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Al Heeley

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Everything posted by Al Heeley

  1. could be a faulty valve or intermittent contact - are they all seated well and snug?
  2. ops, sorry, I meant African rand. Tell you what, 50 quid on the nose say no more, paypal is good.
  3. Surplus to requirement: [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/alheeley/7210849808/"][/url] This monster fuzz pedal clone is loosely based on a well known box from a boutique company. It's too violent for my Barbara Streisland covers setup. It's DC 9v driven, all the familiar knobs and capable of similar matt bellamyesque squeals and self oscillations. Do not let your guitarist use this pedal. You have been warned. I want 50 spondoolies for this fine beast, delivered UK mainland.
  4. That is crafty, have another bump.
  5. I think Fender still has a lot of mileage to get out of flogging this weary horse for the next few years of now old releases. Every attempt they have made to push out a new product based on a significantly different guitar outline has been a disaster. Thus the only 2 things their marketing dept can do to generate new business is to release more artist endorsed limited editions and more families of NOS/roadworn, old-looking but still nice, slightly damaged in places and anywhere in between.
  6. Post a price please! Forum rules. [s]Nice[/s] gorgeous looking jazz.
  7. Aurora project are expensive, it involves removing your fretboard but they do (reportedly) a very good job. The luminous dots are trouble free but entirely ineffective. The plastic strips you can buy are cheaper, easy to fit, but not very bright and prone to a very fine wire breaking off if you are not very careful (you can buy these on ebay). I did some serious looking into this a couple of years ago for my warmoth gecko, but decided I wasn't prepared to pay for someone else to rip the fretboard off, and the cheap easy solutions were not really very effective anyway. Unless someone knows of another method....?
  8. [quote name='4 Strings' timestamp='1337175847' post='1656661'] In fact, does anyone think that the real roadworn products are really returns where spotty kids have put a dig in a guitar in the shop and it gets returned to the maker? Costly to repair/refinish they make it look intentional. [/quote]I picked up a bargain MIM telecaster in a shop a few years back due to someone having dropped it, gouging a pre-worn relic artifact in the back of it, lucky for me this was before the road-worn thing became cool and I got a reduction not an increase.
  9. More complications for you! [url="http://www.dominocs.com/AshBassGuitar/WireLibrary-Gibson.html"]http://www.dominocs.com/AshBassGuitar/WireLibrary-Gibson.html[/url] This shows some of the different ways you can wire up a 2-humbucker 2 vol + 2 tone config, either independant vols for each pickup or the older stock where turning one down would influence both, which it sounds like you have. It would be more useful to have independance then in the centre togle position you can blend in different amounts of signal from each to vary your tonal quality.
  10. Theres a huge lucrative trade in old components for amps, pedals and guitars; people paying 50£+ for NOS bumble bee carbon resistors, then theres the 'classic orange drop caps' that hold charge in a more vintage manner than the new cheap mass-produced and entirely more accurate capacitors out of China at a fraction of the cost. The old germanium transistors go for good money to get a matched pair, again leaky and often quite inconsistent across a batch, all part of their mystique.
  11. is it a left-handed board?
  12. Heres the soft underbelly [url=http://www.flickr.com/photos/alheeley/7207978532/][/url]
  13. Currently surplus to requirement is my small format BassBoost preamp/overdrive pedal [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/alheeley/7205697192/"][/url] This is based on the Xotic BB pre-amp clone from Madbean, modded for use with bass, and fitted with phat switch to enhance bass frequency response. The heart of the pedal is basically a modded tubescreamer circuit but with additional op-amp driving active treble and bass controls. This means you get a wide range of tones as well as gain settings from virtually clean boost through to ear-searing overdrive/distortion. It's a really versatile circuit, will do a fine job with lead guitar though this bass version will give a really warm deep sound bias due to the swapped-out filter cap values, with the phat switch off it will make you sound like one of Joe Bonamassa's less talented mates on a good night. This has standard 9v boss-type centre negative power input, no battery space. Buy this pedal, buy it now, it's only £55 delivered (mainland UK) and I need to fund a couple more builds to satisfy my pedal lust. I'm holding on to my carling can version on my pedalboard, you may have seen it on the DIY thread, it has a permanent position there now to supply a bit of grit in place of my old Boss ODB-3.
  14. people pay a lot of money for that distressed look, they look cool, used, artisan, don't cover them! They add mojo. And its the best mojo, its free mojo.
  15. +1 for jap fenders, I'd choose one over a MIM on most occasions
  16. Lights or full strength?
  17. [quote name='Clarky' timestamp='1336977866' post='1653317'] As far as I can tell, the headstock logo is pre-75 (?) but the three-bolt neck joint is post-75, by which time they had a smaller headstock logo [/quote] According to the Fender timeline they introduced 3-bolt necks in '74, so he could legitimately claim this was a '74 in his ad. http://www.fender.com/news/index.php?display_article=503
  18. tis a great looking jazz, good luck with the sale, it would look great in my collection but I'm on a curfew
  19. Damn, I can't just pass by a thread titled "ignore me,"
  20. [quote name='BRANCINI' timestamp='1336936028' post='1653001'] Same here, £1 coin, and thickness of a fag packet relief. [/quote] I'm hoping you mean fag paper there. I have my EBMM down just under 2mm at the 12th fret, maybe 1.75, its a beautiful neck and I love to play it with a really low action, i get a lot of percussive bling off the frets when i play hard, that some may frown at, but its a great neck to play. My Geddy Jazz is at 2mm on f12
  21. tube screamer will fit fine inside a 110 x 60mm enc. if you are neat with your wiring and snug with your jack plug and footswitch positions, Not sure what size the red ranger pcb is.
  22. tantalum caps can be quite sensitive, try not to overheat them when soldering. They are a way of getting a polarised cap in a very small package, be careful to make sure you have it the right way round, its not always easy to see but there should be a tiny + marked on it next to one of the legs. If it asks for a non-polarised cap you should not replace with a polarised one as these only allow current to flow in one direction whereas non-polarised allows current to charge and discharge in both directions - important for use as a guitar signal filter. Useful site> http://www.beavisaudio.com/techpages/Caps/ Asymmetrical clipping means 2 different diode types used, one on the positive phase of the signal and a different one on the negative phase, or you could have one dieode to clip the + and 2 diodes in series to clip the -, so the clipping is not symmetrical. Its useful to experiment with different configs and find the distortion sound that you prefer. You can also add a tiny cap to the diode pair to give a softer, smoother distortion, or use LED's instead of silicon diodes to give a looser open sound which is a bit more raw. http://www.cubisteffects.com/2010/01/mod-it-yourself-part-2-diode-clipping/
  23. Al Heeley

    Seek Wah

    ok, i have a song in mind which would fit this perfectly, I'm not asking anyone to like it, I just want to find out if there's a more 'cost-effective' route to procuring this effect.
  24. yep same problem here every now and then. PVA and cocktail sticks resolve it for a few more months, depending on how much u jump up and down on stage
  25. Where are you based?
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