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Everything posted by GremlinAndy

  1. What are those 8 fitting bars each side of the stage? im not up on lights but they look cool.
  2. I’ve got multiples of 21012L, the 1515L and the 1212L but not the 410, so I can’t speak for that. I’d love to give one a whirl. the 21012’s are great. I don’t find it incapable of pushing out lots of low end. I know they have a reputation for being middy, but I don’t find that at all personally. They sound great in a band situation. Mine are well built too, but I have heard of some with build quality issues. ok. The 1515L’s were always a disappointment. I found that it made a great component in a rig pushing out the bottom end, when matched with a 21012. Great as a 2 cab system but on its own wasn’t bright enough or loud enough, and a bit too ‘old school’ sounding. …didn’t cut through. My favourite cab though is the 1212L. Two of them is unbeatable. They are a much more manageable size than the 21012, but almost exactly as capable. …so, unfortunately, I have no experience with the 410. Sorry. I do love the sound of Schro’s (but not the 1515’s on their own). Disclaimer: I have lost quite a lot of the frequency range of my hearing (reduced, not lost entirely). It may be that the sound of Schro’s just hits my sweet spot? Whatever, I love them.
  3. These things are absolutely brilliant. I sold mine, but only to buy the Mk II version. Can’t go wrong with this pedal.
  4. Yeah me too. It looked like you guys had a blast. I’ve got such a lot going on at the moment. I think I was being naive think *something* wouldn’t blow me out of the water. I’ll be there next year 100%!
  5. My delivery has arrived, but it’d be 1:00 (traffic permitting) before I can get there, so I’m gonna give it a miss guys. I’m really sorry. I was looking forward to trying the short scale bass too. Next time hopefully.
  6. I may be a bit late unfortunately. I got a mail this morning saying my insulin is to be delivered today. I’ll set off as soon as it arrives but I have to be in to get it because it’s a refrigerated and has to go in the fridge on arrival. I’m kinda at the mercy of the Post Office for now I’m afraid. Hope to see you guys later. Andy
  7. I’ve got about 4 or 5 sets of bass pedal or I’d take these myself… but to answer the question about modules, there’s a good amount of reasonably priced ‘soft’ synths on iPad App Store which you can trigger from pedals via a camera connector, or iRig. I also have a widi module which allows Bluetooth connectivity to the iPad. The synths are between free and £20 ish iirc. I also created recorded intros for the band, and songs, which can be played as samples from apps, triggered by bass pedals. It’s an amazing time for musicians with an adventurous side, but I just wish it had all been sooner, or that I was young enough to take a lifetime of advantage of it.
  8. Well, I could also bring a Zon Hyperbass too, but no one (including me) is likely to be able to play it. But it might still be interesting to you guys. no promises yet though.
  9. I’ll go the other way then… I’ll bring the 39.5 inch folly I got Mr Shuker to build…
  10. QUOTE: “We can discuss anything you want, pork pies, kebabs...“ Oh, now things just got interesting!
  11. lol, sounds cryptic. …🪕 I just don’t want to suggest anything specific, just in case I can’t make it and disappoint.
  12. Great. Hope to see you there. I’ll bring something interesting.
  13. Is it ‘tickets in advance’ or pay on the door? (I had a quick scan but didn’t see the cost and payment method) I’ll see if I can come through. I’m very close to getting the keys for my new house, so that may be my priority …if it happens to coincide.
  14. I have to take an occasional ‘moment’ and take stock every now and then. every pedal I buy seems like a *must* but then after a while, their importance seems to wane, in favour of simplifying. it’s a weird sine wave rollercoaster for me. The big problem is I fear that I’ll want them again if I get shut, so I tend to hang on to everything. It’s sad really. but no regrets! It is what it is. good luck with your quest for the perfect path bud! oooh. I just realised, you’re a fellow Sheffielder! I’ll be watching the for sale forums for a local purchase! Lol.
  15. I found this fascinating. I figured my hearing was shot, and I wouldn’t be able to tell any difference, but I was pleasantly surprised. Test yourself with this vid.
  16. Exactly the right thing to do. It’s just a passing fad, with lots of people thinking they’re going to make a quick Buck. The irony is that a lot of people will have bought them at these currently inflated prices (like £120) thinking they can sell at the upper limit (£600), but not realising that the stupidly priced one just don’t sell. Even £120 is preposterous.
  17. Yeah. I watched the vid. They are indistinguishable from a Klon which go for up to 4 grand. And they’re oop, so I get that suddenly demand is high. They don’t sell for those silly prices though… they can still be got for £120 …which is high anyway. And it won’t last. They’ll come back down. There’s a lot of them out there so even though they’re oop, they’re not rare. l’ve got one myself. …BNIB! I thought about advertising it to see if anyone is stupid enough to pay, but my scruples objected. There’s a lot of hate for people selling them at inflated prices, but like all things, it a case of supply and demand. After that vid lots of people tried to scoop one up, driving the prices up.
  18. I had to have a look. I never saw a Ltd Ed. F.13. Yeah. …Ugly. Not my cup of tea at all! I actually like the olive drab of the regular one quite a lot.
  19. I flange at the end of my chain, but other than the grit, it’s just flange with no flange specific extras.
  20. BTW the other flanger that seemed good is the Alexander F.13 flanger. It seems pretty well functioned. There’s an older version.1 which can be got for around £120 on evilBay and a newer version.2 at £160ish. I’d like to hear one, but like most of the ‘less-mainstream’ brands, nobody stocks them, …you just have to buy to try unfortunately.
  21. I have the Past FX Elastic Mattress and recently bought the Reticon Flanger too. They both great, especially the Reticon, but I used to have an Electric Mistress Deluxe back in the early 80’s and I remember it with more fondness than I have for the Past FX pedals. I may have a more discerning palette these days… or be remembering the EHX with rose tinted headphones. I need the “Hot for Flanger” too though, for the sake of completeness. Check out Leon Todd for the most insane review of that. He nails the Eddie VH tone perfectly. (although as a bassist and big Lizzy fan I’m mostly just going for the “Waiting for an alibi” tone, like you.)
  22. It does have a sound but I dunno if I’d say it’s a pretty decent distortion sound especially when set that way. When it’s set that way it’s the same as the pedal when off. I’ll try that again to make sure I’m correct in that. That definitely doesn’t seem to be working how I’d expect. Are the LED ladders showing? I wonder if your signal might be *really* hot?
  23. Well, the Deco is basically on my board for it’s always on sound. Subtle saturation. The Jive I’m using for a more heavy driven sound. Its capable of a lot more range than the deco. (But arguably less nuanced) im still trying out saturation at the moment so there’s a lot of overlap on my board currently, but it’s all different. The Blackstone is also a great ‘always on’ drive. …So it’s all going to sort itself out in time as I decide which combinations work best for me.
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