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Everything posted by warwickhunt

  1. I use a rig that is easily manageable for manouvering into smaller pub gigs, that has enough umph to use without PA support and obviously can be dialled back to give me just enough on-stage monitoring if using PA support. However... With regard to the matter of letting the PA replicate your sound - that kind of makes a nonsense of any bassist's argument about the quality of the timbre of the combination of technique/bass/amp/cab; essentially you are eliminating the cab aspect of 'your' sound! I love the sound of my Aggies and though I've been tempted to go down the route of super-lightweight cab, I've not found one that I like the sound of. If I was just monitoring then this aspect of my sound would be redundant and I'd then have to rely on the quality of the PA system to replicate the sound that I want... I've rarely liked the sound of my bass through a PA as much as I do through my cabs! Hmmmm new can of worms.
  2. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='1062439' date='Dec 18 2010, 01:33 PM']As WH says, we've missed out on the 'fun' this time, so my gig at Warkworth, up the Northumbrian coast, is very much on. [/quote] You wouldn't have been wanting to travel to that gig a couple weeks back! Is that a Caffreys gig?
  3. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='1061772' date='Dec 17 2010, 04:43 PM']Well I'll be doing this one tonight and I'll get our resident expert opinion (keys player) because I'd have said D BUT I can see how it could as easily be read as G![/quote] It's in G... 'I' think!
  4. Scotland and the NE had this problem a couple of weeks ago. Many, many gigs cancelled as it really wasn't worth risking life, limb and a hefty car repair bill to do a pub gig; that may seem melodramatic but if your travelling 20-50miles to and from a gig in the Scottish borders (wilderness ) you really don't want to slide your car into a ditch!
  5. [quote name='thinman' post='1062388' date='Dec 18 2010, 12:40 PM']This and other threads have reminded me how amazed I am at the size and power of rigs people have or are considering. I imagine some sound mighty impressive by themselves but do they work well in a band context? In my band we've spent more on the PA with the aim of balancing the sound and keeping the backline volumes within reasonable levels. Drums, bass and a bit of guitar all go throw the PA - it saves a lot of rows and issues about one person drowing out everyone else. Given that the kick drum is often the first to get drowned out these rigs used at volume must necessitate more PA support to balance things? Maybe I'm just suffering from rig envy but I have trouble seeing the need to cart smething the size of my wife's wardrobe around with me![/quote] I hear what you are saying but for many of us the watts may have gone up (i.e. amps are more powerful for a lot less money) but the size of my rig has gone down (speakers are more efficient).
  6. [quote name='jsixties' post='1062341' date='Dec 18 2010, 11:56 AM']My fault with the language so I tried to be ironic with the "more or less": Not any offer received that could be considered as serious. By the way: Are you interested?[/quote] No, I'm not interested in your bass per se, I'm simply looking through threads for pretty things! I simply found the juxtaposition of a post stating in bold that 'a reasonable offer' would secure the bass and the fact that you'd had offers that were 'more or less reasonable', seemed... odd (for want of a better word)! As English isn't your first language, it's probably easier to say that you'd had NO reasonable offers rather than some that were more or less reasonable. Otherwise if you are still considering earlier offers then your bold statement of reasonable offer securing the bass is possibly a bit misleading.
  7. [quote name='artisan' post='1062350' date='Dec 18 2010, 12:01 PM']i don't think there is any other brand of bass on this planet & in this price range that can top these beautiful import Zon's.[/quote] Well I'm stuffed between a rock and a hard place; if I agree with you, how will it look when someone asks "Why are you selling your Zon if you think that it is the 'best brand of bass on this planet' and what are you keeping in its place"... I can hardly say that I'm selling it and keeping a 'lesser' bass!
  8. [quote name='Shambo' post='1062332' date='Dec 18 2010, 11:44 AM']Might wanna put that receipt somewhere safe. My last planet waves cable didn't last very long at all.[/quote] Especially when you stamp all over the bastid because it's wrecked your jack socket!
  9. Not sure if this counts as sad or beautiful but the first time I listened to this 'unplugged' version of a song, the hairs on the back of my neck stood up; probably more so because it's patently just an impromptu performance.
  10. ...in fact! The clip light/LED has never worked on my amp (I use my ears so have never missed it) but as I could probably do with getting a few of the pots cleaned out and getting it a quick service, I may get you to look over the LED fault.
  11. [quote name='dbass' post='1062265' date='Dec 18 2010, 09:28 AM']Also - what is quite interesting to know - the Planet waves have those sprung jacks that "hold" them in your bass...after many chats with Warwick owners this actually buggers the inside of the jack socket up by applying unnecessary pressure. Happened to my FNA Jazzman and Thumb.[/quote] Yep I'm a Warwick owner who despises the PW leads! I'm sure it's not specific to Warwick basses probably the type of barrel socket that is installed on Warwicks just seems to get grief from the PW jacks.
  12. You have a PM.
  13. [quote name='jsixties' post='1061156' date='Dec 16 2010, 11:38 PM']I need to sell this bass to get some funds asap so... [color="#FF0000"][size=5]MAKE ME A REASONABLE OFFER (THROUGH PM) AND IS YOURS![/size][/color][/quote] [quote name='jsixties' post='1061997' date='Dec 17 2010, 08:27 PM']Received a few "more or less reasonable" offers but still available.[/quote] Isn't this a contradiction? You clearly state (even stress with capitals) that a reasonable offer will secure the bass. However, by your own admission you've had more than reasonable offers; yet you are still inviting more offers! Clearly making an offer that is 'more or less reasonable' won't make the bass 'yours'...
