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Posts posted by diskwave

  1. I love Motown but from 60 thru 70 it didn't really change a huge amount. For me it's the 70's. From 70 thru 80 the linear changes in writing, playing, sound developement and especially in the studio were immense. It started with Bowie, Prog and The Carpenters who all set their very different templates for everything we have today.

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  2. On 31/05/2023 at 14:27, chris_b said:

    Also I see a lot of Session combos around.

    Did a few holiday seasons with a guy back in the 80's and he used a tweed`'15 watt' session combo. Beautiful tone and loud as heck. Whether the new ones are like those originals I've no idea but a solid make nevertheless.

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  3. Had a similiar but not identical situation a while back. Trouble with these mini festivals is there run by semi-pros who aren't good under pressure...How many bands?...Fast turnaround?  I played a P bass with dead flats into my ole Ampeg rig...so, lovely gnarly mid focused punchy tone in stage. However the play back recorded live in the ground with pro mics, I sounded like an Alembic with fresh rounds, clangy and tinny as heck .... and, it was a substantial setup...kinda like the smaller Glasto size stage and big pa. In other words the sound guy under pressure had not a clue.


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  4. Be it for me to rain on ur parade but what really matters is, if ur unsupported (with a sound dude its a whole different potato), its what it sounds like towards the back end of the room. I tend to find lean mean thin and shitty on stage thickens up a treat at the bar.

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  5. Its not until you have ear probs that the idea of squirting anything direct plus the ambient noise on the stage if one should fall out, is enough to make you shudder. I'd actually like to know what the injury rate is from them now they've been around a while.....Prolonged use of headphones for eg can cause major ear probs in the long run cause its way too easy to crank the volume which feels extremely soft and spacious but which is actually still high volume.

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  6. Very tasty musician indeed. Never a huge Brand X fan but I do remember hearing Phil Collins Cannot Believe It's True for the first time, and the smoothness and sublety of the bass part really struck me.... 

  7. Funny sat here now at 63 yrs old. I can remember the exact moment I heard HMWYRS for the first time 44yrs ago...A lifetime ago and that bass line floored me then and it stills floors me now. I'm actually amazed that someone somewhere hasn't sampled the first two bars of that bassline into a dance groove or something...Legendary.

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  8. 2 hours ago, bass_dinger said:

    However, do wonder if a better bass with a lower action would make it easier to play (say) Hit Me With Your Rhythm Stick

    Well, as someone whos played it on and off for nigh on 40 years my view is finger strength and technique is the key to getting those 16ths smooth, action less so. Oddly, as I age Im playing it better ...yet ole Norm was just a kid when he recorded it. Talent in spades. Him or course not me.🙄

  9. Been battling this for years with bass which carries like a whale call.  Way I see it is...Place yourself in your neighbours shoes living next to someone for eg learning a loud instrument with all the squeaks, fluffs and downright pain coming though the walls...enough to drive u nuts. It is encumbent on the person making noise to manage the problem and be reasonable but a blanket catch all is totally wrong.


    My neighbour said recently with some attitude he could hear me practising my cello. I'm in a detached room with blankets all around and a mute on the bridge....ffs! His room is 15 feet away!


    Seems compromise on all sides is the way forward and this grey suited twerp from LBC needs to be invited upstairs for a chat.


  10. On 13/05/2023 at 10:25, wateroftyne said:

    Those B necks are beautiful. I don’t know why they’re not more widely available on new P’s.

    My CV70 P has the nearest I've ever found outside of the original. Almost baseball bat thickness...near B width. 

  11. Im 64 and played bass since 16. Two years ago met my new woman and she plays tenor recorder. Apart from everything else it was musically a light bulb mo. 12 months later I'm playing tenor rec pretty good. Now torturing myself with cello and my bass chops have never been so good.  Having said all that hitting 50 I was all over the place, musically, personally and professionaly..Basically completely burnt out.

    • Like 1
  12. 4 hours ago, MacDaddy said:


    Well, it was Great Britain who made the declaration of war, so technically it was.

    Dear oh dear.....Oh well what do u expect, this is a just a simple bass site.  Is it worth trying to remind you that without that decision the luxury of free speech in which you are now undulging would be but a pipe dream. And groovy off the wall arty music? Not a chance. How much Wagner do you know?

  13. On 10/05/2023 at 20:26, neepheid said:

    So, safe to say that you lean to the right then?

    How do you know where I lean? 😆  So you want all classic literature with all its historicely upsetting references altered to fit YOUR agenda?. What next? The Nazis were just a bunch of nice old grannies and WW2 was all our fault?

    • Confused 2
  14. On 17/04/2023 at 19:45, neepheid said:


    Is this a wind up?

    Nope. Day in day out we have "those who know better" telling all of us what we can and cannot read, for eg altering classic literature cause it doesn't "FIT" the WOKE agenda, as well as other stuff. 

    Blimey, your not even allowed to be upset anymore in case you "hurt" someones feelings. Jeez..; what a woke nightmare we are all sinking into.


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  15. Sure some singers can generate lot of noise...shout if you will, Bon Jovi, Axel Rose Janis Joplin etc etc but I'm drawn to singers who have expansion...they open their mouths and the sound seems to fall out effortlessly. Blow Monkeys Dr Robert is one that comes to mind....not a huge range but a huge expansive tone. Paul Rogers too tho less so, and dont forget Stevie Wonder ...massive effortless range.  Just some thoughts.

  16. Easy. Anything P bass shaped with four strings.

    Was in the same position once re cabs. Got a call for a nice paying dep with 24 hrs to go but for some reason didn't have a cab...Drove to nearest store on route, found a well used Ashdown cab I think and arrived at venue with crowds settling on seats as I walk in the back door carrying this bloomin cab in its box which I sold a few weeks later.....What a faff.

  17. Well done and good to hear you've sorted it. But just to say and I fully respect all opinions here., You dont really need to measure anything...you can set the strings by look, feel and how they sound. Adjusting the bridge saddles is very simple but what you MUST have is the correct tools for the work AND you must treat the ole trust rod with a lot of respect cause if u dont things can go south very quickly.

    Learn how to adjust it carefully and with great care and you'll find you'll be adjusting it on a regular basis without any probs. Just My 0.2$

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