well I just went for an old, but powerful Barco machine. Bought it off e-bay for about £250 iirc Bought a short throw lens from ebay seperately... The res is only 1280x1024 but the lumens is high as these things were designed for theatre/club use. it's like this... [url="http://www.aboutprojectors.com/Barco-BarcoReality-6400-projector.html"]http://www.aboutprojectors.com/Barco-BarcoReality-6400-projector.html[/url]
MRSP $24,995.00 lol... The old ones like this have been superceded by smaller lightweight models with better performance now, but they have the *silly* price tag like this one did back in 2000 when it was new. However for my needs this was gonna be *MORE* than adequate...