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Everything posted by GremlinAndy

  1. So while a lottery might be considered illegal, would there be any legal issues if say, 100 people decided to club together to buy a bass, and the person who got to keep it at their house was randomly drawn from a hat.
  2. [quote name='walplayer' post='375467' date='Jan 9 2009, 05:58 PM']Only bought this at the beginning of the week from Doctorbass here- [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=29683&hl=aguilar"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...&hl=aguilar[/url] i was looking to use it for recording only but it's more of a gigging pre-amp imho...It is brilliant though and all the functions are very useable.The treble control sounds like it maybe needs a clean otherwise totally as described in Doctor B's thread.If i was gigging i'd definitely be using one of these! i've had good fun trying it and a/b ing it with another piece i have so i'll cut my losses on the fuel i used goin to pick it up so same price £600 or £620 with the rack case.no offers ,is a BARGAIN!!! Not really looking for trades.Wouldn't really want to ship it.I'm in the n.west uk/n.e. wales area Pete[/quote] too clean for your taste? and what the heck is the other piece you AB'd with...?
  3. [quote name='HarryPotter' post='368730' date='Jan 2 2009, 07:10 PM']Good headphoes I got, I still use my old Senheiser Ovations that I bought in about '96, and they cost a fortune back then. However it's looking like the Microcube RX - They're £100 at stagebeat right now - that's almost too good to miss.[/quote] I can't recommend the Bass trainer highly enough to be honest. I have both the CD and the MP3 version, and the CD one is the better sounding of the two, but the MP3 is handier. You should give thought to this because its a great sounding device and makes silent(almost) practicing so easy. You get lots of effects and a tuner thrown in with the CD player and practice amp facility too. Winner!
  4. hah that foiled me. I only procratinated cos I'm really looking for another 5 or 6 string at the moment. Otherwise I would've made an offer immediately on this. They don't come around 2 often. My last one was new old stock and cost nearly £900. ...but is worth every penny IMHO. Good luck with the rest of the sales dude.
  5. I already own 2 DB680's ...and I'm such a fan I'm even considering buying this as a spare for my spare. (no jesting, I could not be without this pre-amp now)
  6. Well, I have to say that I tried this bass, and it was absolutely TREMENDOUS!!! The sound was second to none. I tried it alongside the Dolphin, and the sounds are definitely different. About as different as two Warwick basses could be actually. The Dolphin was in my mind a little reminiscent of a "P" in as much as it has that distinctive sound you *feel* rather than hear. ...But this bass was harder to liken to the sound of any other bass, it was more like an angry Rotwieler that had been pumped up on steroids, then poked continuously for an hour with sticks. It growled like no bass I've ever heard before. And I own a few basses all of which are supposed to be growly (and indeed they are) but they are nothing compared to this bass. ...And to that end I ask you Waldo, what sort of cash price are you looking at? (If you can be tempted to sell outright) I don't care for the shape of the Corvette, but the sound of this one, alone makes using it worthwhile. Plus, as they go, this is such a great example. The photo is good but the wood is so striking in the flesh (as it were). I dunno if I should be helping to sell this bass, since I may be interested myself in the New Year (once I get paid again) ....so I'm gonna be quiet now.
  7. [quote name='dannybuoy' post='360071' date='Dec 21 2008, 09:24 AM']It is indeed - but there's somebody else interested who lives locally and wants to collect it today - if that doesn't happen then consider yourself next in line![/quote] Understood mate. keep me posted
  8. [quote name='dannybuoy' post='358669' date='Dec 19 2008, 11:41 AM'][u][b]Presonus Faderport[/b][/u] Bought from this very forum, I've never even gotten around to plugging it in (I never find the time to fire up my DAW and get creative these days!). This is a controller for most audio software like Cubase, Sonar, Logic etc with a motorised fader that whips up and down as you change the selected track (see the [url="http://www.presonus.com/products/Detail.aspx?ProductID=2"]Presonus site[/url] for more info). Excellent condition, [b]£75 posted.[/b][/quote] I don't suppose you know if it's "pro tools" compatible do you? I may well take this off your hands, if so.
  9. Nice rig mate. Is that a 4x10? It looks small. Maybe your rack is big...
  10. [quote name='d-basser' post='335551' date='Nov 24 2008, 03:06 PM']I am a student and I have solved those problems, girlfriend moves in: she removes the takeaway boxes and I get sex at home plus there is still an EBS head, an MTD and a Dingwall in my room... sex AND gear! sorted oh and I ride a unicorn [/quote] Oh man You're my hero! I'm so jealous. I hope you're not young too. Cos that's somethin' I aint getting back either. My youth. Somebody kill me.
