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Everything posted by vegas_hooker

  1. Great band in general really.Probably beats the U2 fiasco with Bono and the disabled person. I was gritting my teeth through that one.
  2. I have an ESP guitar. Its well constructed and I have never had any issues aside from the jack input which craps out sometimes but that's nothing major really. Its pretty light, easy to play and does what I ask of it. Though the bass probably wont hold much value given ESPs niche with metal/hard rock bands.
  3. I bought an ODB-3 off of here last week since ive never really played one and the opportunity was there. I have to admit it was better than I was expecting. Though the bees in a bottle remark is pretty fair.
  4. Fantastic. It looks pretty clean and tidy given its age.
  5. Boss ODB-3 received in less than two days. No hassles and exactly as described. Nice one.
  6. I dont sorry, I dont use it all that often but its pretty full sounding and would recommend it. Probably a few on ebay.
  7. [quote name='Faithless' post='165808' date='Mar 29 2008, 11:58 AM']Why do so many people dislike Mr. Labrie? For me, despite the fact it was a 'record', his voice in "Systematic Chaos" is outstanding. Well, his vocals isn't for everyone's taste, but it has sorta drive and expression that does the trick. And, regrettably, many people don't get that. What about DT's version of Pastor of Muppets... You know, maybe I'm too used to Hetfield's raging voice, so Labrie's vocals simply couldn't reach that level. He was lack of expression and that made whole thing sound boringly.. I couldn't say Labrie's voice just isn't for MoP, but, maybe, if they'd try again now, and with some A LOT more expression it could do the trick with MoP's interpretation...[/quote] I was referring to the whole band, though I don't rate the vocalist either.
  8. I remember downloading a bootleg of dream theatre playing Master of Puppets in full. I might have well listened to the original really. It had no character and was perfect to the degree that it seemed like a pointless endeavour to me. Even the guitar tone was the same. I can see why they are admired and respected but not enough recklessness for me. Back to OutToPlayJazz's point about moving on from rock music. I think thats a fine view to hold but some folk just arent interested in the funk or jazz, despite their level of ability and talent. Progress isnt really an objective notion and works in different ways for everyone.
  9. I think its called a VT-2 vibratrem. Picked mine up new for £40.
  10. I use the Marshall copy of this. Its pretty good, one of the few cheaper guitar effects i have owned which warms up the bottom end.
  11. This is why I went CIJ. Though I do see Mexican 57 reissues more frequently now.
  12. Would have to be drums im afraid. The amp is mine!
  13. Nasty.
  14. Thanks for the replies. I guess I never really factored in how much of an influence cabs can have on sound. Its not that I mind the sounds, and its easily EQ'd out for something more agreeable (though the fender amp doesn't break up at all like you mention). But I was just curious all the same. Thanks again.
  15. Im currently sporting an Ashdown MAG 4x10 cab alongside alongside an old Fender 135 and was hoping somebody could clear something up for me. I play guitar through this rig and noticed that my guitar sound is very thick and boomy (unless I really tweak the EQ). Like pushing air, as if I were playing bass. Is the cab the likely culprit for this? I should point out I'm not well travelled with cabs but I'm just curious really if it would be down to things like depth and speaker size. Ta
  16. [quote name='dlloyd' post='161980' date='Mar 22 2008, 09:35 PM']Prog's never gone. It got a bit embarrassed of the guitar solo and relabelled itself as post-rock/math-rock, but that'll pass...[/quote] Most of these sorts come from a hardcore punk background and grew up wit the Melvins/My Bloody Valentine/Earth
  17. People will find ways around.
  18. Sounds a treat. Congratulations in advance too. A friend recently visited NYC and went to a nicks game. He mentioned how much more civil it was compared to his native Swansea FC haha. Tipping is around 15% (though the service in most places warrants it - unlike the sullen afterbirths that work in most places here). The staff in shops will go out f their way to get a sale from you so enjoy it before you get back to blighty. Id probably be looking to play G&L's since I dont come across them here all that much.
  19. Ive always found GAK to be excellent. I dont begrudge giving them my money when they have always made it very clear how grateful they were for my custom.
  20. I have an E1. Great sounding delays and the looper is a great live tool for noise between songs. Its very good for playing with if your working on ideas or have no-one to jam with too. Dont think Id part with mine.
  21. Shorter production runs, less demand and all that jazz.
  22. [quote name='Toasted' post='155801' date='Mar 12 2008, 10:06 AM']That setup seems eminently sensible, Rich. The only thing you may want to watch is that volume pedals are known for their capacity to leech treble, and cause impedance issues after their own place in the chain. Your own ears are really the best judge. Joe.[/quote] Whilst its cheap, I usually have to take my bespeco out of my chain.
  23. Last time I caught them they had an organist instead of a bassist. He was going through 2 SVT's and 2 8x10's. The guitarists were each going through 4 4x12's so I can only imagine what a bass player would need to compete with. I would actually say they go more for volume than frequency range in the rigs they use. It was the sort of volume that made me feel like I was about to have a nose bleed.
  24. Pretty much all of my gear came from my student loan.
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