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Everything posted by GremlinAndy

  1. [quote name='Bassmanc' post='392416' date='Jan 27 2009, 09:18 AM']Nice one Andy - I like your style! What else do you have FOR SALE??? [/quote] I'm going to be posting a budget "For Sale" on an Alembic F-1X preamp. It won't be a freebie... But it will be undeniably cheap. The winning bidder will have the cojones to make an offer of a very reasonable price.
  2. [quote name='steve-soar' post='392233' date='Jan 26 2009, 10:42 PM']I had one back in 1990 and it was a good piece of kit. All the things that GA says have happened to his, happened to mine. Will you take £35 for it? [/quote] NICE ONE STEVE!!! YOU ARE THE WINNER! If you Hilight the first posting my secret message will be revealed! (hence the *game* comments) White text on white background. I just wanted someone who actually wanted this enough to make an offer, and I'll GIVE IT AWAY at the price of postage! Steve, PM your address and I'll send you a price for P&P once I've sent it. I don't imagine it will be much. Nice one mate!
  3. Well that second pic down is just so sexy. I reckon the scratch plate change is a no-brainer, but the result will be a helluva good looking bass! And if it sounds half as good as it looks it's a winner.... Well done buddy. I'm quite envious!
  4. no-one? When I hi-lite the price I expect you might be sorry...
  5. [quote name='Gwilym' post='391298' date='Jan 25 2009, 10:18 PM']all PMs replied to... EDIT: this is now on hold pending payment/collection.[/quote] Dammit! I was holding out, hoping you'd relent and give it away for my £160 offer! Ah well. To the victor the spoils! I'm glad for you that it's sold mate. My loss. Andy
  6. Interest, but no offers yet. I like this game... it requires someone be bold enough to make an actual offer. lol
  7. PS It looks like this. [url="http://image.blog.livedoor.jp/kohsuke_gif/imgs/d/7/d7ba4bff.jpg"]http://image.blog.livedoor.jp/kohsuke_gif/.../7/d7ba4bff.jpg[/url]
  8. Hi, I have a very old (possibly 20 years-ish, I estimate) but fully functioning Nady 201 VHF wireless for sale... There are a couple of things wrong with it... One is that it has lost the battery cover for the transmitter bit. The battery doesn't fall out and a bit of tape would secure it further. I used it for about 4 years without the cover and never popped a batt. ...and the wall-wart power supply has the earth pin broken from it. However, it's not as bad as it sounds because it is just a plastic tag and the supply was unearthed to begin with. But I would suggest a new power supply would be the best option. It's an old machine, and does colour the sound a bit, but not enough that you can't kinda E.Q it back. It also gets through batteries pretty quickly. I used two rechargables and swapped them over halfway through the night (after about an hour) But rechargable battery technology has come on since those days so who knows?... A new alkaline batt would probably last about 4-5 hours. Right, thats all the bad news out the way. On the bright side, it works. ...It has a battery in it. ...It will isolate you from electric shocks (since you're not connected) ...and more importantly, I don't want much for it. I would prefer collection from around Sheffield area, or I will have to add the cost of P&P to it... Good luck. Andy [size=1][color="#FFFFFF"]yes I know I ommitted a price. Cos it's free to someone who will actually use it, not just sell it for profit.[/color][/size]
  9. [quote name='budget bassist' post='388833' date='Jan 22 2009, 05:58 PM']That first one looks ridiculous, and the wood on the neck looks brand new... Wasn't he asking a ridiculous price too? I mean it's not even playable...[/quote] Ah but by the same token Half a Damian Hirst cow isn't edible, and can't even be milked, but if you think like that you probably missed the point of the thing. The aim of a lot of art is to start a debate. And if you enter a discussion about wether or not a thing is art, then you have probably and inadvertantly validated it as art. Ironic? Not if that's the intention.
  10. [quote name='~tl' post='390152' date='Jan 24 2009, 01:15 AM']Hmm, interesting. Any idea on the depth of that thing? All the 1U class-D amps I've come across (albeit in a fairly limited search) are stupidly deep, and hence won't fit in to a standard rack case...[/quote] well I own a Powersoft, and they are insanely deep (only 1u high) BUT it does fit in a standard rack. It sticks out into the back lid area, but still fits. Dunno if that's any use to anyone? I guess it couldn't hurt to be careful of the depth, if you have a rack already.
  11. You say that the pre - power set up isn't well served... but the choices of pres out there is staggering IMO. And as for power amps, well since just about any PA amp is suitable as the power stage behind a 'bass specific' pre, ...you can find them everywhere in all sizes, shape, wattage, and weight. Easy peasy. It's great having the flexibility...
  12. [quote name='Brother Jones' post='390153' date='Jan 24 2009, 01:20 AM']Completely bladdered IMHO. [/quote] lol you're welcome to your opinion, and like my opinion, it is pefectly valid. Apologies to the for hijacking. I'm not sure with hindsight that a for sale thread is the right place for a bit of lighthearted banter about the relative merits of gear.
  13. [quote name='ped' post='390143' date='Jan 24 2009, 12:50 AM']Yes you are right and I plus the millions of people included in your sweeping statement are all wrong, ignorant and not as cool or talented as you :0) ped[/quote] Lol ...mockery! the last refuge of the criminally incorrect. We all know that I'm not being funny. Many thousands of people drive Ford Fiestas. ...Are they as good as Rolls Royce? ...Well no, that would be INSANE. We Both agree on that I'm sure. I make no apologies to the people who bought Line 6. ..but really, you should have saved harder and bought a better piece of gear. Simple as. Ped, I respect you, as a dude, ..but I own both. My humble, easily ignored opinion, that the Aggie is better than any line 6 gear by a magnitude of 10, is not open to debate. It might be different to your opinion. But it's my considered and honest opinion.
