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Everything posted by vegas_hooker

  1. Would that be the 135 you sold me through SWM a good few years back? Still have it too....beauty.
  2. My 57 P bass is a beast. Though I bought it for punch more than growl. I would imagine if you needed growl you would go for a jazz?
  3. Genius. Thats given me my laugh for today. I can go to bed happy now.
  4. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='150931' date='Mar 4 2008, 10:43 AM']EBS all the way. Proper Mids, not Tech 21's wierd version of it...[/quote] +1 Im falling foul of the harsh scoop.
  5. He runs a few of amps for the tone, active EMGs, a few pedals but mainly a lot of years playing and technique behind him. If you can find it, theres a live metallica concert from 2006 at rock AM ring online. Near two hours long from German MTV and his tones are fantastic and hes got a good portion of the mix too. EDIT - in fact the very concert I mention is the one where the orion video is from.
  6. [quote name='Alfie' post='148396' date='Feb 28 2008, 01:58 PM']My re-jigged board [/quote] Great looking board. Im not familiar with some of those (any details?)
  7. I was pretty fond of mine. Well retired now but I do miss her haha.
  8. Might do. Ive been keeping them for a project (that may not see the light of day...you know how these things go) or for a cheap bass that might fit the job. Hope you get on with them. I did, great with some dirt. I just retired the previous bass and restored it to original.
  9. Shame I didnt see this one earlier. I have an EMG PJ set sat in my wardrobe after taking them out of an older bass. May have sorted you out. Never mind.
  10. Hi there, Gamlins in Cardiff were selling SX starter packs for jazz basses (burst with tort shell). Price was pretty low too.
  11. Paid me near straight away and had no problems at all throughout. Thanks fella.
  12. I know, Nice slab it is too. But im a sucker for maple necks (yes, I am shallow)
  13. [quote name='umcoo' post='143111' date='Feb 19 2008, 03:25 PM']Nath, do you reckon this means our awesome Fender Japan's will now skyrocket in value?? I hope so [/quote] I dont really care much for the value of instruments I own. I imagine some f**kwit will start some guff about how exclusive they are now though. All I wanted was a CIJ jazz at a neat price. Buggers! Seems ill have to check out WD again. Thanks again guys. If no luck ill keep my eyes peeled here.
  14. This japanese fender situation suck almighty balls. Im a month short of my annual bonus too. May have to be G&L Tribute instead haha. I was looking at the two mentioned (all parts and WD) but thought they might come from elsewhere. Thanks for the replies.
  15. Howdy. Im looking at getting a new pickguard for my CIJ/MIJ P bass. Anyone know where to go?
  16. Finally getting a lakland?
  17. Im not sure what the bass player is using. Probably somekind of synth or filter. In all honesty, the fact the guy has no talaent for lyric writing or singing makes me loose any attention so i kinda tune out after a few seconds and it all becomes background noise.
  18. Straplock sold pending payment. One Cliplock strap remaining, any takers? Bump
  19. I use a Fender 135 Bassman, thats pretty rocking. Catch you in Cardiff.
  20. How do, Some bits and pieces that are surplus. Maybe of some use to somebody else. [b]DiMarzio cliplock straps[/b] Used but in great condition. I have two black versions to let go. One has had the label removed by me at some point. Screws included if needed. Looking for £7.00 posted each [b](One sold - one remaining)[/b] [b]Schaller Stroplock (chrome finish)[/b] Bought this new a few months back but never used it. Still in the packaging. Looking for £7.00 posted [b](Now sold)[/b] Thanks
  21. Ive never really entertained the idea of an EBS though it might be my next purchase with the mid control. I like the tech 21 but the mid scoop is a little harsh at times and when you try and compensate for it, it becomes like medication. You need to add something extra to take out the side effects.
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