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Everything posted by kwmlondon

  1. It’s the first winter since it had a setup, yes.
  2. Update: actually got a bit of time to mess around and dug out my hex key set. It took the truss rod 3/4 of a turn loosening off but the buzz is sorted. Thanks for the advice folks! I think I’ll upgrade at some point but not in a hurry.
  3. So, I've let some tension out of the neck and I've raised the action and that's sort of gotten rid of the buzzing a bit so it sounds better but now but I think it could sound better. I think the bass needs a proper set up from someone who knows what they're doing or has the time to put into trying it out. While I like the bass I'm just not going to invest any money in it. I'd rather sell it on to someone, but it's done its job - I now know: I really like playing 5 string bass For 5 string I want a modern, HiFi sound and a 24 frets I like narrow string spacing and a thin neck So, I'm going to keep an eye out and maybe trade up in the next year or so but until then this is a superb bass and I'm quite happy with it. Thanks for all the advice, folks!
  4. UPDATE - got a helpful email from Mats at EBS who suggested running it from an external PSU instead of the 48v phantom from my desk and VOILLA. Issue completely fixed. Turns out that the speaker emulator saturates too easily without a proper external power supply. Thank goodness for tech support!
  5. I'm pretty sure I'd tried everything but I'll double check. Cheers!
  6. Sorry if I wasn't being clear. It sounds fine without the speaker simulator, then when I activate it that weird digital-style distortion comes in. Hope that clarifies. The person I bought it off suggested I contact EBS so I've messaged them via their Facebook page.
  7. I just bought an EBS Microbass 2 from a fellow basschat member and it arrived in perfect condition. I've had it a few days and plugged into the desk via DI and found something really odd. The speaker emulator works fine unless there's any gain/breakup in the bass and then you get this really nasty digital type distortion. Any idea what's going on here? It's the same on headphones. Both me and the guy I bought it from are completely stumped. Apologies for the crappy bass playing, I'm just trying to demo the sound issue. IMG_4681.MOV
  8. Well, it got a very good setup not long ago so I'm reluctant to shell out another £35 on it for a setup plus £40 to fit a nut plus the cost of the nut plus a new set of strings (because if it's getting all that attention I'd put new strings on) - I may do but not for a while yet. Thinking about it more objectively it's likely to be the neck because if it was the nut I'd have noticed it before now - I tend to doubt myself and think "why didn't I notice this before, I can't have been playing this bass enough" rather than "this used to be fine, what's changed?" Also, I'd like to try more 5-strings now I'm getting more of a feel for this one. I don't mind spending proper money if it something I really know I'll like and that I'll play but at the moment I'm still working that out.
  9. This has a lot to say for it but I think I’m going to try tweaking the truss rod first. If this sorts it I’ll just stick with it as is. I’d like to try a higher end Ibanez some time though.
  10. Yep, starting to sound like it. Especially as, now I think about it, the issue's only really come up recently. I just didn't think the problem that close to the nut would be a truss rod thing.
  11. Honestly, I don't like messing about with that stuff. I can tweak things but the idea of going at my bass with a heat gun, na-ahh. I know my limits! Cheers for the advice tho.
  12. Thanks, very helpful - will have a go. It's the first string, 3rd and 4th. In terms of the sound, I do actually quite like the active tone I just don't really like the eq. It'd be nice to have a passive option, I think the newer ones have that. Honestly though, I'm not going to go messing around ripping out the electronics! I've had a KiOgon loom before though, his stuff is excellent.
  13. Cool, thanks - will do. It could just be due to going into winter, heating on etc.
  14. Nop. I really don't like messing with a truss rod. I know it's a cheap bass but I still don't like fiddling around with the truss rod, tend to go to it as a last resort! Also, I really find I don't ever use the active eq on the bass or deviate from the middle blend of the pickups. It may as well just have an off/on button really.
  15. I thought of this, considered cutting some of the inside of a biro to make some sleeve for the strings to go above the nut. If anyone's got any better suggestions for a quick-fix then I'd give it a go.
  16. Yep, I've been very taken with Dingwall basses. I found the fan-fretting a bit odd but the sound is amazing and I recon I could get my head around the whole multiscale thing. I've already got a Musicman Stingray and a bitsa-Jazz so I love that the Ibanez does clean, HiFi modern sounds that the other two don't. Yes, I'd love a precision but I can get close-enough with the 'ray with its LaBella flats or a bit of messing about with the Jazz.
  17. Yeah, I tried that but it didn't sort the problem out, fine after the first fret - you're right, the second fret could need attention but I don't want to shell out for a full on dressing on what's really a cheap bass. I could just tighten the neck a bit, I guess, I'm just very wary about messing with the tension.
  18. Morning the basschat. About a year ago I wanted to try out a 5-string, got myself an Ibanez SR505 from a fellow basschatter. It was cheap and I've taken my time getting to grips with it but I've found I really like the extra range it gives me and I treat it very much like a different instrument to a 4-string. It got a cheap set of gear4music strings (I didn't want to spend a lot of money on something I may not like) and invested in £35 on a setup and ended up with a pretty good bass. I really like some things about it - the neck is sublime, the sound is lovely, it's light and comfortable but on the downside I find I only ever use one tone - I don't like the eq much. Also, you get some choking on the first fret - I think it needs a new nut. Now, a decent set of strings, a new nut, getting someone who knows what they're doing to fit it, we're talking about £125 all-in on an instrument that cost me £260. Would I be better off selling it and investing in something better? I don't have much experience of 5-strings but I love the thin neck on the SR505 and the modern sound it has. Seeing how much I like this one would a higher-end Ibanez be a good way to go? What would you do? Spend the money and impvoe a bass you like already or put the money towards an alltogether better instrument.
  19. Bought an EBS microbes 2 of Roger. He posted it the morning I paid and it arrived the next day, perfectly packaged, exactly what was listed in the advert. Perfect sale, I could not ask for more - many thanks!
  20. I played in bands throughout my teenage years and but life just happened and I stopped making music. A hand injury a few years ago meant my old technique didn’t work (self taught and really bad anyway). A jam session with friends a couple of years ago brought back to me how much I loved making music so I’ve used the pandemic to relearn the bass. Now I’m looking to do some jamming, either live or recording. Open to covers or helping with writing. I’m up for funk/soul and play rock and pop. I’m in my mid 40s with a full time job so I’m not looking to take on any serious commitment. Based in London SE14 with a portable rig.
  21. Yep. Also, check out his breakdown of Mayor Of Simpleton by XTC. His love for the song, the band and his understanding of what they are doing musically really inspired me to learn the bassline (try to learn the bassline...) AND the band share the track files with him so he's actually able to dive into the instruments one-by-one. A really excellent video, one of his best IMO.
  22. By someone who knows what they're doing! I'm fine tweaking, I can sort the intonation or make an adjustment, but it's such a pleasure to start from a good setup in the first place.
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