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Posts posted by diskwave

  1. 1 hour ago, cheddatom said:

    It's common to add virtual instruments to songs so it's important to get everyone in tune with the computer 

    And that makes for great music does it? Of course not.

    • Confused 3
  2. Its always been a dilemma. Ive often found those types tend to be very good at what they do, they tend to have fiery difficult temperaments. Remember a fantastic male singer I worked with many moons ago. He and the hotel manager locked horns and one night he (the singer) stopped the band mid set and into the mic launched into the most awful dressing down of the guy....finished and we launched straight into Totos, Hold The Line...it was dramatic and bloody embarassing for all, but we carried on for the season because he was the draw. Crazy. 

  3. 4 hours ago, cheddatom said:

    You wouldn't believe the number of people that don't or even can't tune up using a digital tuner

    So way before "digital" this and that on all those old jazz records Motown cuts the guitar/bass players are out of tune?  I started playing bass in 1977. I tuned to whoever was the dominant player, guitar, keys...horns, whatever and I was always in tune. As a much lesser cello player I use a tiny pitch pipe...never fails me..ever. 

  4. I'll leave the hate for the politicians but tunes? hugely dislike maybe and its pretty much everything from around 1990 onwards and, apart from the Sugar Hill Gang, and only that thnks to Bernie Edwards bass line, pretty much every hiphop and rap tune ever written.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  5. On 20/03/2024 at 15:34, Longwheelbass said:

    I've had two Mocha or Walnut finish 74 P Basses since I moved over here in 2018. Both were killer, and instant regrets when the bills came a knocking. But the second one came back a few weeks ago after doing a bit of a tour of the countryside from South to North and back again after I covid-sold it...

    At almost 8 lb 8 oz with a B neck and that lovely tone that drips out of the factory windings, it's cool to get a second chance at keeping it.


    Mocha 74 2.jpg

    Lucky man. I love those walnut 70's P basses, theyre just so 70's,  and if its a good one then its a keeper. Having said that my walnut CV70 is not far off...

    • Like 1
  6. Ha.. the Chinese really are taking over the planet. When not playing bass Im a free time cellist of questionable ability. They are knocking out quality cellos for crazy money...Ive played 30K luthier instruments and 1.5k Chinese instruments and its hard to see the difference, so I'm not at all surprised that ur bass is as good as you say it it. Nice.

    • Like 2
  7. Oddly never heard of him but couple years ago a Kylie Minogue track came on the radio and the tight little bass line really piqued my interest....found out it was him. Very tasty player indeed. 

    • Like 1
  8. A while back. Got a call from a little rock outfit..I wasnt busy so thght Id go along...keep the chops going. Not bad musicians.. all flowed well sounded good  but they didnt have a drummer. Q a couple of drummers for an audition...One was no good at all and the other one an older guy, long blonde hair,...ha...played an identical 1-3 on the floor back beat throughout each tune...no fills no nuthin... just bam blat bam blat for 90 mins. Ha ..we all kinda looked at each other... it was funny.

    • Like 2
  9. Some perspective . Back in the late 70's thru 80's I played in 'function bands' doing old school disco, funk, pop on a P bass and Stingray.  Not a single bod from either the audience or music fraternity questioned my playing, my tone, sound or anything....on the contrary, my phone never stopped ringing.  So yes this ole dinosaur says if you cant do it on a four string?...well there you go.

  10. Yep. A keyboard player, guy called Jon Metcalf who  I worked with ..blimey 40 years ago. Big beardy fella, big Harry Potter glasses (way before HP) and a lovely old Fender Rhodes.  Guy was off the wall brilliant.  I did an entire seaside season with, him, drums and a female singer just off a cruise and we packed the floor every  night....doing old school disco, soul, pop stuff.   He could make that Rhodes do things I didnt think possible..... No strings, pedals, gizmos nothing, just plain old rip rollickin musicianship.  Happy days.

    • Like 5
  11. The term "music theory" is loaded in all the wrong ways. It conjures up an image of sitting in a dusty wood panelled practise room with an old tutor looking over his half rims at your evry mistake.....exactly how it was for me with my old violin teacher....hated it. 


    Its much better to just... "learn to read music" Get a book and learn some notes, a couple of keys and some patterns off the stave.  Make it fun. At th same time play along to ur fav tunes...start simple then pick somethig a  bit more difficult and keep going.

    • Like 3
  12. Yep, Im pretty old and owned a ton of just about everything. Now play a Squire CV70's walnut P bass. Probably the most ..'playable' bass Ive ever owned. Fat neck, thick sounding PU's and feels solid like an old P bass, and most oddly watching the playback vid of a recent outdoor gig, sounded like a J bass on bridge PU only with more heft....perfect.  

  13. I have two sets of Chromes both nrly 20 yrs old yrs old.....beautifully dead with a biting mid range bark..but thats a long time to wait. best thing is to over stretch them a few tones tones....crank those tuners just short of breaking....that'll soon wreck them.

  14. Reading music is not easy and if you cant do it then dont worry. Also forget about tabs and all of it, just put ur fav tunes on ur phone...stick ur buds in, plug in and play along... u'll be amazed how soon things will start to gel.

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