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Al Heeley

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Everything posted by Al Heeley

  1. Remove a fiver and you have another sale
  2. [url="http://www.pickleodeon.co.uk/"]http://www.pickleodeon.co.uk/[/url] <--Here? I have not, great to hear the esteemed film buff is endorsing a fine selection of pickled goods. Not enough support is given to the great british pickled onion in my opinion. I think we should all do more to support the cause. Btw, what on earth have you done to your face?
  3. They do have bound boards traditionally, but for various reasons I wanted to leave this one plain, my original black 'backer had a bound board but i didn't do the headstock as i was too scared of wrecking it! My router is a big heavy bastid and routing a binding channel is pretty fiddly with the scrolly curves of a rick headstock. See what you mean about the transition from head to neck. I'm sure I've seen other guitars that just taper nicely where the fingerboard begins. Hmm, one to ponder.
  4. Opinions please: Is it worth binding the headstock to match the body or should I leave it unbound?
  5. Uh-oh. That's a problem. Looks like someone didn't have the proper size allen key, or the rod was sticking a bit. Somehow a slot might need cutting in it, then you can get a big screwdriver in there and turn it.
  6. Theres a hex/allen key end, a spoke wheel type, a gibson-type nut needing a wrench (small socket) and also a screwdriver slot type. However for the photo its not clear what this is and I don't have any experience of tweaking warwicks.
  7. [quote name='yorks5stringer' post='405362' date='Feb 10 2009, 02:15 PM']Pray tell , then we can add it to the prize list , PM me if you don't want people to know! [/quote]Passive A/B/Y box with LED indicators
  8. What's a High Z signal?
  9. [quote name='JDM' post='404861' date='Feb 9 2009, 10:32 PM']Ok folks please bear with my naivety as I'm still finding my way around my amp. I have a Fender Rumble 25w and it is fitted with an effects loop. would I be correct in assuming that these two jack sockets are for the supply and return of an effects pedal. Thanks in advance.[/quote] Send & Return - normal convention is the bass goes into the pre-amp, then the signal goes out into the effects loop and back into the power amp stage and out thru the speaker, but I have no idea if a Rumble 25W has a separate pre-amp and power amp. Its supposed to be better than feeding a bass signal straight from the instrument into an effect or stomp box then into the amp. Maybe because the signal is so weak before it hits the effects box, at least the pre-amp stage gives it a bit more character first. I'm speculating.
  10. gorgeous bass but you're quite scary.
  11. I'll buy on the door if thats ok. I also have a little prize to donate to the good cause.
  12. Any old foam would be ok, from stuff used in packaging to a bit of Karrimat you lie on when you go camping. Whatever you may have lying around that is not too soft or compressable. i wouldn't, for instance, use uphostery foam rubber. Too soft and it will eventually rot down to sticky gunge. Best bet on the singe saddle adjustment screw is to send Tony at Axes R Us an email [ [email protected] ] - see if he has a spare one lying round , I think it unlikely a guitar parts shop would stock a single screw. Worth asking Allparts or WD music but I think Tony is more likely to help you.
  13. [quote name='jake_tenfloors' post='404167' date='Feb 9 2009, 12:00 PM']Damn, bloomin' car has gone and broken itself, and its not booked in the garage until next tuesday! Unless i work out another way doesn't look like i'm coming [/quote] If you're fishing for a lift up there i can always swing by and get you on my way out of Hudds, Jake. I'm going anyway and the car's empty.
  14. I asked him if there was any saving to be had for multiple purchases. He said there was only one being offered but he'd sell me a pack of genuine Fender ones for £36. I though I'd hold out for a pack of new ones. Seriously I question anyone that is that anal about having vintage screws on a vintage bass. Now bridge or pickups I can understand, but a pickgurad screw? D'oh.
  15. lehle have a very good reputation
  16. You need to drop Wez a line via the UK Guitar Builders form, he's a master of glossy trans coatings, done some stunning work, some using tinted Rustins plastic Coating (2 part UF lacquer which is brushable) [url="http://simnettguitars.co.uk/forum/index.php"]http://simnettguitars.co.uk/forum/index.php[/url]
  17. Looking good sir - like the meaty roller bridge, where do you go to buy schallers? Battery change - will you have to take the whole 'guard off to get at the battery or are you going to cut a separate access door in the rear for it?
  18. I bought a pretty cheap on-board pre-amp and fitted it to a bass build last year (the five string fanned fret) - it was from Axes R Us and was very easy to fit. [url="http://www.axesrus.com/mt3.htm"]http://www.axesrus.com/mt3.htm[/url] 2 or 3 band, yours for £23.
  19. Some more progress today - frets fitted & trimmed, ctrl cavity routed and electrics started.
  20. Or for a few quid and half an hour with a soldering iron you can put together your own a/b/y box: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=40389"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=40389[/url]
  21. You might have more joy on the General Guitar Gadgets website / forum - or Geofex [url="http://www.geofex.com/"]http://www.geofex.com/[/url] or try here: [url="http://www.diyguitarist.com/DIYStompboxes/WahTrueBypass.htm"]http://www.diyguitarist.com/DIYStompboxes/WahTrueBypass.htm[/url]
  22. Lovely! Is it here yet? Is it here yet? More pics please when it arrives.
  23. Routing has begun. Sorry still no eggs so here's a jar of Asda pickled Onions instead.
  24. Heh,
  25. Yes it is of course possible. Axes-R-us as well as other online outlets sell micro-effects circuits and knobs to fit into guitar bodies (as well as eq'a and pre-amps). the only real drawback is having to take your bass off, lie it on the floor then stomp on it every time you want to turn the effect on or off. this can be a real pain mid-gig.
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