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Al Heeley

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Everything posted by Al Heeley

  1. has potential but it does look a bit like a slab of pine from a cheap furniture shop. A blonde ash jazz has real style.
  2. A dreadful abomination! Guitarists are so ultra conservative about guitar shapes it's easy to design something which just looks plain wrong. I guess at least Gibson aren't going down the route of fender relicing and shop-soiled and road-worn series for new models so they can keep their shapes the same.
  3. you need to edit the title of this thread to "now ordered and well under way..."
  4. excellent projects - post some progress pics or it didn't happen
  5. lets hope you can upstage the crap bag shot
  6. gorgeous - loo0king forward to seeing this come together
  7. No problem, if its still here on 1st June it's yours
  8. If your neck pocket is even a little bit flabby you can move the headstock up and down by 2 or 3mm - this is sometimes enough to pull the string path out of alignment. Sorry you may have to put the bridge back in its original position again but at least your pickups should be aligned. Small slivers of hard wood (v. thin wedges best) inserted into the pocket at either top side or lower side of neck pocket before retightening the fixing bolts should settle it.
  9. If your pickups don't line up and you knew the bridge is out, then maybe you need to shim the neck one side to bring it all back into alignment. It would be easier than having to widen the pickup routs.
  10. tie a rubber band round one end of the sewing thread, then you can loop the rubber band round a tuning peg and it keeps the cotton in tension while you nudge the neck
  11. best bet is set the saddles mid point in their adjustable travel and use that as the 34" point when you fix the bridge plate to the body. Then you know you have a bit of adjustment space back or forwards to nail the intonation.
  12. thats an awesome sound mikey, great chain of effects!
  13. Al Heeley


    doctor tweek, ebay, banzai effects,
  14. i always prefer the spiky side on the pedals then they stick to the carpet when i'm playing with them off-board. Sweet selection of SFX micros there
  15. Awww, looking forward to hearing it in action: "This video is private..."
  16. oh, it's been refinished. My bad..having one of those D'oh days.
  17. that is lovely but did they do matching painted headstocks and transfer decals in 1965?
  18. How do you choose new songs for the set? We're always getting into conflict about choices for new material. Sometimes we all put together a few ideas and end up with a list of 20 songs then each person only goes away and works on his own favourite 2, leading to more conflict and frustration in rehersals. What do you do? Put it to the vote? Ask the audience? Phone a friend? All nominate a few then pick them out of a hat? Leave the choices it to the band's hottest partner or groupie? Or leave it all to the singer/nominated band leader to decide?
  19. Did I mention how whoresome this pedal is?
  20. A little shuffle round for tonights gig, some more homebrews sneaking on there. [url=http://www.flickr.com/photos/alheeley/7217389912/][/url]
  21. Al Heeley

    We're back...

    still getting warning page and no access on my mac at home via safari. INstalled firefox and tried that but also an issue. TRied emptying cache and still getting warning. Will try again later today.
  22. Al Heeley


    well i think 84 hi-res photos of a bass may be a bit overkill but you are asking for a significant amount of beer money and certainly an increase in the quality of images + more close-ups on critical parts may help the forum guys salivate more openly.
  23. not a rant, its a problem that needs dealing with and needs discussing with him in a constructive manner, which you did. Maybe his pride was hurt but he's taken it on board. You'll see at next practice. I try to stop songs when they go wrong then explain why, and we start again. Other bands I've been in try to bluff their way through it and finish the song then forget and move on to the next. This never helps anyone grow as a musician or performer. Has he tried playing to a click track?
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