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Everything posted by Dragonlord

  1. Comfort Stapp here as well - actually, I don't need strap locks with the CS, as they have a cool design with two holes - I found that to be safe enough for me.
  2. Dragonlord

    New skin

    Cool, it's already better than the last one. If you can, make one with light colours (like the current one) and one with darker ones. Also, one quick improvement would be to replace the invision logo with a basschat one... even if it is just a jpg saying "BASSCHAT". Having the invision logo seems unproffessional (although I know it's only temporary, but it shouldn't take more than 5 minutes to replace the logo anyway). PS: I do find the font a bit tiring too, but I'm tired anyway as it's close to 2 after midnight here in Greece so I can't say for sure.
  3. [quote name='Muppet' post='15630' date='Jun 11 2007, 05:04 PM']Accurancy doesn't mean squat if all the members in the band are using different tuners![/quote] Well, on the other hand, if the bassist and guitarist for example use a tuner that is accurate to 3 cents, they can end up with tunings different up to 6 cents... whereas, even if only one is using a 0.1 cent accurate tuner, the total potential difference goes down to 3.1 cents.
  4. [quote name='Toasted' post='6941' date='May 26 2007, 02:37 AM']X2 [/quote] That's what I'm getting as well. Actually, I have one on order from the States, as soon as I'll get paid by the end of the month I'll complete the payment and have it sent to me... so I'll have a review in a little more than a month. Both on reviews and on specs though it's easily the best buy for the money at the moment.
  5. Dragonlord


    Just sold a Deep Impact to Nick. Very good communication, friendly, co-operative, all in all very nice to deal with!
  6. Dragonlord


    Please write a short comment. We love you.
  7. [quote name='Dragonlord' post='13006' date='Jun 6 2007, 03:16 PM']I'm actually thinking of shipping the second Double back, unless there is a big advancement in tone, as at 8 ohm it's plenty for me - and I play in a very loud metal band.[/quote] ...and that's exactly what I'm gonna do! I'm pretty stoked about how loud and good the HR sounds with just one 212 at 8 ohm and 400W. It's probably as loud as my previous WT550 at 2.7 ohm and 600smth W with two Schroeder cabs (1210+Mini12), and easily louder than the WT550 at 4 ohm and 500W with just the 1210. The sound improvement was slight at the volumes we play, it sounded a bit thicker but nothing that could justify the cost or extra lugging to me. So, I'm plenty happy with the HR and an 8 ohm Double. If I were to do it all over again though, I would probably go for a 4 ohm 410 to have the extra wattage in case it's needed.
  8. Well, I'm a big fan of the ebay/TB rating system. Actually the one on TB works very very well, I don't think I'd change a single thing. Key points: you can give positive, neutral or negative feedback. You can give the link for the thread in which the purchase took place. The user's feedback is visible next to his username, but only in the Classifieds category (only place where it's useful). That number is the link to read the actual comments. This way, when you see an ad, you can at the same time see if the seller is a trustworthy guy and read other users' comments with one click. Now, you have to go to search, etc etc, and most people won't bother to do all that when they're interested in a purchase. Sure, it's their problem, but the goal is to make BC the safest/easier to use bass forum, and the classifieds are a major part of it, so IMO it's very important. If phatmonkey can't do it, it would be cool if someone could get paid to do it, like the theme.
  9. OK, one by one! First, no, I didn't have to upgrade it, because it was shipped like that. I think they have been shipping with the 2.7 ohm upgrade as standard for a year or so now. Actually my first setup with the Heart Rock was at 2.7 ohm with a 4 ohm Schroeder 1210 and an 8 ohm Schroeder Mini12. I gigged outside with the 8 ohm Glockenklang Double, which means that the head was only pushing 400W (instead of 750W@4 ohm, [email protected]), and it was amazingly loud. I'm actually thinking of shipping the second Double back, unless there is a big advancement in tone, as at 8 ohm it's plenty for me - and I play in a very loud metal band. About the 6Box... I've talked about it with Udo, the owner of Glockenklang, and he says it's punchier but also deeper sounding that their 410. I was actually thinking of getting a 6Box, but the weight and size were too much for me. I'm pretty sure that a Heart Rock with either a 610, two 212s or even one 410 can crash buildings. I bought mine from Musicstore.de. Thomann actually was a little cheaper, but if you want to use the 30-day money back guarantee and you're outside Germany you have to pay for shipping the stuff back - which, for such an amp and cabs, would be veeery very expensive. On the contrary, musicstore pays for shipping them back as well - at least for Greece! And the best part is that, when I asked them, they even gave me a slightly cheaper price than Thomann. Finally, these do not come up very often on ebay... the last Heart Rock I remember was around 2 months ago on german ebay, included a rack case, a korg rack tuner and a rack compressor, and went for around 1200 euro. I would suggest asking about musicstore's return policy for the UK, see if they cover shipping items back if you don't like them and want to take advantage of the 30-day money back deal, and if they do order what you think fits your needs best, try it out and if it doesn't work for you ship it back.
  10. I recently bought a Heart Rock head and a Double (212) cab. A second Double arrived today, I'm trying the 2 cabs setup this weekend on rehearsal. I love it, it has some incredible oomph, I'm especially amazed at the lows, deep but not boomy and warm, although the overall sound is pretty clean. The Soul head is 2U and the Heart Rock is 3U. If it was 4U, what you probably saw was a Bass Art:
  11. I used to have a 1210R and a Mini12R. The 1210 was very nice, I hated the Mini12 on its own but the two compared was a great setup. The smaller you get, the more mids you'll hear - with the 1210 I liked it and it sat great in the mix, with the Mini12 the sound was just annoying imo when played at home, but also sits well in the mix. The 1210, when pushed, would sound a little boxy, but that's the price you pay for such a small and loud cab. Also there isn't much true low end, which is also to be expected. The two combined were very nice, but in the end I replaced them, mainly because I wanted to try a full Glockenklang setup. I haven't played much with the Glock cabs, but so far I think the sound is more refined, of course with less mids, but still very loud. Of course, they are much bigger and pretty heavier. IMO, for the working bassist (or anyone who needs to move his rig a lot) Schroeder is a great choice. Light, small and loud. But don't expect a hi-fi tone. It's more defined than ampeg stuff though for example. That said, I had also played a gig with your Mesa setup, and I'm not sure that Schroeders would be an improvement sound-wise. But Mesa stuff sure is heavy, so it probably makes sense.
  12. OK, I MAY be way off, but check this out: [url="http://www.bayoucables.com/store/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=22_39&products_id=118"]http://www.bayoucables.com/store/catalog/p...products_id=118[/url] A cable with resistors... might be what you're looking for, not sure, too early, can't really think about it.
  13. [quote name='Hamster' post='10923' date='Jun 2 2007, 11:38 AM']My intonation is spot on, I don't usually tune up that way - but I suppose I will if it'll save a few squid. Is the Peterson strobostomp the one with a sort of blue LCD display panel? Hamster[/quote] Yep, that's the one. Seriously, if you're happy with the tuner otherwise, don't do anything before you try tuning your B at the 12th fret harmonic. It's the same as playing the open note, intonation has nothing to do with it (as was already explained by others, so I won't get into that) and if you're happy with the results then that saves you any money you had decided to spend on a new tuner. Actually, using the 12th fret harmonic to tune might be even better, because it doesn't have the attack peaks you get with the open string (you know, where it jumps up to a pitch and then settles lower after a second or so). The strobostomp is an awesome tuner, it's supposedly 30 times more accurate than most out there, including yours, and 10 times more accurate than Korg's DTR-1000-2000s. Of course, this means that you can never get it exactly perfect on the spot (I haven't had it for long so I don't know if you adjust with time). But it is indeed more accurate, your everyday tuner will get you in the same ballpark but the Peterson tells you much more precisely. This means that, even if you don't tune perfectly with the Peterson but only until you think it's "good enough", you're still more in tune than with other tuners. It's a great tool for setting up intonation and tuning your instrument(s) for studio work, on a gig or rehearsal it's not really needed IMO, unless you have perfect pitch and you can hear the difference. So, IF you can afford both, I'd say keep your pedal tuner for gigs etc and get a peterson (not necessarily the strobostomp which is a pedal as well) for fine tuning at home and at the studio, setting up intonation etc. Be forewarned though, it also doesn't track the low B very well, works great with the harmonic though so who cares (not me).
  14. I do like my strobostomp2 a lot, but I would suggest just starting to tune with the 12th fret harmonic.
  15. Well, can't really help with the pitch shifting, but I was looking at fuzz pedals lately... check out Prescription Electronics' Depth Charge and Malekko's B*assmaster.
  16. Dragonlord

