I have to declare a tier 1 fail.
I'd always envisaged that when I failed, it would be for a significant and worthy cause e.g. a vintage p-bass. However, it's ended up being for an entirely frivolous and low-level reason. When I put together my bitsa p-bass over 3 years ago, I ended up with a hand-fashioned acrylic control plate as a temporary solution because I couldn't source a steel/chrome one. I always said I'd address that later if and when the right part came available. Well last week, a chap in the Netherlands posted on another thread saying he was making them and I couldn't let the opportunity pass. So, I bought one and it arrived this morning.
I'm happy that I've managed to go well over 2 1/2 years without any significant purchases, so I've proved to myself that I'm reasonably GAS resistant. I'm sure I'll be back on the wagon next year and I'm hoping I win the lottery this year so I can get a vintage p-bass during this outage. 😉