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Everything posted by GremlinAndy

  1. sh*t.. I like MM's well enough, but there is only one look that would make me want to buy. And this one is it. That's the *perfect* Music man for my taste mate! Lovely! Good luck with the trade...
  2. Just over two months left, and I still haven't had any pictures... I wrote Joe and he said he'll get some pics off on Monday when he get back from his vacation. so there might be pics coming shortly! I just did a little sex piss...
  3. If I wasn't already drowning in a sea of cabs I don't use, I'd buy this just for the investment. In a few months, when things pick up, there's a good chance of making a bit of cash on this to a shrewd investor...
  4. ah I see I set off a larger debate than I intended. I was only joking about the offloading remark. Big apologies to Higgie who via a PM was mortified, thinking I was being serious. That'll teach me to be flippant. When will I learn, I'm just NOT funny. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Just so that everyone is kept happy, and everything is officially legal... *I* bought this and am going to send it over to a mate in the states who will make good use of it legally I'm sure.
  5. [quote name='crez5150' post='778099' date='Mar 17 2010, 10:56 PM']If they operate outside the de-reg frequencies you could always buy a license.... doesn't mean the units are illegal[/quote] makes sense to me....
  6. [quote name='Higgie' post='777144' date='Mar 17 2010, 11:24 AM']As far as I know they are? They're used by quite a few people on this forum, and neither my dad or me have had any trouble with frequency interference or anything![/quote] no. they're not legal. they don't operate within the prescribed bandwidth allocated to free usage in the UK. shame really. I'm glad you managed to sell this bit of highly dubious gear before "the man" got you buddy.
  7. [quote name='cetera' post='772591' date='Mar 12 2010, 11:23 AM']Bumping for our April & May gigs.... [b]Fri 16th April - Glasgow 'Renfrew Ferry'[/b] (this is one of our fave gigs!) [b]Sat 17th April - Barnsley 'Birdwell'[/b] (first visit to this venue so any support would be appreciated!) [b]Fri 7th May - Manchester 'Ritz'[/b] (Rock Radio 2nd B'day party.... with support from tributes to Guns n Roses, Iron Maiden & Metallica) Hope to see some of you there [/quote] OH WOW! thats UNBELIEVABLE! You're on at Birdwell the Saturday before I am! I'll come up to see you on the 17th for SURE. Birdwell is like, 25 mins from my house. I'm on there on the 24th with "Departure" Birdwell likes the Rock bands, so you'll do well. I hope they save some enthusiasm for us! LoL (It'll be our first time there (and only our second gig))
  8. [quote name='Higgie' post='775356' date='Mar 15 2010, 04:07 PM']I haven't seen them for sale over here either, so I don't know how much they are new. It cost me £150 new from America so I've just knocked off the cost of shipping. Yes they are digital, and yeah they are brilliant. My Dad and I both use ours without any trouble what so ever, and you will also find many users of them on here and on TalkBass. Cheers[/quote] Sorry for the delay buddy I PM'd you with the reply. Andy Actually I notice you have a Shuker (in your sig). That's where I've been today. I had John replace the horrible old, and very sharp nut on both my thumb basses, followed by a set up... First time I've visited him. What a lovely, helpful chap! Some nice looking basses in the making too! I might order one for my next bass, myself.
  9. [quote name='Sandmann' post='762528' date='Mar 3 2010, 07:50 AM']Hi folks, i am considering to part with my thunderfunk tfb750-a. 2 years old, very good conidition, located in flensburg/germany. shipping in europe ok, thinking about 900 GBP as for trades: i am interested in a meas m9 carbine[/quote] How much would the shipping on this be, to the UK. any idea?
  10. [quote name='uzzell' post='759721' date='Feb 28 2010, 12:59 PM']Thanks for all the opinions people, I'm currently looking into details and pricing of the Schroeder Mini 10+. Does anybody ue them?[/quote] There are loads of threads containing info on Schroeders mate. Just so you understand JUST how light the Schroeders are, I left mine on the floor outside a gig and a gust of backwash from a passing toddler on a trike sent it up into the stratosphere. ...Well OK that's an exaggeration, but the real truth is that while my old wardrobe sized 2x15 used to nearly bust my hump to move, even with it's castors, but my 2x tiny Schro' 1515L's can be lifted to shoulder level, one in each hand with my arms outstretched. that's 4 (YES FOUR) 15's in a weightlifting *fly* type movement! (fact) On the other hand, you should research the sound they give because they aren't exactly transparent. I can't say too much about the mini cabs, because I haven't heard them, but I think the smaller they are the more apparent the colouration.
  11. [quote name='uzzell' post='758535' date='Feb 26 2010, 07:22 PM']That looks interesting. Do you know where sells them?[/quote] I got mine through a smahing and very helpful fella called Shaun at SHX Music. Shaun SHX Music (UK) The UK Dealers for Schroeder Bass Cabinets [url="http://www.shxmusic.com"]http://www.shxmusic.com[/url] [email protected]
  12. [quote name='RhysP' post='759305' date='Feb 27 2010, 06:21 PM']Nice! Did you order it through Mansons or direct from Joe Zon?[/quote] Direct from Joe. I was speaking to him via e-mail because I wanted to know if I could get a hyperbass but really wanted it with the special bridge unit that Manring uses... And he informed me that although they don't appear on the web site they *were* doing a batch of Hyperbass with the adjustable tuning bridge... So I phoned him there and then and ordered it! The original quote was an approximate 8 month wait... but since I haven't had any build pictures yet I'm assuming it's not even started yet. I dunno how long the actual build time is, but I *should* hear something real soon. Hopefully. ...dammit! I said I might fly over to collect it when it's ready, ...and Joe said he'd see if he could arrange a meeting with Mr Manring! Oooof I dunno if it'll happen, but that'd be a monumental day to remember for me.
