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Posts posted by diskwave

  1. 19 hours ago, lowdown said:

    Also his Bass on the 'Bergerac Theme

    Oh my...that was him? Often wondered...Any idea what bass..kinda Wal-ish sounding. Another one gone from that brilliant early 80's scene.

  2. The good money was always about keeping it small and making it sound huge, not in volume but the soundscape...You gotta sound like the record as they have no interest in the band whatsoever, they just wanna hear a good sound that they know.


    Back in the day a 'four piece' with a top notch keys player with one hand on strings and the other on a Fender Rhodes/piano and everyone singing backing vox, which was an absolute must, could make it work...but you had to be good and the keys player usually got a bit extra.


    I did it for a while in the 80's but setting up hrs beforehand and hanging around for hrs will wear you down. Anyway good luck with the endeavour....Playing in a smart environment doing good music against a packed floor full of people dressed up and having a good time is a cool way to play music....Last and final time I did it was a recent dep at a big do at a Hilton Hotel...Low ceiling, heaving ball room, twas a very good nite indeed. 

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  3. On 26/06/2023 at 19:44, mrtcat said:

    My wife's sister and three of her mates are currently working on the Glastonbury site doing the clean up. She's done it for years and loves it. Every year there is this bull***t narrative in the same old right wing dross media outlets about how this generation of festival goers are all totally entitled and how the festival is an environmental disaster

    Im not a clever wordsmith, but hey, whatever.


    The massive media coverage of this event shows exactly what ever attitude is going on, to a huge worldwide audience. And what we see is young people doing stuff cause they don't give a toss.. and that information is concentrated to the extent that it literally fills the screen. That info cause GY is oh so important  NOT! gets relayed to millions of other young people reinforcing attitudes that chucking your s..h..i..t everywhere for others to clean up is OK? You have go to be joking....Seriously?  It's a !!!!!!ng abomination!


  4. Did a nice paying dep five years ago after not playing for nearly fifteen years! My goodness I remember the first rehearsal, what a wake up call, as they were a very good 60's tribute unit with stunning harmonies etc and very good musicianship. Biggest downer was the volume....my poor ole ears were telling me enough is enough. 

    • Like 2
  5. This whole festival thing has become an abomination. So we wake up this morning to images of acres and acres of filth and rubbish left behind by this new "environmentally enlightened generation, for as far as the eye can see. Its over the love in the sun thing which is where it all started is over its finished. Time to ban all festivals. If ur not disgusted by this then....well, I give up.

    • Haha 2
  6. Violin at school then Punk happened...'bye bye violin' (my biggest ever regret). Found a Columbus Jazz in a junk shop and started playing along to Bad Company/Chic albums...Kinda got good pretty quick, Pubs, Clubs, Festivals...Managed to transpose fiddle music so cool but was never what I would consider to be an accomplished bassist. It's only in the last ten yrs that my playing has really developed but now my ears are shot so Ive pretty much packed it in....and, started learning cello. Should have done it years ago.

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  7. 1 hour ago, ossyrocks said:

    Just to clarify, the amp is lush. As much as I love Cam @wayne58, I wouldn’t describe him as lush, he’s not my type, even though we have shared a room on many occasions. 



    Haha..dont worry I wont tell. Anyway cheers for that but Im foolishly looking for a minty one I sold in 82...which of course wont now be minty at all...still who knows, but I just love that 70's logo.. 

  8. Hands down some pot bellied Euro guy in a dads cardigan 10-15yrs ago on YT. In a studio with a rack of 60's P's and laying it down like crazy..Minimal notes,, minimal movement but incredible feel and groove. Anyone remember?

    Least impressed with Scotts Bass Lessons...same ole pentatonic thing everytime. As I've always said if you can't play on the One, in four and make em dance then forget it.

  9. Having a bit of a clear out. Here we have three sets of rounds. two D'ads and a set of OEM Squires (centre) which came off my CV70's Squire P, not bad strings from what I remember. Oh and the CV is def not included...lovely bass. 🎸

    I've always played flats  and these have not left the house so barely played at all. Probably suggested by various band leaders with big ideas, though I suspect my 16 yr old dead as a door nail Chromes would have quietly closed that conversation down...haha


    Anyway not for me, but I'm sure someone can make good use of them.


    Cheers all


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