  14. [quote name='Kev' post='390138' date='Jan 24 2009, 12:45 AM'][/quote] Not really. I own BOTH. I *know* the difference. It ain't snobbery... really if you try both AB'd... tell me I'm *actually* wrong and I'll bow before you.
  15. [quote name='ped' post='390130' date='Jan 24 2009, 12:33 AM']Really? You are being serious? Are you drunk?! Kind of a sweeping statement I think you will agree. You are entitled to your opinion, of course. But wrong ;0) If your XT sounds like a broken 60's Hiwatt then may I suggest you aren't using it properly! Cheers ped {EDIT - Apologies Wimpy for the off topic discussion, good luck with the sale, I shouldn't think you will have much trouble, lovely bit of kit}[/quote] Lol one of the specific settings on the bass pod pro is a broken speaker... have you even listened to the pre sets in there? Listen dude, I may be drunk, I may not. but the Aggie 680 beats any semi pro line 6 gear into a cocked hat... Nuff said! You can flame on all you like, but I'm right. even the mods on this site aren't immune from being wrong. "9D Broken Speaker" useful? You decide... "8B Sample and Hold" Just because it can, is that a good enough reason to? I'm not convinced "14C Dopplerganger" Tell me ANYONE ever used this?
  16. As far as I know Line 6 users arent a minority, and as such aren't afforded the protection of law which other minorities enjoy; So the way I see it is "Duck Season, Wabbit Season, Duck Season, Wabbit Season, LINE 6 SEASON!!" Stick to your bedrooms, nerds! And don't worry, I make computer games for a living, so I know what nerdism is all about!......
  17. [quote name='ped' post='390123' date='Jan 24 2009, 12:18 AM']Are you saying all line 6 users play in their bedrooms? I hope not![/quote] erm yeah I think I am. I have a Bass pod pro XT and I *think* It's currently in the bedroom. Don't misunderstand... The Line 6 is a great Toy and kind of useful for studio work. But the Aguilar DB680 is a a piece of *real* bass gear. It won't model tha sound like you're using a broken speaker in a 1960's hiwat cab... <ish> and you won't get a plethora of effects, but it does give a great no nonsense sound, which IMO is pure bass tone. Edited to offend Line 6 users less lol. (I was actually lightheartedy mocking bedroom bassists, not Line6 gear)
  18. These don't seem to be everybodies cup of tea... but for me they are second to none. No shitting, if I didn't have 2 already, I'd buy another... I fact I *so* couldn't live without this gear in my rack that I'm *CONSIDERING A THIRD*! They aren't a smooth modelling, forgiving 'disto' sound, ....they are unforgiving and don't offer any distortion or easy playing, so you gotta *really PLAY* ..but they are warm smooth and offer a natural compression for real players, and when you do play accurately the sound is fan-f***ing-tastic!!! WARNING! bedroom bassists, stick to your "Line 6 modelling gear", cos this pre takes no prisoners.
  19. [quote name='raze' post='383484' date='Jan 17 2009, 07:03 PM']Aguilar OBP3 Onboard Preamp Vol/Bass Stacked Mid With Push & Pull to switch between 400 or 800 HZ Ive had it fitted for about 1 month Very powerful and sounds great but just not what I need £85 posted paypal ok[/quote] Sold? might b interested
  20. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='388176' date='Jan 22 2009, 07:37 AM']Your car could drive itself to my house by now Andy. [/quote] Hmmmm yeah that's true... or at least was. I have a new car since the end of last week. I reckon it needs to know the route too. You know me mate I *love* the Warwicks! each of them is a thing of beauty, ...it's like art for me. I want them all. Dammit
  21. gah OK ...I have the cash. I just need to fail to resist the urge, again
  22. [quote name='originalfunster' post='379669' date='Jan 13 2009, 08:59 PM']I think he might have been having a little Joke![/quote] Aye you could be right. In which case I apologise. I just figured that if everyone just got on with it it could have happened with no harm done. "Done and done".
  23. [quote name='wesfinn' post='379582' date='Jan 13 2009, 08:07 PM']surely if its all illegal, then everybody could 'club together' to buy the bass so that it would technically be owned by all the people who paid. that would then jsut be a straight sale right? then its up to those people to decide if they want to 'give' the bass to one person and theyre way of doing so is to draw the names out of a hat to make it fair, that way there is no financial profit gained, it's just a bunch of nice people who decided that they would give away theyre share in something.[/quote] EXACTLY my suggestion on page 6
  24. [quote name='benwhiteuk' post='379564' date='Jan 13 2009, 07:54 PM']The name is drawn out of a hat at random. To me that sounds like a lottery with 100/1 chance of “winning”. Anyhow, if I wasn’t “nominated” to keep the bass at my house then I wouldn’t agree to it being kept at anyone else’s [/quote] Winning? no... the successful applicant would simply be the curator of the communally owned bass. Their extensive responsibility/duties would involve regular waxing and the strings would need to be kept fully articulated on a weekly basis. The charge to the owners for this service could run at £10 per week for 99 weeks after which time the charge would be equal to the value of the bass. Payments could be offset against the value of the bass. and non payment would result in the bass being kept in leiu of payment. (Edited because I missed the intended humour in the post.)
  25. [quote name='benwhiteuk' post='378419' date='Jan 12 2009, 11:00 PM']I think you've just defined what a lottery is?[/quote] no. there would be 100 owners. They all just agree that one person keeps it at their house ...indefinitely. How is that a lottery?
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