  14. [quote name='REDLAWMAN' post='1061778' date='Dec 17 2010, 04:47 PM']Now I understand....!! [/quote] Are you sure... bump!
  15. [quote name='Lozz196' post='1061759' date='Dec 17 2010, 04:32 PM']Cheers Chris. Been looking at Clarkys TC Classic 450 - wondering if that will do what I`m after. Nothing wrong with my Terror mind, just thinking of other options. Only thing that concerns me is only one speaker output at 4ohms - my 4x10 is an 8ohm cab.[/quote] You can plug an 8ohm speaker into a 4ohm minimum with no problem the exception possibly being an old valve amp and even then iirc it is OK... or is it the opposite with valve amps! Either way it is absolutely OK to plug an 8ohm into the TC. If you want to add another 8 ohm cab then you can daisy chain from the parallel input on your first cab.
  16. Well I'll be doing this one tonight and I'll get our resident expert opinion (keys player) because I'd have said D BUT I can see how it could as easily be read as G!
  17. I know of Jez's fine reputation and though I've not had work done by him we have met briefly and he's as sound as a pound. Welcome to the forum Jez, your knowledge and expertise re. amp repairs etc would be beneficial so it'd be good if you stuck around.
  18. I keep thinking I like them but...
  19. [quote name='icastle' post='1060867' date='Dec 16 2010, 06:58 PM']1) If you use both cabs you have the potential to overpower the speakers by 30% (ish). 2) If you use the 4x10 on it's own you have the potential to overpower it by 20% (ish). Watching your volume whilst using scenario 2) shouldn't be too much of a risk, but scenario 1) is really pushing your luck![/quote] Sorry I have to disagree. Yes on paper you have 30% more power available but that is what your volume control is for; you don't have to (and you wouldn't) use anywhere near the full power... if you have a car capable of 180 mph do you have to drive it at 180mph everywhere you go? Added to which the speakers ratings are thermal ratings and your amps ratings are hardly spot on for power available across the frequency range. I used to have a 2,000watt Yamaha power amp (think cd-david still has it to this day) and I drove a 250w cab with it absolutely no problem, I sold the Yamaha to buy a 1U Peavey digi power amp and continued to drive a variety of speakers with no problems whatsoever. In fact I think my current setup is the first where my amp and speakers have been anywhere near matched. Honestly if you use your ears and a bit of common sense you are fine driving speakers with higher rated amps.
  20. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=3730"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=3730[/url]
  21. The description inc the bent tuner sounds familiar... have you advertised this on BC before?
  22. [quote name='JPJ' post='1014143' date='Nov 6 2010, 12:10 PM']Is this the Sleeze Sisters gig?[/quote] [quote name='MajorDude' post='1060234' date='Dec 16 2010, 01:03 AM']Hello, sorry but I've only just noticed your reply...are you still available? We are an established covers band playing a wide variety of venues[/quote] If this is the Sleaze Sisters gig I though you'd gotten sorted with a bass player.
  23. [quote name='bobbytodd' post='1060107' date='Dec 15 2010, 10:20 PM']hi just a quick question.now my band have sorted the onstage volume issues i was wondering if any of you lot just run direct into the desk and not bother with a bass amp.our gig on saturday is up four lots of stairs and to be honest im not looking forward to carrying my amp up them.[/quote] It really depends on how hot the output from your bass is; if you have to crank it on the desk to get sufficient level then you are in jeopardy of adding extra noise. Also does your desk have decent EQ and monitoring? How many aux does your desk have and will you get your own monitor mix, the last thing most singers want is the bass blasting through the monitors when they are trying to pitch themselves. If your desk has sufficient power to do you justice and you are confident that you'd be able to hear yourself then I would at least suggest a DI box or some form of preamp (in the past I've used a BBE acoustic preamp intended for acoustic guitar which worked equally well on bass).
  24. After reading that thread I was all set to email the guy and order a virtually identical bass... luckily a quick walk with the dog and a cup of tea and I've managed to suppress (I stress 'suppress' not stop) my immediate GAS. If indeed his attention to detail is the same for every build (not sure how much of the stuff about selecting the blank is rooted in fact/science), then he is a master craftsman ; actually he's patently that anyway, but I'd love to get my hands on one of his basses and see if they step up to the mark. However, a ball-park figure of several thousand is a bit of a leap of faith so I'll wait and see if anyone else who read that thread pulls the trigger.
  25. [quote name='The Burpster' post='1059279' date='Dec 15 2010, 08:26 AM']WoT, Import duty twice....? Sorry but that cannot do that - You only pay VAT and import duty on an item ONCE - You may have to pay for the service rendered, but repairs and returned goods are not subject of further levies (providing that you canof course prove that you have paid it the first time which of course I can!)[/quote] Obviously you'll be able to prove that you sent the neck out Bob... or at least that you sent out a tube which you say contained a neck! I'm just pointing out here that HMCE may well view the delivery of your neck back into the UK as a purchase and charge you the various duty fees, when you point out that you have a receipt of you posting out your neck to the USA for repair they may not immediately take your word for it because as we all know there are some who will pull such tricks to get stuff through without paying appropriate duties. I'd be prepared for the worst and expect them to try and get you to pay VAT and Import.
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