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Everything posted by eightball

  1. actually, just had another look; if the top horn is already rounded over, it might be a bit problematic - that's pretty deep. same still applys for what i said though. there's always the body filler-solid colour last resort if all else fails. it would be a shame for that piece of wood though.
  2. [quote name='Thunderpaws' post='876926' date='Jun 24 2010, 10:19 PM']Hello Well, here we go. Getting there with the neck and made some headway with the body. Found some ash and some other wood that looks nice. Not sure if is elm. Did some major cutting and routing. Pretty pleased though it's bloody heavy and the router pulled the grain out one horn and grabbed the other leaving a funny ding. Any ideas on fixes? Here are some photo's. [attachment=52966:IMG_7824.JPG] [attachment=52967:IMG_7826.JPG] [attachment=52968:IMG_7825.JPG] [attachment=52969:IMG_7827.JPG][/quote] i don't see anything there that would cause enormous problems. the wood is pretty rough cut by the looks of it; well, it's way rougher than it will be when it's prepped for finishing. you remove more material than you think in the above process, and in my experience these imperfections at this stage look way worse than they actually are. it might take a bit more work, but i'm sure it'll work out fine.
  3. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='863899' date='Jun 11 2010, 12:23 AM']I like to do them back up in a diagonal cross pattern (comes from putting cylinder head bolts back in in their recommended order).[/quote] ha ha! thats how i do it, and with that exact rationale! well, it's all essentially mechanical isn't it?
  4. nnnnnnooooooooooooo! shoreline gold is one of my fave fender colours!
  5. dude, i f you want to use your own rig, you should. i've played a million of these gigs with 3/4 other bands, and always bring my own rig (previously Ampeg 810, now 2 swr goliath II's). i have no problem whatsoever telling folk they can't use it. the best reason i ever heard why i should let 3 other bands use my rig was 'if everyone brings their own gear there will be arguments over who wants to use what'. funnily enough in 15 years of gigging i've yet to have that discussion... make it clear you're bringing YOUR rig, and no-one else is using it. I emphasise; make this absolutely transparent. Offer your cabs - no-one else will bring a head anyway... if they all turn up with their own rigs, then i'm sure everyone will have no problem with tagging together a bass super-rig!
  6. bump for same setup as me - monster!
  7. [quote name='silentbob' post='851087' date='May 29 2010, 01:34 PM']That was going to be my plan if all else failed, just not very "metal", is it?[/quote] EMG's - win, win.
  8. started out on guitar - started playing bass (8 years in on guitar) in a band to help them out, and quickly realised i preferred it. from my end, picking up a guitar and getting a usable sound out of it is fairly difficult, however sounding competent/getting good comes quite quickly. i'd say the opposite is true of bass. folk pick up a bass and think it's nothing more than root notes and less strings (obviously not dood et al!). a killer bassline/good player can make or break a track/band. For example - steve harris, flea, fieldy to use a rugby analogy - there is no point in having the best full back in the world if your pack isn't solid.
  9. [quote name='chriswilliams666' post='832054' date='May 9 2010, 11:41 AM']Needle and SuperGlue![/quote] +1
  10. looks like no takers, but bump anyhow!
  11. Hi folks - anyone fancy trading an EMG 35 P for my EMG 35 DC? Fancy trying one in neck position of my Metal Jazz for a wee change. It'll be a straight trade if it's in pretty good nick. Would probably be interested in the P for cash as an alternative. Let me know guys.
  12. Marshall Super Bass 100W - £40 Orange 4 x 12 (original with original cover) - £90 Jim Harley (or something) MM copy - £100 wish to god i still had any of it - age old story; go off to university, so and so says 'can i borrow you amp etc?' 'aye, fill yer boots' and you lose touch...
  13. compressor might iron it a little
  14. that's awesome man! that's who i named in the underrated bassist thread. was sure it would have been a p bass though; interesting.
  15. ah well - one for the metal guys... sound not great i'm afraid
  16. it's purely an example of japanese culture that is truely outwith the sphere of our western understanding. this is a culture that existed the same way for centuries, who in the scheme of things only really recently embraced technology and industrialisation. this guy is a by-product of that. alternatively the sly grin on his face all the way through the video means he's completely taking the piss out of all of us...
  17. [quote name='yorick' post='687208' date='Dec 17 2009, 12:15 PM']Looks great... How's it sound?[/quote] as i said, nowhere near as wild as i was expecting, although recent emg 18v experience has yeilded exactly the opposite result of what i was expecting. bottom end is solid as hell, without boominess, no matter how much boost. top end is very distict, and not actually too glassy - it's pretty usable. emg bqc with the sweepable mid makes all the difference - boosted, it gives some nice mid range bark, cut it becomes fieldy esq, with everything else in between. i was a little bit wary of 2 35 dc's, but it's actually pretty versatile - ultra clean and crisp, but growls nicely with a bit of gain (obviously great for metal); and it does it without a lot of effort - most settings sound good - it's not hard to find usable sounds. my main weapon right now is mahogany/maple/rosewood with a bart tct (3 band) and a SD alnico MM pup, so quite a different animal!
  18. well folks - here we are. all done. the lacquer isn't the best, as it started to sink a wee bit, but i'll prob gig it for a while, then refinish it again in 6 months or so. it sounds awesome - gonna take me a while to figure it out, as it'll obviously sound different in the mix than individually. i wired it for 18v, and it's surprisingly subtle - not as much of a beast as my music man custom. [attachment=38442:DSC02321.JPG] [attachment=38443:DSC02322.JPG] [attachment=38444:DSC02323.JPG] [attachment=38445:DSC02324.JPG] [attachment=38446:DSC02326.JPG]
  19. [quote name='Metalmoore' post='576825' date='Aug 21 2009, 03:16 PM']I heard glasgow was awesome with a great local gig scene. A completely unbiased opinion...[/quote] ...it's not really though is it?
  20. mine is great. i originally got it to add some dirt to my lh1000 - gigged it numerous times, and it never let me down. it does a fairly decent svt noise as long as you don't go mental with the gain. the track 'vengeance is' on our myspace was recorded direct with it (another story), 'in this life' and 'midas' were a mix of BDI - Hartke DI - SM 58 on the SWR 10". lives in my case now as a wee backups in-case i can't use my own rig/something breaks. sat it on top of my rack though - no way i'd use it as a stompbox. every soundman i've used it with said it sounds great. it's £30.
  21. might be nearly as cheap to get a replacement neck made to your spec. at least that way it can go back to stock if you feel the need.
  22. metallica, antrim forum, 1988
  23. [quote name='Veils' post='658890' date='Nov 19 2009, 09:02 AM']Lookin forward to this one mate. From a metal monster such as yourself, I'm expecting it to be heavier than an elephant in lead duds.[/quote] haha! here's hoping veils! prob about 3/4 weeks off finishing - just going through the lacquer motions now, hence no interesting updates.
  24. 19 - splash club in kings cross, london with manhole and drain. been playing bass for 2 weeks, in the band for 2 weeks, never driven a van before, and never really left belfast. some of the guys from fear factory were there. it was awesome, and a long slippery downward spiral.
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