    Octave Pedle

    BTW, Alpha-Dave, have you compared it to the POG? Someone on TB said that it doesn't track as well as the POG on bass. Have you found any truth in that?
  17. Dragonlord

    Octave Pedle

    lol, nothing serious
  18. Hm, I have a fulltone bassdrive, a sansamp and an xxl distortion, so I think I can get close. I had my deep impact for sale, but this thread made me change my mind, I want to exxperiment more with settings and also test it with the new pedals i got (the sansamp and xxl).
  19. [quote name='BigBassBob' post='6044' date='May 24 2007, 11:12 PM']I also made my own preset when used with an overdrive, provides a very close "Hysteria" tone [/quote] Care to share?
  20. Dragonlord

    Octave Pedle

    tou mouniou sou to glossidi mou rikse klotsia st'arxidi...
  21. Dragonlord

    Octave Pedle

    [quote name='Toasted' post='5705' date='May 24 2007, 03:18 PM']Damn, you caught me out. Looks like I'm a hypocrite! .... I'll live.[/quote] Uhm... wasn't my intention. I was just pointing out that he just stated his opinion in exactly the same way as you (or anyone else), but you jumped on him "for not adding 'IMO'". Are you having a bad day or something? There's no need for this crap, chill out..
  22. Dragonlord

    Octave Pedle

    [quote name='Toasted' post='3586' date='May 21 2007, 04:09 PM']An "IMO" goes along way, Rich. Don't you agree?[/quote] Well, to be honest, I don't see an "IMO" in this post either: [quote name='Toasted' post='3510' date='May 21 2007, 02:36 PM']You weren't listening hard enough. The Octaver in that pedal is sublime.[/quote]
  23. Crazykiwi, very nice post, thanks! BTW, I get a better octaver with the cutoff down to 1 instead of 3 and the balance higher, closer to 5 (but I have to be careful not to overdrive the "input level", or else I can't get a clean octave).
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