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Posts posted by SteveXFR

  1. I once saw legendary stoner metal band Kyuss live. Obviously all the band were high but drummer Brant Bjork had clearly had a lot of hallucinogenic and was out of his tree. He was definitely seeing something strange. He didn't miss a beat though. Absolutely solid for the whole show. At the end, he just sat there while the band left the stage, a tech had to come back on and get him.

  2. 5 hours ago, BigRedX said:


    For me the whole point of being bass player is to be in a band, and I accept all the commitments that go with that.


    If I just wanted to play at home I'd be focusing my attention on playing the guitar or keyboards.


    Yeah, I've given up playing for now. I found being in a band stressful and then after that I got bored playing at home.

  3. Remember it's far more important to keep the timing tight than to play every note in the original song. To start with, keep it simple but tight with the drummer. Consider leaving out fills etc while you work on learning to follow the drums.

    Playing in a band isn't for everyone, it wasn't for me. You need to be totally committed. You can't skip practice to do something else and you have to make yourself available for gigs. Everyone in the band relies on everyone else being there.

    Get some decent earplugs, you'll spend a lot of time very close to a drum kit and something to take the edge off will make it much more comfortable. 

    Final tip. Forget about YOUR tone. You need a tone which cuts through the mix and compliments it. My bass tone with a metal band was really horrible in isolation but what you'd hear with the guitar sounded perfect. 

  4. Last night Welsh punks Pizza Tramp played our local. They weren't amazing.

    The opening act were absolutely brilliant though. They were a grindcore band from Bristol called Priest Crippler. They were brutally heavy and absolutely hilarious. It was part extreme metal, part standup comedy.

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  5. This last year I've been getting more and more in to post metal so I thought I'd start a thread where nerdy metal heads can share some good stuff.

    My current favourite is Bossk, they were incredible at Arctangent a couple weeks back. I was absolutely blown away by their Sunday set.





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  6. I've no objection to a solo in a song. There are a lot of them which don't add to the song and don't even really feel like part of the song.

    My favourite one is in Floods by Pantera and although it's a guitar solo, it's backed up by an awesome bass parts. The solo is from 3:50 in this video


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  7. I've been wondering recently why almost every rock & hard rock song has a guitar solo? Where did the rule that there has to be a solo originate? Was there a band that started it?

    I've heard a lot of clasic rock recently (not by choice) and there seems to be a lot of songs with solos which don't really add to the song, they just seem to be there because there has to be something to fill the time.


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