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  1. I used to have a Two Notes Le Bass which has since disappeared on to my daughters pedal board so I'm in need of a new preamp. I really liked the nice bit of valve overdrive from the Le Bass and found the DI really useful so I was going to get another but I see it's been superseded by the Revolt. I think I might find the modern drive channel really useful as well as the vintage channel. Has anyone used both? Is the new one as good/better?
  2. Scheduled Diarrhea - Clown Core
  3. Up The Bracket - The Libertines
  4. Unfortunately the don't do a Stingray style humbucker but Tonerider pickups are pretty good and decent value. I've used their classic P style pickup before and it sounded great. A good upgrade on my old Squier, at least as good as Mexican Fender pickups.
  5. Some ceramic pickups are more powerful than some alnico pickups although that doesn't really effect tone. My old Sterling Ray35 sounded really close to a MM Stingray and that had alnico pickups with a Darkglass tone capsule preamp.
  6. The stock Roswell pickups are really pretty decent. You'll be spending good money to beat them. You won't get it to sound like a Stingray because the pickup position is wrong and most Stingrays are active.
  7. I find the same with picks. Different thickness, material, shape, picking positions, the angle I hold the pick all makes a difference.
  8. Madagascan, hand caught, wild, organic tort obviously.
  9. I'm working my way through the lineup for a festival I'm going to this summer (ArcTanGent) and this morning it's Lowen. This is really good. Not sure how to describe it so here's a video
  10. Let's be honest, if you bass isn't made from the heart wood of the rarest tree in the western central region of the upper amazon, crafted by 800 year old artisans from a lost village on a remote island and painted using a 400 year old secret recipe for a colour known as slugs nipple and then strung with flat wound, hand forged uranium strings then your tone will always sound like s**t
  11. It's good to know what sounds you get from picking in different positions. I used to have a really clanky, nasty, distorted metal tone but found that for solo parts if I picked at the base of the fretboard, it was much more acceptable and then move back to picking over the bridge pickup when the guitars came back in.
  12. Amnesia - Swans
  13. Boredom - The Buzzcocks
  14. Have you heard Steve Harris and Cliffs bass tone in isolation? They're not pleasant. They both created a tone which cut through fantastically well to sound good with the band.
  15. You can't cut or boost frequencies that aren't there.
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