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Posts posted by diskwave

  1. Nice.

    I listen to this brilliant real organic musicianship and it only re-enforces my continuing thought that people today who make music have totaly lost their way. U see vids of young guys messing about with tech to get everything perfect (What does that even mean?)...and those mic things singers have to have...What does any of it add to the music.. Nothing, absolutely nothing. A great song is always gonna be great even recorded with an old tape recorder and a lapel mic. A crap tune is always crap irrespective of how many millions are spent on it in the studio.

    • Like 1
  2. I guess just about anything Motown and Philly...tons of very musical playing on so many tunes, from early Stevie to The Drifters...its darn good to play.


    Dont laugh but one tune I absolutely love playing is Andy Gibbs Everlasting Love.... Its packed with swing, groove and huge subtlety by brother Maurice..

    • Like 1
  3. On 02/05/2023 at 12:08, Frank Blank said:

    I tried Talkbass initially but was very, very quickly made to feel most unwelcome by shouty idiots

    I like TB its expansive and they talk about a lot of stuff but you have to be careful...Yanks have a weird way of responding to humour ...I've come unstuck a few times...especially waxing lyrical about my Squire P bass...haha. 

    • Haha 3
  4. Man I had 40 yrs of this...where to begin. Guitarists are no diff to any other musician, there's good and not so good. Ur situation is doubly tricky cause two gits plus keys with a left hand pounding, the whole show is gonna sound like mud unless you can find guitarists who know when to back off and then know where to shine. Ive worked with ur setup and unless the gits know when to do this it will become a volume P!!!!!! contest real quick.


    You need competent sensitive musicians who ain't gonna play bar chords over everything and who know when to stop playing. Its probably the tallest order in getting a coherent multi instrument band together and it's not easy cause there simply are not that many competent guitarists in the pool.


    In all my years I've probably only played with a tiny handful of gits who can do this, and they could all read the dots.



    • Like 1
  5. 25 minutes ago, TimR said:

    Back in the days before health and safety and the requirement to insure everything to the hilt was as rigid. 

    And wasn't it great huh. Everything was just loose and free back then....I really miss it in todays overregulated risk averse environment. People took chances back then...sometimes a cab would fall on you and you were hurt, you might get electrocuted  but your first thought wasn't to sue the dude who set it up or sold it to ya....no one cared..life was kinda free and real.  I could rant for hrs about this, anyway thks for pointing it out. 

    • Thanks 1
  6. I'm 18 in 1978 @ Prince Consort night club Isle of Wight,  ...in a very dark basement full of older teen "females" who looked on us with utter contemp. Its that awful moment when the Disco stops and you start and sound awful and everyone walks away....haha, dont think I have ever experienced fear like it since and I think Deni Deni was the first tune we played. 

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  7. Facebook has become a flippin hell hole, especially if your trying to sell small high value items. I currently have some camera stuff for sale and as soon as it was listed I started getting similiar...."plse send me your bank details, I'll give it to the courier and then we'll pay you"...What? Nope. Get lost.

  8. Total urban myth. Steel becomes malleable at around 1800F, melts at 2500F. The best boiling can do is leech out the filth, which will may reduce the deadening affect of the KFC gunk and bogeys 🤪...Might possibly sound a bit brighter but the kinks are there for ever.

    • Like 1
  9. Awful, sorry but someone has to say it. Their basically taking the Michael, its pretty disgraceful. This tune was written by a band with an image...the tune fitted the image with immense hutzpah and attitude and that's what the tune is......Thin Lizzy.


    Put it this way. Nobody messes up or, "has a go at re-arranging" classic pieces by Bach, Mozart, Beethoven or Chopin.  Sorry but this type of woke nonsense (ie everyone should be allowed to do there thing)  kinda rattles my sensibilities. It's not just this you hear it all the time on TV ads too....hideous autotuned/edited mash ups of fantastic old tunes. Ugh. No thanks.

    • Like 3
    • Haha 1
  10. Haha...fun thread. I've done some weird singy stuff over the years, probably the oddest was a three piece pub reggae type thing back in 81 when for some distant reason we ended up doing 'Forget Me Knots' too with muggins here doing the lead vox over that cool slap bassline.....I  bet the whole thing sounded bloody awful. Happy days.

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  11. On 17/04/2023 at 16:41, Muzz said:

    And yes, most of them are very, very good players; three or four years in music college will do that...it's very annoying.

    But that's the problem. Yes I'm sure their superb schooled musicians (my nephew is a brill guitarist) but guess what? Where else do you see superb "schooled" musicians? Yep, in orchestras playing the old old classics. Being a great musician has nothing at all to do with being an original artist.

  12. Ok, were talking music here which is appropriate but in this crazy age of cancel anything that you dont like..ie the current literary Jeeves and Wooster debacle for eg, where next to expand the discussion? Destroy and get rid of all Nazi history? Films, books, witness testimony...The Camps?? For goodness sake where does this cancel madness end.

    Its very wrong and very dangerous to erase history etc etc, and in that I include music too.

  13. 4 minutes ago, Leonard Smalls said:

    People have been saying "music's not like when I were a youth" since before the days of Methuselah! 

    Sounds like u had fun...cool. But the age old, my stuffs better than urs? When Elvis Presley hit the stage with his jazzed up blues grooves, he started a juggernaut that for the next 40 yrs killed just about everything that had gone before. My point is. That Tsunami has run out of steam...The originality that he started has ended... and everything we hear now is just pastiche...Ha, even young kids now will acknowledge flippin ABBA or walk around wearing a Ramones T. TV ads aimed at 'young people' etc are full of old tunes. Who knows.

  14. Thought about this a lot recently. I think as with classical or jazz, each genre has its day. Totaly original rock/pop/dance has had its day and those days were mid 60's to mid 80's. What I'm seeing now is quite frankly difficult to describe. Am I right in thinking there's some festival on somewhere at the mo......From what Im seeing, its just a load of programmed Stubblefield beats, barely any backline or anything really... and everything sounding like hip hop but it actually isn't.  


    Pop/dance and rock is finished and with it guitar, drums, and especially bass (I got there eventually). So yes bass has very sadly had its day...its over. Thank goodness I grew up in the 70's when it was cooking and guitar pub bands,- seasonal cabaret bands, club bands and the like were the thing in spades. Im just thankful I was there and had a lot of musical fun doing it, it was amazing. 

  15. Put it this way. I doubt it will ever go missing or be painted over with Walmart el cheapo lacquer..In other words who ever owns it now is probably going to cosset it which is all we can expect. The bass for me tho is Jamersons second P bass I think which he recorded all those tracks with....Dont sppose it'll ever be found, if it survives at all.

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