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Posts posted by diskwave

  1. Never ever use wire wool on an instrument...it gets in the electrics, scratches the finish...terrible stuff.  To dull. Strip it right down and yes then use 1500 to 2000 wet and dry wet with a tiny drop of washing liquid....will look mnaturally worn afterwards albeit scratchy and duller. having said that I'd just trade it for a CV 70's or 60's jazz....Brill instruments.

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  2. What does it all mean? In my old school world its a superbly written iconic pop tune but is that the reason it's there or is something else going on...Surely kids today want something from there own scene making the top for xmas...Wheres Ed Sheeran, Adele, et al?

  3. Well someone had to say it....Anyway mines a pint and ..Slades Merry Christmas, and Eltons Step Into Christmas...Couple of stomping party tunes if ever with some tasty bass work...having said that Ive also done that Mariah Carey thing and it's fun too... specially with a chorus of drunken females sharing the lead. Now that was.. a party to remember, ha

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  4. 2 hours ago, Dan Dare said:

    Depends on the individual.

    Sorry I just do not agree. Your there to work (someones paying) even when ur not playing u shld be thinking, engaging even if you dont really want to...pretend!  Goodness knows Ive done it enough back in the day. It also suggests that there is a lack of chemistry when band memebers attention starts 'wondering off so to speak.

  5. 16 minutes ago, Jonge McLengo said:

    I don’t know, it’s quite nice to have something to do while listening to the guitar player balls up the same overdub in the same place over and over and over

    And ..'that's why he's messing it up cause you look like you could'nt care less. It was always the case tho not nessecarily easy to sit there..head up and taking an interest in what the other band members were doing....Absolutely nothing worse in a control room than a band member demonstrating little interest in what everyones doing as they either read or mess about doing something else.

  6. ........Jamerson at the top cause he's the only one on the list who had no contemporarys to copy from...every single other bassist on that list has been influenced by a preceeding electric bassist of one sort or another...even Macca was influenced by Jamerson.

    Bernard Edwards cause he intruduced some revolutionary right hand playing techniques... and Jaco cause he alone started the whole ..."wah".. modern jazz playing thing.. the rest are all variations on those three founders.

  7. As with everything today which is sub standard.... the phone. It's the phone thats messing with everthing and everyone. No one toaday can focus on anything....always playing with the phone. Back in the day there were no distractions and you were 100% focused on the job.  If what Im reading is the way it is now and I ran a studio? All phones would be left outside until the job is finished.

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  8. 1 hour ago, BigRedX said:

    I worked with many signed up/chart bands bands in the 80/90 who weren't up to scratch in the playing dept and they certainly weren't replaced. There would have been a mutiny if they had been. 

    Back in the day they would have been sent off for coffee and a session outfit would have done the biz...Happened all the time back in the 60's, 70's. Its a myth that record companies paid gazillions for no name musicians to spend days doing retakes ad nauseum. Name bands like Floyd, Queen who were accomplished musicians anyway, totally different matter. I've done sessions onto 4' tape and the pressure to get value for money was immense...

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  9. 56 minutes ago, TimR said:


    In the 70s you needed to be able to play live in the first place. 


    Unless you had a load of money, you weren't going into the studio to record. You couldn't fix vocals or bad notes quickly. You'd have to redo and drop in  whole lines.


    Audiences didn't have pocket video cameras. 


    This had several effects but mainly people were used to hearing real music by real musicians.


    Now music is so sanitised that almost anyone can put out something from their bedroom that sounds 'good', but everyone expects perfection. Top selling artists won't perform live as they are afraid of not being able to reproduce the studio quality that people have come to expect.


    It'll only get worse with AI as 'engineers' decide that straight lines drawn by human artists must be over-drawn using rulers.

    Absolutely. Saw that horrendous Apple Mac ad the other night where she presses a button and then says shes written a tune...But the thing is, the "sample" used was originally created back in the day by an extremely talented musician. This entire thing is completely unsustainable...  Oh and just to bang on endlessly...yet more adverts aimed at 'young people' using "crappy" old'... pop stuff from the 70's. No Adele, Sheeran or any of them... and I think we all know why.

  10. Feel like Im living a mad cap parallel universe. Go listen to any old heavy/power rock music recorded in the 70's. No click, no this and that or the other...and bloody brilliant!. If everyone cencentrated on playing freely with heart and soul you wouldn't need all this stuff.

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  11. The title is etiquette, It does seem to have morphed into general studio chitchat, which is cool. Anyway one observation. How does tightening up the tempo make the final recording good? Gazillions of old recordings made without post recording tempo management, and those old tunes are now industry standard gold. Maybe someone could help me out. 

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  12. Just a guess. Is the OP talking about that lush J bass bedroom sound so enjoyed by a lot of younger players..the one which sadly disappears once on stage.

    My home playalong sound is a bone dry grey/middly tone with dead flats which on its own sounds a bit dull I suppose you might say...however stick on a track..reduce the bass on the music box and that dry tone could almost be in the mix.   

  13. 2 hours ago, Tim2291 said:

    Sadly I think they are just trying to get more money in store and preying on people who don't do their research!

    This. Stores are now the Saturday afternoon domain of mum,dad and the grandparents who dont know much and will just hand over the money, meanwhile those in the know will trawl online and just get it cheap anywhere. 

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