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Everything posted by GremlinAndy

  1. Keep us posted. I’m interested to know. Like you, I’ve had one for years, and wouldn’t be without, but also like you, I thought they were impossible to break.
  2. Message sent this morning , re the OCD. Get back to me when you read it. cheers.
  3. I bought and tried quite a few. the Empress Bass Compressor is easily the winner for me personally. I use it at the start of my chain just to even out my playing a little without destroying the dynamics completely. It can be transparent or can add colour depending on the settings. The fact that it has separate input and output LEDs means you always have a much better idea, visually, of exactly what it’s doing. Not cheap, but the most expensive part of buying the right compressor for me, was buying 3 or 4 before finding the one which suited me the most. The ones I didn’t get to try which seem to be highly regarded are the Cali76 and the Keeley. Neither have the twin level LEDs, but I didn’t get to compare sounds so can’t say. Compressors can be a difficult thing to get right, and opinions are subjective, so I wouldn’t recommend you buy it based on my say so. …But I would strongly recommend you try one if possible.
  4. Like a nightmare - Motörhead. (A road back into horses again there if you want to take it!).
  5. Dream On - Aerosmith
  6. Pony - Rex Orange County (Feat Pino Palomino) Come on… that’s gotta be worth a bonus point! 🤔
  7. Employee of demon th. - They might be giants.
  8. Nights in White satin. Moody Blues
  9. Sild Love Songs. Paul McCartney
  10. Beaches - The Stranglers
  11. Clapham Common People - Pulp
  12. Rotherham all over the World - Status Quo
  13. Space Oddity - Bowie
  14. Crazy train - Ozzy Osborne
  15. quote: *Welcome* To The Machine - Floyd Matthew and Son - Cat Stephens.
  16. Dutchwife. I can’t see the connections to your posts with the previous ones. Are you being more cryptic than I’m giving you credit for, or do you not know how this works?
  17. Down down - Status Quo
  18. EBay and Facebook marketplace are usable if you’re within driving distance and arrange cash on receipt, for bass gear. Basschat is WAY safer. It’s a good community and kind of self regulates, by outing bad guys. There are real people with real reviews, for previous transactions which you can turn to. I’ve had MANY purchases on Basschat, and I’ve placed my trust, and never been let down yet. obviously that doesn’t mean there can’t be one rotten egg, but you’re much less likely to fall foul. The only thing I don’t like about purchases on BC is the prevalence of F&F payment. I prefer to pay the PayPal charge and maintain my buyers rights, for an extra layer of safety.
  19. In Sheffield there is a non-profit organisation based in an old school. (The one featured in “the Full Monty” as it happens) “The Burton Street foundation”. http://burtonstreet.org.uk/spaces/ Sheffield probably isn’t the location you might be thinking of, but I’m sure there are places like this all over the country.
  20. I wonder if it would be possible to arrange it as a kickstarter? I’ve never arranged one myself but it seems like the money you need would happen up front, and if the money doesn’t come in the project doesn’t go ahead. seems like the best way to spread the cost between everyone with less risk on the good folk organising. various levels of buying in would provide a scalable amount of things available.
  21. Eight days a week. (The Beatles)
  22. Glad to have you aboard!
  23. Personally, I want to hear about it. Calling it “not classy” isn’t classy, and imo, beneath a moderator. If I’d payed for a new bass I’d expect exactly that. Plus, in the expectation of getting a perfect bass, the OP has committed to some other bits. I think he has the right to be miffed at them for apparently not even quality checking the stuff they send out. Glad to see it all settled in the end though.
  24. Eh-up ahr kid. Saying Hi from Sheff’ld
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