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Everything posted by diskwave

  1. Theres a ton of stories like this over on TB. I dunno, for the life of me I simply do not understand why anyone bothers with these startup independent builders when there are loads of established boutique companies flogging stuff everywhere. What is it that you expect to gain?
  2. Ha..Rock With You, nice find..That little bit of distortion on the bass.. never noticed before... beautiful groove, played it a ton of times. Love it.
  3. Now youve opened a can of worms. I mean what is great music? The more I think about this the more scary it becomes. There are young people out there today who absolutely love that dirgey droney noise in Tesco. Then there's me and Ive just had a play along to Frankie Vallies, Cant Take My Eyes Off You, cause musicaly its huge fun to play. So what is best. The Tesco dirge or Frankie? Maybe these conversations are just not worth it...who knows?
  4. Sorry but Ive been to Saturday afternoon jams where the git picked a key, we play for a bit then would all look at each other and say nah.. this is boring as heck. Tight crisp playing does not equate to great music. Check out Oz Noy for super clever meandering of a Jazz nature.
  5. The real world where ony people with great song writing talent would be allowed to produce anything? As in back in the day where you went to a old school producer or publisher who would tell you in no unceratin terms how crap your stuff really is. Happened to me many moons ago, it was the norm. "Dont phone us lads we'll phone you, and thanks for coming in" Well lets hope so, bring it on, it cant come sooner.
  6. Never mind AI how about..the spectre of "young person strumming guitar and thinking there Joni Mitchell/ Dylan etc ". If I have to listen to anymore whiney droney dirge on Clive Andersons Saturday night radio show... All Im hearing is what I used to warble on a beat up ole Epihone acoustic when I was a kid and I know I have not an ounce of song writing talent.
  7. "and claims more than 10 million people have used its tool to make music" And like lemmings over the cliff, lambs to the slaughter everyone just goes along with it?? "Oh great a tool to make music" It must be good then. Iam truly perplexed at what is happening in the world right now.
  8. Play them. Still playing two sets of old dead Chromes. Barky, punchy, with tons of mid range. Perfect.
  9. Its a cultural/class thing and Ive never understood why. Americans expect you to haggle, Brits are positively offended if you try.
  10. Nope. Nip in the bud immediately and do it in a way that shows you have supreme confidence in your position in the band.. Yes its a test but they've dropped the ball now it needs to be deflated. If they get ruffled over this then their unprofessional attitude was going to show itself anyhow at some other point in the future... best to get it out of the way asap. Your the bassist, end of.
  11. Just watched Bootleg Beatles at IOW...flippin good or what. Those old Beatles tunes are not easy to get right or play authenticaly. Nice work.
  12. Very good indeed. Ive tried complex prog but without a chart.. darned if I can remember enough. That was really, really good.
  13. Here too, tho a coupe of yrs earlier. But the primary way I leaned bass was just to just pick it up and start jamming with records (remember those!). If he's a violinist it wont take him long to figure out the notes. I think the one thing that will propel him is to pick his favourite tune. Playing along to a fav piece of music is a super fast way to figure the fretboard etc.
  14. I swear his tone here, all these decades later is the same as his tone on 'Forget Me Knots' and all on a beat up early 70's P bass. Talent.
  15. Never mind AI the biggest threat to music today is the simple fact that everyone including the Dog thinks thay can do it. If I have to listen again that horrendous childish chord progression everyone seems to use nowdays....... Couldnt wait to get out of my local tesco the other night. wth?
  16. For my money completely dead flats played with a light touch is where its at, and I cut the bass on the amp a bit and push the mids a bit. A recent play back of my CV70 P bass going out thru the pa and I might as well have been playing the bridge PU on a J bass. Crystal clear gnarly mid range punch but with more heft.
  17. John Lydon is so utterly unique and iconic he is ....the Sex Pistols. You can substitute any of the band members but without JL its just not quite right... kind of Steve Jones and his mates which ain't the SP's.
  18. Im over 50 but up until about ten yrs ago Id never really listened to Classical music. Now I get it, now I get why old crappy classical music is still huge. Music which is written with tunefulness in mind is always great. Dare I shop in the Co-Op where Im subjected to what can only be described as very very poorly written rap style nursery rhymes which 50 yrs ago wouldnt even pass muster at your local Kindergarden. Thats what Im getting at.
  19. The ads Ive seen on TV are full of under 50's, way under. . I still hold my case. Old tunes are simply more tuneful, more interstng and just plain better than anything today.
  20. Its a deadly serious Q. TV people arent stupid, far from it, and Im totaly familiar with what passes for music today....Cant go in a shop or store so yes I know. So where are ur Adels, Sheerans, girl bands, boy bands, guitar bands etc....Im hearing none of them apart from the odd bit of watered down ....Rap? in current TV advertising. Guess its a simple answer . Old tunes tended in the main to tell very clear stories and were very well written....TV people know.
  21. Every other ad now aimed at young people playing a jolly tune from yesteryear... expecially the 70's. So yeah I rest my case, the 70's really was the best decade for diverse music, whether happy, groovy, difficult, miserable, edgy, funny...you name it and every single one melodic and written for the job it was set out to do, and yep Agadoo is a superbly written party tune, in fact so many tunes from then sound like party tunes..... Question is why arent the TV big wigs using stuff from todays current crop of "artists"?
  22. Ha.. a great question sir. It was a bloody nightmare with the entire band lifting shoving, sweating, cursing, you name it. Funny thing is it always sounded ok...I cant remember the musician having to tinker too much, but yes the good old days really.. where you had to work for everything. Kids today got it way too easy now....he said. But I loved it back then, everything was organic, real if you like. Real kit, real gear.
  23. As some of the above really, not so much band break up .. more of the "your joking right"?. Decades ago was in a very good prog rock outfit.....Melotrone, rotos, two guitards..long hair all over the place...gnarly old school JBL, Altec, EV PA, desk etc ... tour bus and then one night after a gig I get the message that those running the show wanted 85 quid from each band member for more PA. This was 1980 and that was a lot of dosh. We'd done some demos but they werent good enough so I said, surely better to pay for more demos..."Nope, more PA is gonna make us". From then on it was never gonna work and I left....I was pretty sad cause live we were very good...just needed more time in the studio. We were Marillion before they were even a band and our tunes were more melodic and more interesting in my opinion... but hey there you go, and without sounding to smug, six months later they broke up.
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