  11. [quote name='Finbar' post='335186' date='Nov 23 2008, 10:24 PM']What a great attitude. That's exactly like me at the moment. People ask things like 'you spent HOW much?', but... what else would I spend it on? I don't have any vices, virtually no bills... Life is great and gear filled [/quote] Ditto! There are two kinds of people in the world ....ones with LOTS of bass gear and others who get regular sex at home. <I suspect there might be two other groups as well, ones that get all the bass gear and all the sex (but I believe them to be mythical creatures, with stars in their hair, and riding unicorns, probably) ...And the other group of unfortunates are bereft of gear AND sex. yes, pity them.... I think they're called 'Trainspotters' or 'Students', but I never actually saw such a wretched creature in the flesh.> (sits back and waits for the sounds of Students stirring amid unwashed crockery, and empty takeaway cartons, with one purpose.... but then going back to sleep because they're still hung over and can't be bothered to protest right now)
  12. [quote name='budget bassist' post='334694' date='Nov 23 2008, 01:38 AM']The best type of buffoon! haha, bet your missus loves it I think most of the guys around here think exactly the same as you though [/quote] Well... Therein lies the secret. I don't have a money sink. (Wife/Girlfriend/Significant other) 99.5% of my income is spent on the necessities in life, like bass gear and alcohol, ...and I squander the rest on food and rent.
  13. [quote name='budget bassist' post='334459' date='Nov 22 2008, 03:23 PM']Haha i'd like to see you do that with my ashdown MAG cabs, 30KG a piece!! my rig comes to about 70kg in total, and it's not even that big! [/quote] Well, I had an SWR rig a couple of years ago, and after humping those hunks of lead up flights of stairs, I SWORE I'd buy a lighter rig. So I know what you mean about Small box, big weight. ...and at a none too sprightly 48 I'm not exactly built for humping the heavy gear around these days. The only problem is I took the approach that because it's half the weight, I can get twice as much! So the net is probably similar, but I have to make more journeys to move it around. Doh. I'm a buffoon. But that's a very LOUD buffoon.
  14. Ooooh There's some REALLY tasty stuff out there. Loving the TecAmp stack! And The EBS must be a beastly sounding rig too. What do those cabs have in them?
  15. The honest and slightly sickening truth is that I think my DB680 valves give a goodly amount of natural compression and I *think* I may not need it on the bass. An expensive lesson learned there, but there's no way to try before you buy with this kind of gear. It seems to be doing a good job when switched to deliver the musical harmonics and with a bit of disto, but I love the sounds from the DB680 when plugged direct, so it's a difficult call to say if it's actually improving on my (to my taste) near perfect signal. It's still a bit early to tell because I only used it once at rehearsal (last weekend), but It may end up in the studio rack for vocals etc... Gonna give it another go today, so I'll let you know how I get on.
  16. Heh heh Well ...in fairness I don't ever think I'll NEED to use the whole rig. But it's nice to know it's there if I do. You can see just how tiny it is too. The cabs are only as high as a bass when stacked. It will all fit in my car in one go. ...And have room for other stuff too. The new 1515L's are UNBELIEVABLY light. I can lift one, one-handed at arms length, to shoulder height briefly.
  17. Lol Yeah, They are... Not part of the rig though. I get such bad gas. A couple of those Warwicks will be very familiar to you John, no?
  18. oooof If I hadn't already bought 2 x schroeder 1515L's and a Distressor this month I'd be all over that! It's the exact bass I'm looking for.
  19. That Roscoe has a superb finish... love it!
  20. It's an *interesting* bass. I think it would look great relic'd as if it was made of iron. Lot's of rusty dark browns, and bright orange bloom in the corners. Wicked!
  21. Some porn for you (Hopefully) The new rig. 2x21012L's + 2x1515L's (The 2 1515L's arrived today, and are yet to be heard. I'll be surprised if I can't make God tremble) Not using the Distressor yet. Only arrived last week. (The Missing piece from the rack is The Aguilar Agro which is in my Studio Rig at the moment. But something will have to go...). Basses. (Modulus VJ4, SS1, Streamer ltd 87, Thumb NT4, Thumb NT5, Thumb NT4, and my old '88 Ibanez SR1000E FB)
  22. Well. I own a few bits which have famous connections... A 1 unit rack fan which belonged to Mark King. (The MK stuff is like tits on pigs, there's that much of it!) also I don't think it was altogether responsible for his destinctive sound tbh. I also own 2 x A.S.S. built, Ashdown folded horns. One was part of John Entwistles rig, the other belonged to U2's Adam Clayton. Though I have no absolute proof for either. I bought 23k of powersoft amps, which were part of a hire rig used by ... shhh Robbie Williams. Maybe thats why it was for sale? (unclean unclean!) An Amp rack bought of a Basschatter (who's has been on telly himself recently) sprayed with the monika "Cocteau Twins" ...I know I know, but you asked. And finally: I won a quiz at a drum clinic YEARS ago, and the prize was a set of drum sticks used by Cozy Powell that night. But I gave then to our drummer who just used them... Nothing quite so cool as Phil Lynotts bass. (Well, ...maybe the Entwistle cab, but then I'm not a big fan myself, so it's just another cab to me.. Plus a bass is an extension of the person, and a cab is just a box that makes a sound.)
  23. It really is a matter of taste. And with *ANYTHING* which makes a bold statement you'll have people loving and hating, since it is hard to sit on the fence with such a striking paintjob. It's the marmite factor. Personally I think it looks FECKING ACE!!!
  24. [quote name='escholl' post='321291' date='Nov 3 2008, 08:22 PM'] :wub:[/quote] Do you know, back in the day (back when you could buy these new) I absolutely DETESTED the looks of H&H... And yet here today, what 25/30 years later, and they look VERY tasty and more classic than I could have ever imagined. Thats a great looking rig you have there buddy!
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