more head room so I can maintain a solid bass presence in the mix without having to drive the amp to peak clipping all the time. It's on about 95% full volume for a pub gig which triggers the little red limiter light all the time. The 4x10 cab is 400w, the 115 is 200W. I would have thought a 450w bass head would have ample power for this... Any suggestions?
  14. I'm interested why you bought the second ricky? Why didn't u just go for 2 new fenders?
  15. I'm used to having to play bass patterns up or down a couple of frets to suit different singers vocal limitations - without changing the tuning as this mucks up my bass action cosd of tension changes. It's good practice and a valuable skill to help you play in different bands. Sometimes on the hoof it hurts your brain a bit, but its a good pain.
  16. Sad to read this. At least get the action as good as poss before you throw her out. Sad that a bass this expensive arrived with such a poorly cut nut. I too have longed for a ricky since childhood (Yes, Rush, Jam) but the reality of those quirky instruments is a disappointment. I've played 2 but never owned a real one. You cannot conceal the sad truth that although they are loved and revered some of the parts are just not very well designed and they've never been improved.
  17. theres a big specialist timber merchants in Boroughbridge up the A1 that I've used a lot for various pieces in the past - great to search through all the shelves of hardwoods and figured planks, a lot of interesting and exotic woods stocked but they dont do many small pieces so you need a big car. [url="http://www.john-boddy-timber.ltd.uk/"]http://www.john-boddy-timber.ltd.uk/[/url]
  18. [quote]no matter how you turn the knobs, it only goes louder lol[/quote] Haa! That's cool! (This is just a mosfet boost and tone ctrl with lots of flashing LED's)
  19. a google search will reveal loads of outlets for a 9vdc adapter, same as for powering guitar pedals, just need to check they are correct polarity, you can even get adapters to fit the battery +/- snapfits which fit a standard 2.5mm dc jackplug - all available via ebay or johnnyshredfreak pedalparts store (google helps!)
  20. mark 2 talent pedal will get its first airing at next saturdays gig
  21. +1 for artificial relic'ing. Certain basses whose owners think of their original poorly designed hardware as being quirky or original. People that own really beautiful basses I will never be able to afford.
  22. Sorry this is cheap pot syndrome. instead of a true ramp in resistance on the pot tracks they just have 2 bands overlapping to try and approximate the smooth ramp. QC spec and tolerance on cheap pots is all over the place. It's galling when you spend a few hundred quid on a guitar that the difference between cheap pots and decent ones is about 3 quid. Get the pots replaced with decent CTS ones, available from Allparts, Axes-r-us, etc. Go here for pure geekness: [url="http://www.geofex.com/Article_Folders/potsecrets/potscret.htm"]http://www.geofex.com/Article_Folders/pots...ts/potscret.htm[/url]
  23. Aww c'mon guys, might be a parent with no guitar knowledge trying to sell on a son's cast-off instrument or unwanted present. Might be a jilted partner selling the other half's pride and joy to get even...
  24. start with the type of bass, then we can find you a wiring diagram to follow.
  25. [quote name='chris_b' post='1291728' date='Jul 4 2011, 02:45 AM']It's a scam. Report this guy to the admins and they'll cancel his account.[/quote] How can you report him - he's not committed an offence, we all just suspect he may be a scammer. You can't just accuse people without any real evidence. I'd just leave well alone.
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