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About warwickhunt

  • Birthday May 18

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Community Answers

  1. Strings through body doesn't factor with bridge locking screws. It used to be that bridge screws were generally slightly larger dia and had less tolerance than modern bridges; as such the bridge height screws 'could' (not always) vibrate and lower of their own accord. Several manufacturers cured this by adding this locking screw. However, it was a fix to a problem that not all bridges suffered and often you can just take them out... I've often forgotten to tighten them on some of my basses and I only notice several years later when I go to adjust the bridge!
  2. Where there is a fine line between having lovely stereo sent by an engineer who I can trust or me having control of bass level in a multi band, quick turn round scenario... it works for me.
  3. I have mine on my pedalboard. I run a line from my pre pedal to one input on the transmitter and the other channel is fed from the PA; it means I can tweak just the bass volume from the transmitter without needing to get engineer to boost me.
  4. Considering their returns policy, even better!
  5. No affiliation but I got my 5.8 from the ebay seller below. I paid zero tax/fees on top of that BUT I may have just been lucky. I also find it frustrating that the volume kn0b rotates freely/easily and it takes very little for it to turn down (never UP oddly). https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/234741820221
  6. I have the same TKS 115 cab myself.
  7. 2.5 - 3 hour drive down the road for us and the first time I've ever played the venue... or even within 75 miles of Oldham!
  8. https://www.mipro.com.tw/webls-en-us/mi-58.html 4th related video on the site. Unsure if it helps?
  9. This is where I ended up after a few budget system trials (and not so budget but still not on 5.8) and I couldn't be happier.
  10. https://www.tcelectronic.com/product.html?modelCode=0707-ACO 14".... can you not jiggle the cupboard to fit?
  11. Would you be pairing the 112 with the 115 or replacing one for the other?
  12. No 'combi' inputs?
  13. Don't correct yourself too quickly... When I was a teenager I pulled a pair of Wem column speakers (my first foray into amplifying an instrument) out of a bin and they could well have been 10" or LESS!
  14. Our sub is 30% lighter than one of those and our pair of 10" QSC tops are lighter than one of those... no gains in weight or ease of transport but I'm 100% sure they'll sound great!
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