  13. Well the wait is *KILLING ME* but my Zon Hyperbass is due to be completed around 30/5/2010. It was ordered way back when dinosaurs ruled the Earth on 10/9/09 I will post pictures of it during the build process (as I've been promised them) as I get them.... If you're interested that is.... Andy
  14. maybe this? [url="http://www.schroedercabinets.com/mini10+.htm"]Schroeder Mini 10+[/url] I use Shroeder and couldn't be happier. (They can be bought in the UK too) It may be a bit pricey depending what you want to use it for, but it would always have a decent resale value...
  15. 2x Warwick Thumb Bass
  16. When I was first in bands the PA was always an expense no one could afford. (Damned singers thinking a Mic is all they need!) So back then the PA was something communally owned, which mainly just allowed vocal amplification. All the rest of the sound was delivered by the backline. And bass being less audible to the human ear was always lost, when compared to the Guitar/keys. After that we had a bit better PA, (not mine) but with all the band and drums going through it, the bass would quickly use up all the under powered amps potential, so the bass was rolled right off by the sound guy, ...and sounded weak and pappy. Very annoying. Hence *my* personal search to have a backline which is capable of being used loudly enough (with lots of headroom) without PA assistance. The *irony* is that [b]I[/b] now own the 20k Turbosound rig for the bands PA and can put as much bass through it as I want/need.
  17. Nice to hear from you buddy. It was a very old unit, and I was actually wanting to give it away, BUT if I'd said that on the forum it would have just gone to someone who just sold it on ebay the next day. I was more interested in giving it to someone *prepared* to pay for it, (and hence actually wanted to give it a go.) I dunno how much use it was, but hopefully you got *some* mileage out of it. Thanks for the feedback mate! [quote name='Robin UK' post='706478' date='Jan 9 2010, 12:36 PM']Andy offered me a Wireless last February at a crazy low price, and then, after sending it, and giving me some advice on setting it up, refused for me to pay him, becuase the power supply he'd told me before was slightly dogey, was very slightly dodgey (still going strong though). A true gent and a very helpful and kind guy. Sorry for the late feedback, Robin[/quote]
  18. [quote name='steantval' post='698588' date='Jan 2 2010, 10:41 AM']Hi, Joking apart. If you are playing any gigs further south I will try to be at the gigs. Tried to get a Journey tribute together a couple of years back, quality musicians all in place but just could not find a vocalist to do the job.[/quote] I'll keep you posted mate! Yeah getting a full line-up for a Journey band took us 3 years! The singer situation is impossible. ...well almost. We got a singer capable of singing all the songs in the original key, and who sounds GREAT! His voice really soars on those highs... We we're VERY lucky. Glad we held out now.
  19. [quote name='cetera' post='698738' date='Jan 2 2010, 02:09 PM']Andy, I trust your tone has plenty of honking mids and a touch of chorus?!?! Essential for Ross Valory sounds.... [/quote] I *did* use a chorus actually, but I'd only received it a coupe of days before the gig so I ended up turning it off cos I'd over-egged it for the gig. it'll be better next time. Erm re the mids. Yeah. I have a thumb-bass which does the mids very well, and schroeder cabs... so mids are in abundance. I'm just missing the lovely growly natural distored sound I've only ever heard from Jons TF amp...
  20. [quote name='steantval' post='698415' date='Jan 1 2010, 10:10 PM']Oh sh*t, I better cancel my flight tickets from the States..........Steve Perry [/quote] Hi Steve. I'll put the pot on if you're popping over buddy! Maybe I can convince you to do a few gigs with us? lol
  21. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='697199' date='Dec 31 2009, 02:05 PM']How did the 'rig' sound Andy and just out of interest, what bass or basses were used? [/quote] Hi buddy I used the thumb bass. and the rig was erm. **LOUD** and tight. But do you know what, I haven't managed to get the growl I got at your house on that Thunderfunk through the 8x10. I can't understand it... I even bought the black streamer that I was playing that day. Sell me your Thunderfunk buddy! I need to find out if that's the missing element.
  22. Thing is, I'm an old school dude. Before the internet it was possible to be called the same name as *many* club-cover bands, even in the UK. It was unlikely you would ever cross paths with a band from down London way, if you were from, say, ...Sheffield (as I am). But then the internet comes along, and everyone can see the other bands, and it's like they own the name. Well *FECK THAT!* We're just tribute acts, in different continents... Neither one of us are gonna *make it big* so I reckon that we'll not be confused with the US based band... We're not trying to sell ourselves in a big internet based promotional experience... If someone were to turn up to one of our gigs expecting those guys, I'd be *very* surprised, and would laugh my tats off at them. and finally, to be honest, we didn't know about the other guys when we decided on the name. A quick search of the internet only showed a UK based, original pop boy-band type thing... but we rehearsed for 3 years waiting to get a full line up... and we stuck with the name, cos we were used to it...
  23. [quote name='Finbar' post='683081' date='Dec 13 2009, 03:42 PM']Let me know if you plan to play in Sheffield itself Andy and I'll definitely pop down! [/quote] will do buddy!!!
  24. WOW!!! What a fantastic night! The turnout was really good! We filled a 475 seater almost to capacity! The club said that's the best takings they've had over the bar in 10 years! (probably explains why everyone had a good time, and better than we deserve actually ) All in all a great debut for us, ...and I couldn't have enjoyed my first stint on stage after a 16 year siesta more!
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