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Everything posted by JDM

  1. JDM

    Squier Jazz

    Ta very much folks, Wayne....................behave !!!!
  2. JDM

    Squier Jazz

    Hi folks, Having made my introduction a week or so ago, tomorrow I venture into notts to have a look at a Squier Classic Vibe 60's Jazz as this has been recommended as a good possible starter guitar for me. Today I saw a Squier Modified Jazz in a local shop but the price tag quoted £280 !!! (have seen one as low as £199). The one I'm looking at tomorrow (vibe) is a good £40 cheaper. Can any of you learned people tell me the differences between a Squier Modified Jazz and a Squier Classic Vibe Jazz please ?
  3. JDM

    Ashdown EB12

    Cheers Fellas, thanks for the replies and have a stoatin new years eve.
  4. JDM

    Ashdown EB12

    [quote name='Protium' post='366474' date='Dec 30 2008, 06:20 PM']Maybe use the tuner/line-out and set the output volume to zero?[/quote] I dunno mate, but thanks anyway.
  5. JDM

    Ashdown EB12

    Hi folks, Would I be correct in my assumption that this Combo hasn't got anywhere to plug a set of cans in ? Thanks in advance folks.
  6. [quote name='budget bassist' post='363374' date='Dec 25 2008, 06:57 PM']Hey dude, got this month's "bass guitar magazine" for christmas, and i just thought you'd like to know there's an article on 25 beginner basses.[/quote] Thats handy info. Thanks very much for sharing this with me. I shall have a shuffty round WHS when the shops re open and see if I can get copy.
  7. JDM

    Samick Basses

    Thanks Guys, this is what feedback is all about and I appreciate it. I shall be back asking more advice as I trawl for something suitable for me.
  8. [quote name='Pookus' post='362830' date='Dec 24 2008, 02:34 PM']I recommend trying out a p bass and a j bass first. I prefer the wider neck at the nut end of the p bass over a j bass. A j bass will offer a greater tonal range (as it has two pick ups). You could also have a look at the Epiphone Les Paul Bass. There are loads out there.[/quote] Thanks Pookus. Oh, from one newbie to another, Hi.
  9. JDM

    Samick Basses

    Whilst out shopping in the High St madness that Christmas usually generates, I deciced to nip into the local music shop just to see what was on offer. The proprietor has amongst his collection of mainly six string acoustics ans six string vintages a Samick Bass Guitar. The Guitar looks new, it's a nice deep shade of red and the hand written tag at the top of the neck says that it's a "Musicman Copy". It's up for £199. My question is, are they a reputable brand along with being forgiving enough for a novice to get along with ? Any feedback from you folk would be great.
  10. Judging by you guys experiences it looks like a Squier Jazz is a good starting point perhaps. Lets see what's on offer after Crimbo. Without doubt I shall keep you informed and still ask for much appreciated advice.
  11. Thanks for the welcome. I shall take your comments on board as I begin to have a sniff around for a suitable tool which shall be after Christmas. I have recently looked at the Squier and shall investigate further. Is the EB-3 exceptionally neck heavy for all users or does the players build and stature come into it regarding being able to compensate for this ? Best Regards, Jon.
  12. Hello, My name is Jon and I am contemplating the notion of experimenting with Bass Guitar. I have in my younger day played an acoustic 6 string guitar, purely for recreational purposes and was considering buying another until I decided that I quite fancied a crack at the bass for a change, why not I thought. Quite simply I have registered here as I need advice and a quantity of educated guidance from you more experienced and learned folk. I don't want to go and buy anything cheap and nasty but then again I don't want to buy anything that would cost a lot and be wasted on a begginner like myself. Can you guys suggest any tried and tested "worthy" entry level basses. I quite like the look of the Epiphone EB-3, but that's it, the look of it and nothing more as yet !!! Thanks in advance, Jon.
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