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Everything posted by GremlinAndy

  1. Absolutely brilliant bit of kit. I had the primitive Tascam bass trainer CD. Then the almost equally primitive Tascam MP3 bass trainer, then the PJB big head… But with all its features the Elements is way and above the best thing out there for playing along and silent practicing. Its not even a close race, there’s nothing else like it really.
  2. Apply Velcro to the top, flip it over and booya, you’re done! No need to thank me. 🤘🤘
  3. Honestly, I doubt you’d regret the Darkglass if you go that way. I broke my first one after using it for about a year. I used a 12vDC power supply (which it’s supposed to be able to handle) and it stopped working (so not entirely my fault). I got in touch with Darkglass as it was still in warranty, by about a week! They arranged a courier pick up, and fixed it without any trouble or questions. But while it was gone I still had to practice, so I ordered a new one. So now I have two. I use one on my pedal board and the other is for practicing silently in bed! I can’t imagine how I ever practiced efficiently without them now! good luck whichever route you take!
  4. Same, exactly the same. and I don’t think I have the fortitude to withstand two things not turning up. I could deal with one, possibly. But if a second one were to compound it, I’d be like a runaway Fukushima/Chernobyl meltdown event.
  5. Awesome. Thanks for clarifying! I reckon I’ll get one ordered just as soon as another purchase arrives. (I don’t like having 2 valuable items in the system at a time. I guess it’s a quirky foible)
  6. why the non-bass specific one? is there a good reason or is that just the one you have experience with. interested as I was close to getting the bass one. 👍
  7. Ordered one based on this thread. Thanks!
  8. I’m trying to get a Divaricator too, and you’re right …they’re impossible to get hold of.
  9. Your ultimate practice system is: iPad with anytune pro+ Darkglass Elements …and that’s everything you need except your bass, headphones and a cable. (Obviously) the iPad connects via Bluetooth to your iPad to play your tunes through. and the Darkglass Elements has two separate inputs. It has different sounds built in, two headphone outputs, and besides the regular ‘through’ output, it has a line-level DI output too so you could use it directly into a PA system!
  10. I bought one of these on the Basschat forums a few weeks ago and I love it. Good luck with the sale!
  11. Yep, agreed. The LS2 does what most folk need really well, and they can be picked up used on here, or eBay pretty easily at a fraction of the cost. The exp pedal was the USP for me.
  12. There’s a SansAmp Paradriver just come available 2 hours ago, in the effects for sale section. £125.
  13. In and of itself, no, not really. The main thing I wanted was the ability to dial the amount of distortion in/out without all the bending down, somehow. The addition of an expression pedal allows for this. …However it’s an expensive folly, I’m the first to admit. But I have no regrets either. Just think the amount of effort I saved bending down and changing the blend knob manually. What is this, the Dark Ages? 😜🤣🤣
  14. It’s arrived, and I’ve integrated it into my pedal board. I does the job I wanted it to, really well actually. It replaced the noisy Mesquite blender (when switched), and the expression pedal functionality is good for blending the amount of distortion/clean sound on the fly. However it’s a really expensive option. Not sure it’s worth it. in fact, I’d go so far as to say, I’m pretty sure it’s NOT worth it… 🍺🍺🍺
  15. Anyone running a Gigrig wetter box? It’s basically a very well functioned blender/parallel loop pedal. I’ve done a search but there’s no results for it on Basschat. Its a bit late if there’s bad news, as I already ordered one with the Mission expression pedal bundle. I currently use a Mesquite blender, to add clean into my pedal mix but it has a couple of failings, it pops when switched on/off, and I need (no, not need… would like) a blender which is addressable with a rocker pedal. It seems like the wetter box suits the bill. Hopefully. But not a cheap folly, considering it’s not an effect in its own right. Anyone have any experience? I watched the YouTube vids but would love to hear the opinions of any Basschatters with one!
  16. Cool. Always keen to hear peoples thoughts on ‘new’ (news to me) gear!
  17. I never even heard of them. did you decide to try them?
  18. Ooooh! If I was nearer to you I’d snatch this off you in an instant! They did build things, erm, robust in the 80’s didn’t they! Lol
  19. I just received a Shure transmitter from Jack. All went swimmingly and he’s a genuinely nice fella with great comms. Great doing business with you mate!
  20. Inc battery and cable? Are you entertaining offers at all?
  21. I’m using a Tyler for exactly the same purposes as you. I have an MXR Bass compressor in the lows, and just today swapped out a Hamstead Subspace in the highs. I still have to master my overall sound. Still a bit unsure. I can see the potential but haven’t hit the perfect sound yet! I may go back to the Source Audio Aftershock for the distortion. The great thing the Aftershock has is stereo operation, so you can program it for one sound for the high end, and run a different one for the low end. However, it seems I’m more of a clean sound kinda guy. I’m still trying to find a way to like distortion better than clean. Hence me constantly searching for the right combination. The Tyler is a great bit of kit, but it’s expensive on the real estate, taking up the space of two other pedals… wish me luck with my experimentations! 🍺😬 EDIT: I’m now pretty familiar with what’s going on now, and have a very usable sound. It’s still relatively subtle but noticeable, and adds a lot of sonic weight to my sound. Liking it.
  22. I just bought a GR800 from Roy. It was a good deal and went *very* smoothly. The amp arrived in great time and was in mint condition. Very happy with things and can wholeheartedly recommend Roy in any Basschat dealings, based on my experience. AndyR
  23. Not entirely true. Silver is more malleable (and ductile) than copper. However pure copper is way less expensive, and due to its price pure silver is unlikely to be used. The metals used in a silver alloy to make it affordable will bring down its conductivity and its malleability. …Which as you suggest will probably make it less effective and more ‘brittle’ than pure copper. 😬
  24. I hear ya buddy! I’ve bought expensive cables to compliment an expensive bass. But my hearing is pretty shot now and I’m not sure I could tell the difference if it was a skipping rope. However, it makes me feel snuggly inside knowing I have a reassuringly expensive cable plugged in, so that everyone else can enjoy basking in the wonderfully clear tones. …*especially* on those infrequent occasions where I’m playing the right notes!
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